Title: Environment Management Framework EMF
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2Environment Management Framework (EMF)
Vocational Training Improvement Project
Directorate of Vocational Education Training,
Maharashtra State, Mumbai
3What is Environment ?
4Applicable Environmental Legislations/Codes
- Water (Prevention Control of Pollution) Act,
1974 - Air (Prevention Control of Pollution) Act,
1981 - Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
- Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules,
2000 - Municipal Solid Waste (Management Handling)
Rules, 2000 - Hazardous Wastes (Management Handling) Rules,
1989 - Forest Conservation Act, 1980
- Ancient Monuments Arch. Sites Remains Act,
1958 - Wildlife Protection Act, 2002
- CRZ Notification
- National Buildings Code of India 2005
- Eco-Housing Assessment Criteria
- Urban Development Plans and Building Guidelines
5Applicable Labour Laws
- Factories Act, 1948
- Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act,
1986 - Inter-state Migrant Workmens (Regulation of
Employment Condition of Service) Act, 1979 - Building Other Construction Workers (Regulation
of Employment Condition of Service) Act, 1979
6Background EA and EMF in the Project
7Need for Environmental Management
- Environmental principles are incorporated into
the location/siting, design, construction,
operation and maintenance of the ITIs and other
buildings. - Industry-specific environmental, health, and
occupational safety issues are adequately built
in the curriculum for the improved vocational
education system. - Demand-driven industry-specific environmental
issues relevant for international benchmarking of
the industries and the educational system are
incorporated in the curriculum. - The current good practices are expanded and
8Case Study Selection
- A relatively small, but credible set of samples
was taken up for assessment of existing
situation. - Geographic location/Siting
- (Such as urban/rural hilly/coastal/flood
prone) - Climatic condition
- (Hot/humid/dry/arid)
- Polluting trade/Pollution potential
- (Chemical/Plastic/Hospitality/Construction
/Automobile) - Upgraded/Not upgraded
- (Whether upgraded to COE or not)
9Environmental Issues Identified
- Site planning and design issues
(Location/Site Planning/Accessibility/
Design) - Construction Issues (Both New/Up-grading)
- Maintenance Issues
- Resource Consumption Issues
- Issues related to Environ. Augmentative Measures
- Training Capacity Building Issues
- Information Sharing and Related Issues
10Location Selection, Site Lay-out and Building
11ITI Campus Location on a Water Body
12Water Logging and Drainage Issues
13Drainage and Waste Disposal Issues
14Site Drainage Issues
15Planning Related Issues
16Planning Related Issues
17Natural Light and Ventilation
18Natural Light and Ventilation
19Waste Management and Pollution
Planning Related Issues
Building Materials ??
21Protection of Property (Security Issues etc.)
22Campus Management and Related Aspects
23Construction Material
Building Maintenance Issues
24Building Safety Issues
25Space Availability Issues
26Untidy Classrooms and Corridors
27Unhygienic Water Supply Conditions
28Unhygienic Sanitary Conditions
29Unhygienic Sanitary Conditions
30Unhygienic and Improper Wastewater Disposal
31Stagnant/ Wastewater Accumulation
32Wastewater Accumulation Near Kitchen / Mess Areas
33Burning of Wastes in the Campus
34Hazardous Waste Material Storage Issues
35Soil and Water Contamination Hazardous Materials
36Material Storage and Related Issues
37Waste Material Storage and Related Issues
38Waste Material Storage within Class Rooms
39Campus Cleaning and Site Maintenance Issues
40Poor First Aid and Emergency Response Arrangements
41Use of Improper Construction Material
42Lack of Landscaping, Campus Aesthetics etc.
43Construction Management and Related Aspects
44Poor Construction Management, Timing and
Sequencing of Works
45Safety of Students and Teachers ???
46Labour and Related Issues
- Wages
- Accommodation
- Sanitation
- Basic Facilities
- First Aid
47Site Clean-up and Related Issues
48Worker Safety Issues
49Erosion (and siltation) due to Unconsolidated
Debris Disposal
50Basic Issues / Constraints .
- Lack of Awareness / Understanding
- Lack of Man-power / Training
51Do we have any other choice except to accept our
new responsibilities ?
