Title: Presentation By
- Presentation By
- Egal N. Roble
- (Chief Officer, Procurement Reform)
- Date APRIL 3-4, 2008
2- Introduction/Context
- Role of Borrower
- Role of Bank
- Before Award
- During Award
- After Award
- Anti-Corruption Strategy
- Redress Mechanism
- Integrity Measures
3Financed Operation Translates to
Through Lending Instruments
- Project Loans
- Lines of Credit
- Investment Loans
- Structural Adjustment Loans
- Technical Assistance Grants
4MOROCCO Example
- Total Amount approved in
- 2003 UA 179 million
- 2004 UA 257 million
- 2005 UA 114 million
- 2006 UA 172 million
- 2007 UA 174 million
- Cumulative amount approved over the last 5 years
UA 896 million
5- Pursuit of Economy and Efficiency
- Ensuring Equal Opportunity for all Eligible
Bidders - Encouragement of the Development and
Participation of Regional Firms - Transparency and Integrity in theProcurement
6Role of the Borrower
- Preparation of Bidding Documents and
- Prequalification Documents
- Prequalification Process
- Bid Evaluation
7- Advertises and Issues Bidding Documents
- Evaluates and Selects
- Awards, Signs and Administers Contract
- Supervises Contract Execution
- Processes Invoices for Payment
Role of the Borrower
Bank required to approve or commenton each stage
of the selection process
PPRU/Procurement Unit
8Role of the Borrower
- Negotiation, Award and Signing of Contracts
- Contract performance
- Consideration of Claims
- Settlement of Invoices
9Role of the Bank
- The Bank is not Party to the Contract
- Preparation of Bidding Documents Mandatory Use
of Standard Bank Documents, - Free Access to UNDB
- Banks No objection for Bidding Documents
10Role of the Bank
- Procurement Process Verified at Each Stage
- Banks No objection for Bid Evaluation Report
Prior to the Award of Contracts - Imposition of Sanctions relating toFraud and
11Issues in Procurement Planning
- 3. Types of Financing
- Parallel Financing or Joint Financing
- Who is Procuring What?
- 2. Sources of Financing
- Government or Local Administration
- Bilateral Funding Agency
- Multilateral Funding Agency
- Several Sources of Funding.
- 4. Procurement Rules to be Followed
- Local Procedures
- Procedures of Bilateral Sources
- Procedures of Multilateral Sources
- Procedures of the Major Financier
- A Combination of Procedures.
12Before Award Sources of Information on Bank
Group-financed Projects
- Press Releases
- Appraisal Reports
- Quarterly Operational Summary (QOS) of Projects
- United Nations Development Business
- Bank's Web site www.afdb.org
- ADB Business Bulletin
- Project Executing Agencies in Borrowing Countries
13 Registration- DACON
A new on-line registration system is now
available at the following address http//ext.af
14 Before Award
- List of procurement items to be acquired under
the project Goods (equipment, vehicles,
supplies, fertilizers, books), Works to be
constructed or rehabilitated and Consultancy
Services (technical assistance, advisory,
training, supervision) to be acquired. - Determine (APA) target dates (inter-relationships)
within the overall project implementation
framework. - Decide on the content of procurement packages
15Before Award Bid Packaging
- Time Element items are needed at different
times - Management Aspects one main contractor or EA
- Competitive Aspects (how to divide items into
lots of optimum size to encourage maximum
competition) - Business Structure (goods or services are not
available from a single source) - Administrative Costs of Tendering
- Point of View of Co-financing.
16- Before Award Consultancy Services
Composition Qualified Firms or Consortia
- Requirements
- 5 to 7 firms
- Wide geographic distribution (not more than two
firms from same country) - At least one firm from a regional member
country and - Consortium/joint venture of firms from member
countries encouraged
17- International Competitive Bidding
- Advertisements Publication of GPN in UNDB
Publication of SPN in UNDB - Mandatory use of Standard Bidding Documents
- Bidding Documents to contain all contract
conditions - Minimum Bid Period - 60 days
- Clarifications on Bidding Documents
During Award
18- International Competitive Bidding
- Public Opening of Bids
- Evaluation Criteria Specified in Bidding
Documents - Evaluation undertaken based on these stated
criteria - Contract is awarded to Bidder with the "LOWEST
During Award
19During Award Evaluation of Consultants Proposals
3 Selection Procedures
1. Selection based on technical quality 2.
Selection based on technical quality with price
consideration 3. Selection based on
establishing the comparability between
technical proposals and selection of the
lowest offer
20Placing the Contract
- Bank reviews contract
- All main conditions examined
- No Objection needed
- If obtained,contract may proceed
21After Award Contract Management
- Vitally important
- The Borrower is responsible.
22After Award Contract Supervision
- Reporting
- Means by which the contract is controlled
- Must include
- Progress of work
- staff months spent
- Money spent
23After Award Disbursement
- Borrower responsible to settle payments
- Payments upon Borrowers request
- Direct to beneficiary or
- Letter of Credit or
- Revolving Fund (Borrowers Pay)
- Disbursement (payments) in contract currency
- The Banks policy on arrears and Sanctions
24After Award Contract completion-closeout
- Draft final reports to be reviewed and approved
- Accounts closed
- Demobilisation of consultants staff
- Evaluation of consultants staff
26- Banks policy Borrowers and beneficiaries as
well as bidders/ suppliers/ contractors/
consultants must observe highest standard of
ethics during the procurement and execution of
contracts under Bank financed projects, programs
and studies. - Banks policy Borrowers to include standard
provisions against corrupt and fraudulent
practices. - Standard Procurement Documentation of the Bank
includes detailed Clauses on the matter.
Anti Corruption Strategy
27- Following its own investigation and determination
in accordance with its procedures, the Bank will - Reject a proposal for award if it is determined
that the bidder recommended has engaged in
corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for
the contract - Cancel the portion of the loan or grant to
contract if at any time it is determined that
corrupt or fraudulent practices were engaged in
by the Borrower or representatives - Declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or
for a stated period of time , to be awarded a
Bank financed contract if it at any time
determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt
or fraudulent practices in executing a Bank
financed contract.
Anti Corruption Strategy
28- Where a firm has been found by a national or
international entity to have engaged in corrupt
or fraudulent practice, the Bank reserves the
right to declare such a firm ineligible to be
awarded a Bank financed contract. - The Bank reserves the right to require that a
provision be included requiring suppliers and
contractors to permit the Bank to inspect their
accounts and records.
Anti Corruption Strategy
- Bank Does not finance Expenditure Not in line
with Loan Agreement and Bank Rules - Banks Policy to Cancel the Misprocured portion
of the operation - Bank will Cancel the Entire Loan if the
Misprocured Portion is major - Bank will Declare Misprocurement if contract
Award was Based on Incomplete, Inaccurate or
Misleading Information
30Redress Mechanisms
- Procurement Review Committee (PRC)
- Neutral and Independent
- Reviews receivable complaints
- Makes final decision on behalf of the Bank
31- Capacity building
- Party to all conventions MDBs
- Strict Prevention and Punishment tools
- Transparency emphasised in all phases/Strict
Review for Redress - Institutional Integrity Division built in the
OAGL - Management in all levels - Committed
- Staff/Board Code of Conduct
- Voluntary Disclosure Program
- Detailed Implementation Review
- Tighter Procedures for National Competitive
bidding - Rationalization of BEC Membership
- Information Sharing and Cross Debarement
- Protection of Whistleblowers
- Stricter Guidelines on Anti-Corruption and