Title: eMapps.com context and results
1eMapps.com context and results
- Serious Games on The Move
- 24 June 2008
- Robert Davies
- MDR Partners, UK
- EC IST FP6, Call 4, October 2005-March 2008
- e-Learning, New Member States
- 8 countries, 17 schools
- European Schoolnet, Manchester Metropolitan
University - SMEs Cross Czech, MDR, Ciberespacio
- Age group 9-12
- Games mobile technologies
- New, enriching experiences for children
- Creativity in the classroom and outside
- Good practice for new teaching
- Targeting policy makers, teachers, parents,
3Country co-ordinators
- Czech Republic CELN
- Estonia Tiger Leap Foundation
- Hungary Berzsenyi College
- Latvia Mezzazile
- Lithuania Imotec
- Poland ICIMMS
- Slovakia Elfa
- Slovenia UL
4eMapps.com strategic objectives
- Significant impact on validating new learning
paradigms in both school and informal settings - Contribute to strategic thinking about school and
curriculum reform process in NMS and Europe
5eMapps games concept
- Real environment/any location
- Indoor/outdoor
- Real time
- Using mobile devices and Internet technologies
- Wide possibilities for communication, social
networking and creation of multimedia content - Played (competitively) in teams
- Elementary and secondary schools
6eMapps game characteristics
- Different from regular computer games
- Affordable to create
- Take the players outside their classrooms
- Involve real world and real people
- Blurring with alternate reality, defined in game
story - Players can create and upload their own content
- Game Masters (and designers) are usually
teachers - Freedom to experiment/adapt within platform
constraints - Levels, tasks, clues, challenges
- Game master interventions
- PC mobile devices
- Web 2.0, Chat, blogs and casts, map-based
7Expected results
- Web-based game learning platform
- A Childrens Living Map of Europe
- Competent teachers able to disseminate results
- Summer schools
- Handbook/toolkit
- Conferences
- Evaluation public results
- Exploitation open platform available
- www.emapps.com
8Kids are different today (Prensky, 2001)
- Operate at twitch speed
- Parallel processors rather than linear processors
- Conduct multiple conversations using technology
- Choose graphics and animation over text
- Random accessors of information
- Active not passive
- Expect reward for effort
- See play as work and work as play
- Expect fantasy and reality in equal measure
- View technology as life, not a separate activity
9Games and mobile technology in learning
- People learn best when they are motivated and
entertained - games provide a flow experience
- playful experimentation to develop understanding
of the world and our place in it - Equip learners with powerful, mobile tools for
access, creation and use of content - Use location to trigger events
10Mobile learning characteristics
- Ubiquitous
- Western Europe one per person since 2006
- Sophisticated mobile devices enable rich learning
content - Costs for learner (nb NMS)?
- On demand
- Flexibility to access learning in best time and
place - Teacher can feed back
- Typically blended
- Used as part of a wider set of learning
interventions - Not e-learning on a phone
- Bite sized learning
- Short segments, simple, structured, easy access,
11Digital games and learning
- Nearly 60 of UK teachers willing to use games in
class (NESTA Futurelabs, 2006) - Potential remains largely unrealized
- false starts and misunderstandings learn from
past - Need to align principles of games with
educational theory and learning outcomes - possible to create effective blended game-based
12Games and learning simplifying the argument?
- Increase in IQ across all cultures with
standardised testing - attributable to education, nutrition etc?
- cognitive complexity of mass entertainment e.g.
video games? - Children are not the problem
- 90 of children surveyed play computer/video
games - Widespread criticism of school education systems
in many parts of Europe - If schools are failing and games are effective
learning tools and students like games.. -
13Why are games good for learning?
- Successful games can help people learn large
amounts of content - Games use established learning theories and
principles - play is an effective learning paradigm hard
fun - players resolve challenges and problems learner
autonomy - help is only hints, not answers constructivist
not didactic - scientific method gather data, hypothesis, test,
revise - Not all games have the same learning outcomes
- Card games - matching numbers, platforms
- Jeopardy-style games - information, facts,
concepts - Arcade style twitch games speed, visual
processing - Adventure hypothesis testing, problem solving
14Approaches to learning game design
- eMapps approach bottom-up
- eMapps teachers (and students) take on game
designer role within platform constraints - Templates and portfolios
- Commercial games integrated into school- based
learning - More cost-effective than building from scratch
- Quality maximised (game play or flow)
- Can match course content (history, geography,
civil engineering, physics, maths, economics) - But limited topics, content incomplete/
- Manageability of games in the school curriculum
and timetable - Or is this an extracurricular activity?
- What is learned?
- Higher order skills or curriculum-oriented
knowledge (e.g. history)or both? - Assessment framework
- Can policy makers be convinced?
- Reform of curriculum frameworks
16Challenges (2)
- Can teachers adapt to changed role?
- knowledge and authority status
- skills in ICT/game management
- What IT integration and support do schools need?
- access to computers, phones/handhelds etc
- how does the eMapps.com platform function in a
school environment?
17Challenges (3)
- How does partnership actually work with informal
settings and institutions - What role do parents/carers/community play?
- How important are specific content access
structures? - Multi-school or international game play
- Learning content repositories etc
- Google
18Is it worthwhile?