52Environment Management Framework - Approach and
53Environment Management Framework
Optimizing Natural Resources
Optimizing Benefits to People
Creating Sustainable Assets
54Components of EMF
- EHS considerations in Site Planning and Building
Design - EHS considerations during implementation/construct
ion - Integration into Curriculum Revision
55Environment Management is all about
Avoidance Minimization
Management Mitigation
56Location Selection, Site Lay-out and Building
Design Good Practices
57EMF integration during Site Planning (New
- Local/Micro Environment (Site and Surroundings)
- (Streams/Waste Dump Sites)
- Natural/Site Drainage
- Site Topography
- Lay-out (Whether Solar Active/Solar Passive)
- Builtup area/Land Area (Adequacy)
- Boundary wall (Safety/Security/Encroachment)
- Parking space (Adequacy)
58EMF integration during Site Planning
- Hazard Zone Considerations
- (Earthquake, Cyclone, Floods, Land slides
etc.) - Preserve existing vegetation and bio-diversity to
be preserved - Prevention of soil erosion
- Landscaping
- Plantation (Shade trees)
- Treating Heat Islands (Pavements and walkways
painted in light colors, 40 of non-roof area to
be shaded with trees)
59EMF integration during Building Design
- Design as per standards
- Maintain the min. mandatory distances
- Natural Light and Ventilation
- Barrier free access
- Boundary Wall
- Energy efficiency
- Escape routes
- Green Building Codes
- Signage
- Avoid carcinogenic materials like ACC
- Use locally available stones and other materials
- Promote Wood substitutes/Fly-ash use
- Promote Energy efficient devices/CFL lamps
60EMF integration during Building Design
- Utility Systems
- (Sewage, power, water, telecommunication,
storm water etc.) - Toxic runoff (Collection, Storage and Disposal)
- Passive solar heating to be attempted by
orienting buildings - to reduce heat intake during summer months
- Appropriate shading devices (chajjas) to be
planned - Window area/space to be provided as per NBC
provisions - Barrier free planning for physically challenged
persons including one specific toilet for them on
each floor - Clear floor heights to be as per NBC
- Sufficient fire escape routes to be provided
61Building Materials
RCC Blended PPC cement as per Supreme
Courts notice, sand and aggregate from
pulverized debris / or sintered fly
ash Alternative structural system Ferro
cement, ready mix concrete, resinous curing
agents Masonry Fly ash sand lime
bricks (IS 4139) or Pulverized debris cement
bricks or light weight cement blocks (IS 2185),
Phospho-gypsum based blocks (IS12679) Mortar
Sand as in RCC above Plaster Calcium
Silicate Plaster or cement plaster as per IS 1542
or fiber reinforced clay plaster or phospho
gypsum plaster or non-erodable mud plaster,
resinous curing agent instead of water Roofing
and ceiling Fiber reinforced polymer
instead of PVC micro concrete roofing
tiles Doors and windows Ferro cement for
lintols, jalis, chajjas and door frames, recycled
steel or aluminum channels use of boards to be
preferred over timber, PVC/FRP doors to be
considered for wet areas.
62Building Services
- Water Supply and Sewerage
- Maintain uniform pressure at each floor all
faucets and fixtures to be of low flow rate
avoid ornamental fixtures plant indigenous
plants with low water requirement on site
recycled water if available can be used for
gardening sprinklers to be used for gardens. - Drinking water
- To be treated to the required quality
- Out door lighting
- Renewable energy based lighting system to be used
(solar PV, biomass, wind etc.) - Indoor Lighting
- CFLs and fluorescent tubes to reduce energy
consumption - Solar water heating system
- Can be provided for hot water in hostels
- Waste Management
- Separate bins for bio-degradable,
non-biodegradable and recyclable waste a
separate collection system for batteries
vermi-composting or anaerobic digestion to be
tried. - Rain water harvesting
63- Electrical
- Non-plastic PVC or RDPE products instead of
Al/copper/Brass. Products with recycled aluminum
and brass components can be used - Plumbing
- RCC, unplasticised PVC to be used, where possible
us fittings from re-cycled aluminum and brass,
polymer plastic pipes to be used for water supply - Water-proofing
- Epoxy resins instead of tar-felt
- Paint and Polish
- Use cement paints (IS5410) / epoxy resin paints
for external surfaces. Water based paints,
enamels, primers and polishes etc. - No asbestos based materials to be used.
