Title: Private Information Protection based on UserTrusted Program
1Private Information Protectionbased on
User-Trusted Program
- Institute of Systems and Information
Engineering/KYUSHU - Kenichi Takahashi
- Wide spread of network environments
- e.g. cellular phone, wireless communication
devices, refrigerator, television, etc... - Hot Sport services at airports, shops
3What can we do ?
photo print book sales tourism info
How is it used ?
creditcard for the payment
4Related works
- Symmetric-key, public-key, zero-knowledge
algorithms, etc - Digital signature, public-key infrastructure, etc
- The Platform for Private Preference
- defines a standard format to express privacy
policy - User agent can automate decision-making based on
it - Enterprise Privacy Authorization Language
- compels employees within the organization to keep
privacy policy - To provide rights of information access based on
trustworthiness - How do we compute trustworthiness?
- Does not make sure to prevent illegal information
5A way of information check
check program
private information
service provider
6Ways of information check
7Public, private zone model
- We proposed public and private zone model
- which aims to realize user can protect own
information by himself - User and service providers are defined as agent
- Public zone is a space for dynamic service use
and for executing trusted program - Private zone is a space for protecting private
information - Security barrier is defined between public and
private zone
8The overview of our model
From other agents
To other agents
public policy
client program attributes
public zone
public policies
client program
access check
security barrier
private zone
privacy policies
9Public zone
- realizes dynamic service use
- Service client program service program
- Client program is executed by users
- Service program is executed by the service
provider - Public policy client program attributes
public zone
public zone
security barrier
service program
3. communicate
2. execute
client program
public policy
1. get
client program attributes
service provider
10Private zone
- Privacy policy
- permission purpose the user allows to use it
- trusted_prg methods the user allows to use it
private zone
public zone
security barrier
private information
use through trusted program
client program
privacy policy
service provider
- How to create trusted programs ?
- How to protect trusted programs ?
- How to confirm the behaviour of trusted program ?
- How to protect service providers from trusted
programs ?
12A way to create a trusted program
- Our model protects private information by the
trusted program which we prepare - How to create trusted programs ?
- To prepare the pattern which private information
uses - Service provider shows a process of private
information use - User extracts places where uses private
information from the process - User replace the place to his prepared pattern
payment (id, password) String p getPass
(id) if (password p) assign the
right of service use
13Protection of the trusted program
- A trusted program are executed by service
provider - The service provider can rewrite it easy
- Necessary to prevent illegal program rewriting
- Anti-tampering devices
- Software obfuscation, mobile cryptography
anti-tampering device
service provider
14Confirmation of trusted program
- The service provider checks private information
by a trusted program - The trusted program actually checks it?
- Protection of service provider
- There is some possibility of acting as malware
- Necessary to restrict trusted program behaviours
- We proposed the basic model for private
information protection - Our model protects private information by users
trusted program - User can protect private information by own
responsibility - But some issues are remained
- Difficult to solve these issues
- But, these are interesting challenges
16Thank you for your attention