- eMapps games can easily take 100 hours to design
and 20-30 hours to play - Manageable through saved games, transitions but
- Is the amount of potential learning justified by
the work and time needed to implement the game? - Dissemination across Europe policy makers and
practitioner - Convince parents and teachers
19Theories of learning where eMapps.com fits
- Informal Learning
- Constructivism (vs objectivism)
- Discovery/experiential Learning
- wonder, surprise, feelings, peer/personal
responses, fun and pleasure - Situated Learning
- Collaborative Learning
- Independent Learning
- Visual Cognition and creative thinking
- Inclusive Learning
20Informal learning what is it?
- Happens outside formal education institutions
- e.g. libraries, museums, cultural institutions
- USA is ahead
- EC projects such as AITMES and Il Greco
- Not about things which are learned in formal
education - Happens in a different way
- casual or accidental rather than organised
- Has a different purpose
- participation in leisure
- not related to passing examinations?
21Some learning outcomes that eMapps. com supports?
- Investigation of real world
- Through access, analysis, interpretation of
information sources - Improved achievement and depth of learning
- Problem-solving, goal-related behaviour
- Increased technology capability and skill
- Communicative skills
- Collaborative skills
- Softer skills e.g. resilience and persistence
- Emergence of mentoring and teaching skills
22eMapps.com school surveyOwnership and use
- Most common games platforms owned
- PCs (boys 83 girls 75)
- mobile phones (boys 60 girls 77)
- Proprietary platforms (consoles) owned
- Sony Playstation, Game Boy owned by significant
lt20 - Xbox, PSP etc still at a low level of use
- 90 of children use one or more game platforms
- 60 used PCs for playing games
- mobile phones used for gaming by 43 of children
who owned them
23Games platforms used by boys
24eMapps.com school survey Games played
- Over 150 game titles cited
- Average 2.8 per boy 2.0 per girl)
- Peer emulation and/or access to specific titles
- Fewer attractive games available for girls
- Boys action, military strategy and sports games
dominant Girls play them too but mobile phone
games more popular and sports games less popular - 53 of boys played games every day 27 girls
- 55 of children had Internet connection at home
- 80 of these had broadband
- 50 children see games at school as part of
learning - more girls than boys
25Favourite games boys and girls
26eMapps games using initial prototype
27The Rep Game
Used by teachers for creating content to be
uploaded to each level of the desk game
Teachers create multimedia content, video, audio,
text, photos (normally part of their curriculum
that will become part of the game)
28The Desk Game
- Teams of players look for clues and create
content in order to pass to a higher game level - Children upload their multimedia work produced
during the game play.
- Teacher plays a role of Game Master and can see
at anytime any of team desks and promote players
to the next level.
29GIS map
Each game is played in a territory based on
vector map and ortophoto.
- Teachers and children can pin any position in the
territory based on UTM coordinates.
30- Pin based on UTM coordinates from GPS, routes
31What effect do the games have what we evaluated
- Evaluation of the impact of the games
- Pedagogy
- Impact on school
- Cost and budgeting
- Technology
- Cultural issues
32Evaluation methods
- Teachers
- Observation
- Questionnaires
- Children (and parents)
- Focus groups
- Structured class discussion
- Small group discussion
- One to one feedback
- Childrens stories or diaries about their
33Is this trainable?
- After first summer school June 2006
- 8/21 teachers confident they could create a game
- 13/21 quite confident
- Back at school
- 21/21 found both school managers and colleagues
interested in what they were doing - 16/21 thought easy to integrate into school
curriculum - 13/21 thought easy to integrate into school
timetable - 15/21 thought purchasing equipment from school
budget would be a problem
34What the children learned..according to teachers
- New facts across a range of curriculum subjects
- game can be cross-curricular
- geography, history, local studies, folklore/myths
- New technology skills with handhelds, platform,
ICT - Improved generic skills, especially
- teamwork and cooperation,
- analytical appraisal
- collaborative decision-making, negotiating
- independent decision-making
- planning
- navigating
- Self confidence and self-reliance
35Big issues for resolution
- Time
- Cost
- Safety
- Usability
- more in workshops
36(No Transcript)
37eMapps main outcomes (1)
- The children had fun wanted to play the game
again - The teachers enjoyed the experience
- Curriculum, cross-curricular fits were identified
- Positive learning outcomes were identified
- Positive feedback from parents
38Main outcomes (2)
- Difficult to mainstream immediately
- Need for extended multiplier pilots
- Need to validate business and implementation
models - Evaluation of first prototype and its
implementation raised specific issues - Addressed in a re-engineered platform now
available from University of Ljubljana
39Exploitation partners at national and European
- Ministries and Local/regional education and
cultural authorities - Education service agencies
- Education research and innovation institutes
- Commercial suppliers to education and culture
40Service based exploitation?
- TELCO or mobile service supplier?
- Exploit childrens familiarity with/access to
mobile devices - Service suppliers looking for education oriented
content and services - How will they see potential of eMapps style
mixed reality games GPS, location based?
41Workshops this afternoon
- Theme 2 - embedding games into school life and
into curriculum - Theme 3 platform and tools
42For latest information
- Availability updates on eMapps website
www.emapps.com - Contact national partner (see website)
- Contact eMapps co-ordinator
- romana.krizova_at_ crossczech.cz
- rob.davies_at_mdrpartners.com