64Example - Building Services
- Include all service design into corridor
electrical, water, drainage, solid waste etc. - Promote environmental augmentative measures like
rain water harvesting in arid areas, grey water
recycling etc. -
- Submittal requirements
- Wiring diagrams
- Luminous efficacy of each luminary type used
Detailed Plumbing and Drainage plans - Sewage disposal mechanism
- Solid waste management system and plan with
narrative description - Water consumption details
65Site Layout
66Site Planning and Design Related Issues
67Parking Spaces
68Cost Savings through Appropriate Technology
- Technology For Saving
- Foundations 15 25
- Walling (Super Structure)
5 - 30 - Roofing 10 - 40
- Miscellaneous Items 20 - 60
69Roofing Options
- Eg - Filler Slab
- Developed by Laurie Baker
- Concrete at the bottom replaced by inert filler
materials such as bricks, hourdies, tiles, pots,
pans, etc. - Safe Structurally sound
- Better insulation properties
- Savings in concrete
- Reduction in cost
- Soffit of the slab aesthetically pleasing
- Plastering of the ceilings could be avoided
achieving further cost reduction.
70Campus Management and Related Issues Good
71Natural Light and Ventilation
- Building Orientation
- Building Design / Features
72Emergency services
73Fire Safety
Electric Hazards
House Keeping
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77Waste Collection Bins
Nursery Establishment
78Rain Water Harvesting System
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83Construction Management and Related Issues Good
84EMF integration during Construction Stage
- Top Soil Preservation
- Construction stage building safety measures to be
as per NBC (Part 7) - Avoid night time construction
- Child Labour Regulations
- Sanitation and basic facilities for labour
- Day care facility for labours children at site
- Control noise levels
- Re-use of waste/surplus construction material
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87Waste Utilization
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89Display of Safety Awareness Material
90Bio-engineering for Slope Protection
91Integration into Design Drawings and Bid
All Building Design Drawings and
Contract Documents should be in line with the EMF
- Cost-saving modifications in project design
- Avoids violations of laws and regulations
- Improves Health and Safety Conditions
- Reduces/minimizes pollution of the local
environment - Improves Quality of Working and Living
Environment - Avoids treatment/clean up costs
- Reduces Maintenance Costs
- Improves over-all project performance
93Curriculum Revision
94Environment in the Present Curriculum
- The Section A deals with the Social Sciences
which includes - Five year plans
- Constitution of India
- Work Environment and Worker education
- Occupational Hazards and Safety measures
- Human Relations and Labour Unions
- The Section B deals with Population Education
- National Family planning programmes
- Population growth and its Social and Economic
impacts in India - AIDS and Venereal Diseases
- Consumption of Drugs
- The Section C deals with the issues related to
the Environment under the title of Energy
Conservation Environment Management. - Energy and its Conservations
- Natural Resources
95Exiting Coverage of Environmental/Health/Occupati
onal Safety Issues
Recently, the course curriculum has been revised
to include the emerging environmental concept
issues like Energy Conservation Environment
- Trade Related /Trade Specific Environmental
Management Issues are not covered - Course Delivery Mechanism requires major
96Environmental, Health Safety Issues in
Curriculum Revision
1. Generic Module Common for all (Environment/EHS
Standards) 2. Specific Modules for Trades with
high Pollution Potential
97- Increased Coverage of Environmental, Health,
Occupational Safety Issues - Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14000 to
18000) - Cleaner Production
- Good House Keeping
- ECOTEL (for Hospitality Industries)
- Green Building (For Construction)
- Value Chain Improvement
- The inclusion of latest and state of the art
equipment into training modules - Industry guest lectures
- Visit to the sites for practical training
98How much does implementing an EMF cost?
99How to achieve EMF Compliance ?
100Pillars of Environment Management
Identification of Key Issues
Institutional Responsibility
Environment Management Framework
Monitoring Evaluation
101Develop a sequenced, prioritized list of actions
102Pick the low-hanging fruit first - nothing
succeeds like success!
103Communicate, Communicate, Communicate .
104You get what you inspect, not what you expect !