Title: Electronic Publishing
1Electronic Publishing Web DesignMID-TERM
2Name and describe at least three fundamental
design concepts that guide the arrangement of
design elements in a composition
- Unity the relationship between individual design
elements and the composition as a whole - Balance The state of equalized tension within a
composition - Dominance the varying degrees of emphasis in a
composition -
3What is the difference between a vector graphic
and a bitmap (raster) graphic?
- Vector Object-oriented graphics Made-up of
vectors Resolution Independent Used primarily
for hard-edged graphics such as illustrations,
logos, charts - Bitmap Made-up of pixels
- Resolution dependant Can represent subtle
gradations of color Used primarily for
continuous-tone images such as photographs -
4What are the two most common graphic file formats
used on the web? Describe their differences.
GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) In general,
best for line drawings, cartoons, illustrations,
logos, or images that use large flat areas of
color. Lossless compression 8-bit color support
(256 colors) Supports interlacing Supports
transparency Supports animation
JPEG (Joint Photgraphic Expert Group)In general,
best for continuous-tone photographic
images. Lossy compression 24-bit color support
(millions of colors) Progressive JPEG support
5What is the difference between image resolution
and pixel dimension?
Pixel Dimension The number of pixels along the
height and width of an image Image Resolution
The number of pixels per inch in a printed image
6What does it mean to resample an image?
When you resample an image, you physically change
the pixel dimensions of the image. Downsample
reduces the pixel dimension of an
imageUpsample increases the pixel dimension of
the image (adds pixels that were not originally
there when the image was created or digitized)
7At what resolution should all web graphics be
saved? Why?
72 ppi (pixels per inch) Image pixels map
one-to-one with the display resolution of a
monitor. Higher resolution images have a larger
pixel dimension and will appear larger on screen.
8What are the two types of color spaces we
discussed in class? In what color mode should you
create web graphics?
- CMYK Cyan, Magenta,Yellow, Black The
subtractive color space used in the printing
process - RGB Red, Green, BlueThe additive color space
used to display color on monitors (video) -
9What are some of the major steps in the web
design process?
Project Definition Conceptualize and Research
(Define your goals and strategy, research your
content and audience) Information Architecture
(Information Design) Organize and prioritize
the information, give shape to the structure,
develop the navigation Interface Design Develop
the look and feel, develop the interface.
Content Creation Produce the graphics and HTML
Document, Create a working prototype.
10What are some of the variables that influence web
design? How would they affect your design?
Unknown Browsers Unknown Platforms Unknown User
Preferences Unknown Monitor Size and Monitor
Resolution Unknown Connection Speed Unknown
Colors Unknown Fonts
11What is HTTP?
- HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- The protocol or rules that specify how
information is requested and sent between web
server and client -
12What is HTML?
- HTML Hypertext Markup Language
- The language used to write web page documents.
- The new standard is called XHTML eXtensible
Markup Language (a stricter version of HTML)
13What is the Basic Structure of a HTML document?
lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegt This is the page title
lt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbodygt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
14What do the following tags do?
- lta hrefhttp//www.uwm.edugt UWM lt/agt
The anchor tag (ltagt) Creates a hyperlink
- The image tag (ltimg srcfilenamegt)Places a
graphic onto the page. The src attribute is
required it tells the browser the location of
the graphic.
15What is the significance of index.html?
index.html is often the DEFAULT file name that
servers will look for in a directory. index.html
is usually the name of your homepage
16What is the difference between a relative and an
absolute link?
- Absolute Link provides the full URL for the
document including the protocol (http//), the
domain name, and the pathname as necessary. - Relative link describes the pathname to the
linked file relative to the current document. Use
to link to documents on your own site (i.e., on
your own server)
17How do you create a link from about.html to
lta hrefindex.htmlgtBack to Homelt/agt
18How do you create a link from index.html to
lta hrefacademics/advising.htmlgtAdvisinglt/agt
19How do you create a link from advising.html to
lta href../index.htmlgtBack to Homelt/agt
20How do you create a link from mlis.html to
lta href../../index.htmlgtBack to Homelt/agt
21Folder Structure Path Names
Protocol http// Tells browser that its using
Hypertext Transfer ProtocolDomain Name
www.sois.uwm.edu Indicates the server that the
browser should connect toPathnameFilename