Title: Fluids and Faulting:
1Fluids and Faulting Water and Earthquakes in
Mark Zoback Stanford University
California Colloquium on Water October 12, 2004
2Earthquakes and Fluid Injection
Waste Injection Denver Arsenal
Fluid Injection Rangely Oil Field
3Coulomb Criterion Frictional Sliding
Coefficient of Friction
4Earthquakes and Fluid Withdrawal
(after Segall, 1989)
5Earthquakes, Plate Tectonics and Water
6Intraplate Earthquakes and Water
7The Lithosphere is in a State of Failure
EquilibriumResulting in a Critically-Stressed
Zoback and others (2003)
8Critically-Stressed Crust KTB Stress Profile
Zoback and Harjes (1997)
9Permeability of Faulted Crust is High Which
Maintains Hydrostatic Fluid Pressure
10Strong Crust in Intraplate Areas Hydrostatic Pore
Townend and Zoback (2001)
How Faulting Keeps the Crust Strong
11Dixie Valley, Nevada
12Steam Production From Stillwater Fault
13Earthquakes and Water Why are Plate Boundaries
Weaker Than Plates?
14S an A ndreas F ault O bservatory at D epth
Testing Fundamental Theories Of Faulting
Through Scientific Drilling
A New View into Earth
A program for study of the structure, dynamics
and evolution of the North American continent
16San Andreas Fault Observatory at DepthProject
Overview and Science Goals
- Test fundamental theories of earthquake
mechanics - Determine structure and composition of the fault
zone. - Measure stress, permeability and pore pressure
conditions in situ. - Determine frictional behavior, physical
properties and chemical processes controlling
faulting through laboratory analyses of fault
rocks and fluids. - Establish a long-term observatory in the fault
zone - Characterize 3-D volume of crust containing the
fault. - Monitor strain, pore pressure and temperature
during the cycle of repeating microearthquakes. - Observe earthquake nucleation and rupture
processes in the near field.
17SAFOD Project History
- 1992 Asilomar Workshop on San Andreas Fault Zone
Drilling - 1994 Marconi Workshop on Site Characterization
- 1994 Menlo Park Workshop on Site Selection
- 1994 Geophysical Surveys of Middle Mountain
Begin - 1996 NSF Project Proposal
- 1998 NSF Proposal Package (with 68 PIs from U.S.
Universities, USGS, DOE Labs and Foreign
Institutions) - 1999 EarthScope initiative first proposed by NSF
- 2000 Dense Seismic Network (PASO) Installed
- 2001 International Workshop on Borehole
Instrumentation and Near-Source Seismology - 2001 Parkfield Seismic Imaging Workshop
- 2002 Pilot Hole drilled, funded by ICDP (science
funded by NSF and USGS) Site Characterization
Studies employing downhole array begin - 2003 EarthScope funded
- 2004 SAFOD Drilling Starts!
- Why are major plate-boundary faults like the San
Andreas weak? - What is the fluid pressure within and adjacent to
the fault zone and how does it vary during a
seismic cycle? - What is the origin and composition of fault zone
fluids? - How do stress orientations and magnitudes vary
across the fault zone? - What factors control the nucleation, propagation,
arrest and recurrence of earthquake rupture - How are stress and strain transferred along or
between faults over different time scales? - What are the width and structure (geologic and
thermal) of the active fault zone at depth? - What are the mineralogies, deformation mechanisms
and frictional properties of the fault rocks? - What processes lead to the localization of
deformation within the fault zone? - What are the permeabilities of fault-zone
materials and country rock? - What is the extent of chemical water-rock
interaction and how does this effect fault-zone
behavior? - What is the origin of low-velocity/high-electrical
-conductivity zones associated with the fault
zone? - How is energy partitioned within the fault zone
between seismic radiation, frictional heating and
other processes?
- Why are major plate-boundary faults like the San
Andreas weak? - What is the fluid pressure within and adjacent to
the fault zone and how does it vary during a
seismic cycle? - What is the origin and composition of fault zone
fluids? - How do stress orientations and magnitudes vary
across the fault zone? - What factors control the nucleation, propagation,
arrest and recurrence of earthquake rupture? - How are stress and strain transferred along or
between faults over different time scales? - What are the width and structure (geologic and
thermal) of the active fault zone at depth? - What are the mineralogies, deformation mechanisms
and frictional properties of the fault rocks? - What processes lead to the localization of
deformation within the fault zone? - What are the permeabilities of fault-zone
materials and country rock? - What is the extent of chemical water-rock
interaction and how does this effect fault-zone
behavior? - What is the origin of low-velocity/high-electrical
-conductivity zones associated with the fault
zone? - How is energy partitioned within the fault zone
between seismic radiation, frictional heating and
other processes?
20San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD)
North American Plate
The central scientific objective of SAFOD is to
directly measure the physical and chemical
processes that control deformation and earthquake
generation within an active plate-bounding fault
21SAFOD Phase 1 Drilling Summer 2004 (Pilot Hole
drilled summer of 2002)
Phase 1 Rotary Drilling to 2.5 km Drill 12-1/4
hole to 2.5 km. Below kick-off point (1.5 km),
steer hole toward target earthquakes (deviation
55). After setting casing, obtain 20 m cores
at 1.5 and 2.5 km. Conduct permeability tests,
fluid sampling and hydrofracs in core
holes. Collect comprehensive suite of wireline
logs from 0.6 - 2.5 km (electrical and ultrasonic
imaging, density, porosity, resistivity, dipole
sonic, geochemical, temperature, etc.)
