Title: Congo Crisis Democratic Republic of Congo
1Congo Crisis(Democratic Republic of Congo)
2Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is a vast and
beautiful country in Central Africa, roughly the
size of western Europe.
It has great mineral wealth and natural
resources, including diamonds, copper and cobalt.
Yet DRC is one of the poorest African countries -
and one of the most in debt. More than a third
of the population does not have enough to eat.
3During five years of civil war, almost four
million people died in DRC - the largest death
toll since World War Two. On January 23 this
year, the government and 22 armed groups signed a
peace agreement, but competition for the
country's resources is fuelling further violence.
Renewed fighting in eastern Congo between
Congolese government troops and rebels has left
an estimated 200,000 people homeless.
4Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo
(DRC) has greatly increased in the last few days,
with a potential two million people displaced
from their homes. 30,000 arrived in a camp near
Goma, the capital city of the area, in a single
day (Tuesday 28 October).
5When they hear of fighting in an area, displaced
people flee again, in whatever direction seems
6People are arriving just outside of the
provincial capital Goma, with whatever they have
been able to escape with. They are setting up
makeshift camps, with whatever materials they can
It is crucial that a ceasefire is brokered as
soon as possible, so that we can reach those most
in need with vital aid. Antonio Cabral CAFOD
Great Lakes Regional Manager (29/10/08)
CAFOD partner Caritas Goma describes the
situation as chaotic. A humanitarian disaster is
unfolding before our eyes.
7CAFOD is part of Caritas International, a global
network of Catholic agencies. CAFOD is working
through Catholic church agencies in DRC Caritas
Goma, Bunia, Bukavu and Butembo Beni. It has also
supported Congolese refugees through Caritas
Yambio. If the security situation allows, these
partners can quickly get support to those
8CAFOD is extremely concerned about the situation
but is well placed to help the Congolese people
through its partners. CAFOD also has good
access to resources for distribution, working
closely with the World Food Programme (WFP). WFP
recognises that local partners have much better
access to respond to situations than most
international agencies.
9Caritas International has launched an appeal
requesting 1.5m CAFOD has already sent
450,000 to Caritas and has launched the Congo
Crisis Appeal in the UK to raise 1m to help the
Congolese people. The money raised from the
appeal will support the efforts of CAFODs
trusted partners, providing basic items, such as
blankets, pots and pans and plastic sheeting to
the thousands now in need.
10Let us pray. Father, we pray for the Democratic
Republic of Congo. May there be a swift end to
the violence and a lasting peace. We pray for
those who have fled from their homes. Give them
reassurance and hope. Let them know that they
are loved and supported. We pray for those who
are helping the displaced people. Give them the
strength and patience they need to work with
compassion and determination. We make this
prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen
11Picture credits REUTERS/Stringer, courtesy
www.alertnet.org Tim Aldred/CAFOD Richard
Wainwright/CAFOD Caritas Goma. Hymn
suggestions Walk with me, O my Lord (Estelle
White) Servant Song (Richard Gilliard) Dona la
Pace (Taize) YouTube video about CAFODs work
in DRC http//www.cafod.org.uk/watch-and-listen/
emergency-videos The situation in DRC is
constantly changing. Keep up to date with
developments via CAFODs website
www.cafod.org.uk/congoappeal All information in
this PowerPoint correct on 30/10/08