Title: Find someone who has ...
1- Find someone who has ... ?
pulled the phone antenna to make a phone call
performed anego search
downloaded songsinto an iPod or MP3 player
sent your taxes online
used IM to talk to a friend
made a DVDhome movie
set the clockon a VCR
used a rotary phone
more than 50 names in your cell phone
sold or bought something one-Bay
downloaded aring tone
burned a CD
used whiteoutto fix atyping mistake
set up a wirelessnetwork at home
taken adigital photo
used an online map to find a destination
text messageda friend
used a PDA to keep a calendar
completed anonline bankingtransaction
listened toa podcast
used a spread-sheet to analyze a budget
bought a book through Amazon
gone online to find a movie time
used the wirelesshotspots atStarbucks
used a 5¼floppy disk
booked travel or lodging through the Web
not changed thedefault greetingon theanswering
created awebpage
sent a digital photo to a relative