Title: Etwinning partners Lanzarote Camp study April 2006
1Crop circles challenge
Etwinning Awards 2006 - 1 prize as digital
Palmira Ronchi, palmira.ronchi_at_istruzione.it High
school IISS Vivante Bari- Italy Ivan De
Winne, ivan.dewinne_at_telenet.beSint-Donatus
Instituut Merchtem Belgium Dimitris
Kastaniotis, dkastani_at_sch.gr Intercultural
Gymnasium of Thessaloniki, Greece http//www.vivan
Etwinning partners - Lanzarote Camp study April
2For the Etwinning teachers the pedagogical aims
- to stimulate personal curiosity as J. Bruner
suggests - to motivate more students so that they can reach
a state of what Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls
flow, an experience where learning becomes its
own reward - to develop European dimension in school
Conor Galvin, Anne Gilleran et al. (October 2006)
Pedagogical issues in eTwinning eTwinning
Central Support Service, rue de Trèves 61, 1040
Brussels, Belgium http//www.etwinning.net/shared/
3What is the Crop circles challenge!
An intriguing challenge between European students
to reconstruct Crop circles.
Surfing the Internet to find real crop circle
ICT tools for creative maths
Students work using graphic software and create
a personalized version
Geometrical reconstruction using open source
software GEOGEBRA www.geogebra.at and applets java
4Crop circles challenge!
Crop circles, are made by practical jokers (maybe
aliens) who use fields as their canvases.
Instead of colours they cut corn using unknown
tools during the night. Crop circles appear
suddenly in the morning in various countries even
if they seem to be more frequent in Great
Britain. The challenge between the European
students is based on reproducing these forms
accurately using geometric figures with the help
of Geogebra, an open source software, which
allows them to draw or hide objects or points of
them thus creating harmonious compositions.
Complete drawings are coloured, adding a bit of
fantasy, just like a frame. Some crop circle
reconstructions on the web http//www.vivante.it/
A new Spanish partner .E.S. Ramón Cabanillas
Cambados (Pontevedra-Spain) http//centros.edu.xun
5The Etwinning partners published on the web a
lesson plan to explain how to reconstruct the
first crop circle and it is translated into 12
languages by new European colleagues
English - French - Dutch - Italian - Greek -
Spanish -Galician - Romanian - Polish - Swedish -
Russian - Czech
6 Crop circles challenge.
.Comenius scholastic project 2006/2009
Participation in Working Joint IFIP Conference
WG3.1 Secondary Education, WG3.5 Primary
Education Informatics, Mathematics, and ICT a
golden triangle College of Computer and
Information Science Northeastern University June