Title: 6202009
1Business 190Quantitative Business Analysis
- Sec. 4 TR 900-1015am, BBC 103
- Sec. 6 TR 1030-1145am, BBC 103
2 Janet Anaya
- Office BT 756
- Office Hours
- M-R 800-845am
- M-R 100-230pm
- and by appointment
3Contact Information
Phone (408) 924-3440 FAX (408)
924-3445-3445 e-mail anaya_ j_at_cob.sjsu.edu
- Math 70 Finite Math
- Bus. 90 Bus. Statistics
- Bus. 91L Bus. Computer Tools
- Lapin / Whisler
- Quantitative Decision Making
- 7th Edition, Duxbury
6Web Page
- www.cob.sjsu.edu/anaya_ j
Course Syllabus Homework Schedule Problem
Handouts Excel Handouts
- Homework assignments 11
- Not turned in for grading
- Schedule available on my web page
- Quizzes 10 (10 points each)
- Covering assigned homework problems
- Exams 3 (100 points each)
8Grading (continued)
- Your semester grade is determined by your point
total. - Approximate grade distribution
- Top 10 receive A
- 20 receive B
- 40 receive C
- 20 receive D
- Bottom 10 receive F
9Additional Resources
- Tutorial Center BBC 008
- Schedule available soon
- Student-organized study groups
- Solutions manual
- Available during office hours
- Available in BSAC
- Student CD-Rom
10COB Policies and Procedures
Eating and drinking (except water in a covered
container) are prohibited in BBC. Students will
turn cell phones off or put them on vibrate mode
while in class. In the classroom, faculty allow
students to use computers only for class-related
11COB Policies and Procedures (continued)
Academic HonestyFaculty will make every
reasonable effort to foster honest academic
conduct in their courses. Students who are caught
cheating will be reported to the Judicial Affairs
Officer of the University.
12Classroom Etiquette
- Please arrive to class on time.
- If you miss a class, contact another student for
notes. Do not expect me to provide you with a
personal lecture. - Academic dishonesty in any form will not be