San Andreas Fault Zone
M 2.1 Target Earthquake
Resistivities Unsworth Bedrosian
2004 Earthquake locations Steve Roecker Cliff
Thurber 2004
22SAFOD Phase 2 Drilling Summer 2005
Phase 2 Drilling Through Fault Zone Drill
8-1/2 hole at 55 to 3.2 km Conduct full
Logging While Drilling suite (azimuthal density
and resistivity, porosity, fluid pressure,
acoustic, gamma). Periodic (up to 4) 10-m spot
cores. Side-wall cores if possible. Following
open-hole wireline logging (perhaps with
drill-pipe deployment), case and cement
hole. Conduct permeability tests, fluid sampling
and hydrofracs through perforations in cemented
casing (10 tests).
San Andreas Fault Zone
23SAFOD Phase 3 Drilling Summer 2007
San Andreas Fault Zone
Phase 3 Coring the Multi-Laterals Drill 4
multilateral core holes extending 250 m from main
hole. Depths to be determined from data obtained
in Phase 2, plus repeat logging for casing shear
and downhole seismic monitoring (2005-2007).
24SAFOD Observatory Monitoring Instrumentation Depl
oyment in 3 Distinct Stages
25San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD)
North American Plate
Why this site?
26Slip rate inferred from geodetic measurements
1966-1991 (Murray et al. 2001)
Microseismicity 1984 - 1999, up to M 5 (Feliz
Waldhauser Bill Ellsworth)
27Relative Locations of SAFOD Target Earthquakes
Main SAF
Felix Waldhauser (2004)
28(No Transcript)
29Publication of First Scientific Results
(10 papers)
30 SAFOD Phase 1 - Status Drilling Finished
Ahead of Schedule Budget On budget On-Site
Activities 100 Successful Downhole
Measurements 100 Successful Coring and
Cuttings 100 Successful Minifrac -
Successful Fluid Sampling Not Successful. A
long term test is currently underway Observatory
Proceeding Well
31Real-Time Mud Gas Collecting and Analysis System
drill bit
32Pilot Hole Real-Time Mud Gas Logging Results
C isotopic analysis implies biogenic origin
3He/4He implies 9 mantle fluids
Gas composition suggests hydraulic communication
with shallow sed. section
lt 1 mantle fluids
Black lines oxide zones (Rymer). Grey bars
shear zones (Boness and Zoback, 2004)
Erzinger et al., 2004
33(No Transcript)
34Why is There no Frictional Heat Detectable Along
the San Andreas Fault? Does the Fault Have Low
Frictional Strength?
35(No Transcript)
constraint and fault-normal compression (SHmax
at 75or more to SAF) require either
1) Low friction (m 0.1) along the fault and
high friction elsewhere or
2) Super-lithostatic pore pressure confined to
the fault zone and/or 3)
Dynamic weakening mechanisms
37The San Andreas Stress/Heat Flow Paradox
Mojave Desert Profile
Heat Flow Anomaly For 50 MPa Friction
Cajon Pass
Regional H.F. Average
Shallow H.F. Measurements
Brune et al. 1969 Lachenbruch Sass 1973, 1980,
- Absence of heat-flow anomaly indicates San
Andreas Fault much weaker than predicted by
laboratory friction measurements (Byerlees Law). - Groundwater flow not likely to erase thermal
signature of strong SAF, even for wide range of
assumed permeabilities (Saffer et al., 2003
Fulton et al., 2004).
38Williams et al 2004
- Absence of heat-flow anomaly indicates San
Andreas Fault much weaker than predicted by
laboratory friction measurements (Byerlees Law). - Groundwater flow not likely to erase thermal
signature of strong SAF, even for wide range of
assumed permeabilities (Saffer et al., 2003
Fulton et al., 2004).
39Fault-Normal Compression Adjacent to the San
Andreas and Calaveras Faults Indicates Extremely
Low Shear Stress
Calaveras Fault
Townend and Zoback (2001)
Peninsula Seismicity
40(No Transcript)
41How does fluid pressure vary during the
earthquake cycle?
42What are the permeabilities of fault and country
rocks? What is the origin and composition of
fault zone fluids?
Middle Mt.
Kennedy et al. 1997
There is some support for this leaky fault zone
model from geochemical observations along the San
Andreas Fault.
Permeable conduit model requires continual fluid
input from deep crustal fault zone root.
43What is the extent of chemical water-rock
interaction and how does this effect fault-zone
44Fault Sealing and Permeability Reduction Field
and Laboratory Evidence
45Questions to be Addressed with SAFOD
SAFOD Phase 2 Fluid sampling, pore pressure, and
least principal stress (mini fracs) through
47Need a title
Shear Heating Results in Dynamic Weakening
Simple prediction
Segall and Rice, in prep.
constraint and fault-normal compression (SHmax
at 75or more to SAF) require either
1) Low friction (m 0.1) along the fault and
high friction elsewhere or
2) Super-lithostatic pore pressure confined to
the fault zone and/or 3)
Dynamic weakening mechanisms
49 h 3 mm Wibberley (priv. commun., 2003)
50Sept. 28, 2005
51Sept. 28, 2005
52Sept. 28, 2005
53- SAFOD Phase 1 - Status
- Mainshock and Aftershocks Caused no
Operational, Technical or Scientific Problems - Mainshock and Aftershocks Recorded on Pilot
Hole Array - Phase 2 Scheduled to get Underway in May 2005
with a Fluid Sampling Test