Title: Story Segmentation of Broadcast News
1Story Segmentation of Broadcast News
- Mehrbod Sharifi mehrbod_at_cs.columbia.edu
- Thanks to Andrew Rosenberg
- mehrbod/presentations/SSegDec06.pdf
2GALE (Global Autonomous Language Exploitation)
- to absorb, analyze and interpret huge volumes
of speech and text in multiple languages,
eliminating the need for linguists and analysts
and automatically providing relevant, distilled
actionable information - Transcription Engines (ASR)
- Translation Engines (MT)
- Distillation Engines (QAIR)
- http//projects.ldc.upenn.edu/gale/
- http//www.darpa.mil/ipto/Programs/gale/
3(No Transcript)
4Task Story Segmentation
- Input
- .sph audio files from TDT-4 corpus distributed
by LDC - .rttmx output from other collaborators of GALE
project (all automated, one word per row) - Speaker boundaries (Chuck at ICSI)
- ASR words, start end time, confidence, phone
durations (Andreas at SRI/ICSI) - Sentence boundaries probabilities (Dustin at UW)
- Gold standard annotated story boundaries
- Output
- .rttmx files with story boundaries (generated by
a method that performs well on unseen data) - /n/squid/proj/gale1/AA/eng-tdt4/tdt4-eng-rttmx-121
5Task Story Segmentation
- Event specific thing that happens at a specific
time and place along with all necessary
preconditions and unavoidable consequences - U.S. Marine jet sliced a funicular cable in
Italy in February 1998, the cable car's crash to
earth and the subsequent injuries were all
unavoidable consequences and thus part of the
same event. - Topic an event or activity, along with all
directly related events and activities - Story News stories may be of any length, even
fewer than two independent clauses, as long as
they constitute a complete, cohesive news report
on a particular topic. Note that single news
stories may discuss more than one related topic. - http//www.ldc.upenn.edu/Projects/TDT4/Annotation/
6Task Story Segmentation
- Example 3898 words / 263 sentences / 26 stories
(? reject or low confidence word) - ?
- ? ? headlines ? ?
- good evening everyone ...report on war ...
gillian findlay a. b. c. news ? - turning to politics ... election - Gore ... a.
b. c. news ? ? - this is ron claiborne ... election - Bush ...
a. b. c. news ? ? - ? as for the two other candidates ... said the
same - still ahead ... teaser ... camera man
- this is world news ... commercials ... was a
woman - turning to news overseas ... election ... no
matter what - its just days after a deadly ferry sinking in
greece ... safety tests - mehrbod/rttmx/eng/20001001_1830_1900_ABC_WNT.rttm
x - mehrbod/out/eng.ANC_WNT.txt
7Task Story Segmentation
- How difficult is it?
- Topic vs. Story
- Segment classes
- New story
- Teaser
- Misc.
- Under-transcribed
- Error accumulated from previous processes
8Current Approach - Summary
- Align story boundaries with sentence boundaries
- Extract sentence level features
- Lexical
- Acoustic
- Speaker-dependent
- Train and evaluate a decision tree classifier
(J48 or JRip) - http//www1.cs.columbia.edu/amaxwell/pubs/storyse
9Current Approach - Features
- Lexical (various windows)
- TextTiling, LCSeg, keywords, sentence position
and length - Acoustic
- Pitch and Intensity min, max, median, mean, std.
dev., mean absolute slope - Pause, speaking rate (voiced frame / total)
- Vowel Duration Mean vowel length, sentence final
vowel length, sentence final rhyme length - Second order of the above
- Speaker
- speaker distribution, speaker turn, first in the
10Current Approach - Results
- Report in the HLT paper for full feature set at
the sentence level
 F1 (p,r) Pk WinDiff Cseg
English .421(.67,.32) 0.194 0.318 0.067
Mandarin .592(.73,.50) 0.179 0.245 0.068
Arabic .300(.65,.19) 0.264 0.353 0.085
pk (Beeferman et al., 1999) WindowDiff (Pevzner
and Hearst, 2002) Cseg (Doddington, 1998)
11Improvements In Progress
- Looking for ways to reduce the negative effect of
error inherited from upstream processes (ASR, SU
and speaker detection) - Adding/modifying features to make them more
flexible to error - Analyzing the current features and discard those
that are not discriminative or descriptive enough - Improving the framework for the package
12Word Level vs. Sentence Level
- Pros
- Eliminate the error on sentence boundary
detection (it becomes a feature) - No need for story boundary alignment
- Cons
- More chance for error and lower baseline
- Higher risk of over fitting
13Word Level vs. Sentence Level
14Word Level - Features
- Providing information about a window preceding,
surrounding or following the current word to
provide more information - Acoustic features were done for windows of five
words - Similar idea for other features, e.g.,
- _at_attribute speaker_boundary TRUE,FALSE
- _at_attribute same_speaker_5 TRUE,FALSE
- _at_attribute same_speaker_10 TRUE,FALSE
- _at_attribute same_speaker_20 TRUE,FALSE
15Word Level - Features
- Feature analysis for sentence level features
- e.g., for ABC show using Weka (ordered list)
Chi Square Information Gain
sent_position sent_position
pauselen pauselen
start_time start_time
keywords_after_5 speaker_distribution
keywords_after_10 end_time
end_time keywords_after_5
16Word Level - Features
- Word ASR confidence score, (_at_reject_at_ or score lt
0.8) Boolean and count in various window widths - Word introduction
17Word Level - Results
18Future Directions
- Finding a reasonable segmentation strategy,
followed by - clustering on featured extracted from segments
- Sentences gt ALS
- Pause gt L
- acoustic tiling gt LS
- Sequential Modeling
- Performing more morphological analysis
particularly in Arabic - Using the rest of the story and topic labels
- Using other parts of the TDT and/or external
information for training WordNet, WSJ, etc. - Experimenting with other classifiers JRip, SVM,
Bayesian, GMM, etc.
19Thank you. Questions?