Title: Carmen Holotescu
1Using Microblogging for Collaborative Learning
Carmen Holotescu Politehnica University of
Timisoara Director Timsoft Gabriela Grosseck
West University of Timisoara Romania
LOGOS Open Conference, Budapest January, 19-20,
- Presentation Agenda
- Microblogging technology
- Twitter Educational uses
- Microblogging platform Cirip.ro
- An online course
- Conclusions
3Web2.0 / social networks have great impact in
collaborative / social learning ( eLearning2.0 )
RSS/blogs-2004, podcast2005, vlog2006,
video2007, microblogging-2008
4Microblogging is a collaborative technology, a
new form of blogging, with brief text updates of
140 characters, via Web, SMS, email, IM or 3th
party applications - RT interactions between users
5The best known microblogging services
photo http//www.heikkironkko.com/images/yolehti_
6Social networking in 140 characters
- Most popular microblogging system
- Robust, elegant and simple
- More than 3 million users
- Numerous mash-ups
7Twitter Educational uses Classroom
community Collaboration Project
Management Assessing opinion Conference /
research Virtual classroom Learning experiences
Personal Learning Network Reference services
8Cirip.ro - a microblogging platform specially
designed for education and business launched in
March, 2008, by Timsoft
- Educational uses
- information and knowledge management
- courses enhancement
- delivering entire online courses
- collaborative projects in universities
- communities of practice
- ePortfolios.
9- Cirip.ro special features
- public and private groups (courses, projects,
events, different topics) - multimedia objects embedding in notes images
(flickr, tinypic), audio (deezer, vocaroo) and
(live) video clips (youtube, dotsub, vimeo,
seesmic), presentations (slideshare, capzles,
voicethread, flowgram), documents (pdf, doc,xls) - feeds monitoring (from sites/blogs/social
- Personal Learning Environments ( Networks ) of
10cirip2twitter, widget, export notes
Interactions online, via ciripfox, SMS, mobile,
IM, (MMS), API, twitter2cirip, rss2cirip
PLE users, groups, feeds
Text messages, images, audio, video (live),
presentations, files
11- An online course about microblogging platforms
- Investigations
- integrate microblogging with other Web2.0
technologies - microblogging platform as LMS
- course facilitation
Group news announcements materials as LOM/SCORM
12Course elements
announcements materials as LOM/SCORM objects
collaborative exercises
multimedia messages
42 members students, teachers, developers,
1100 messages
built PLNs
14- Collaborative exercises using different Web2.0
technologies - puzzle images - flickr, CC
- del.icio.us collection
- video translation - writeboard, dotsub
- comments on voicethread
- tagcloud - wordle
- code of good practices on microblogs - writeboard
15- Conclusions
- Cirip.ro has facilities to deliver successful
and qualitative online courses and to enhance
courses the communication, authoring,
monitoring, statistical facilities make Cirip.ro
a modern free LMS. - Facilitating an entire online course or a part of
a course on such a platform requires specific
facilitation skills, and collaborative
technologies knowledge. - Participants gain important digital and
communication skills, build PLEs, continue to
collaborate in community
16- Future work
- Tags will be implemented to classify notes and
to organize the group messages in topics defined
by the facilitator. - Authors intend to develop a specification for
evaluating students eportfolio and participation
in courses run or enhanced by microblogging. - Scenarios for using microblogging together with
different collaborative technologies in formal
and informal courses will be modelled using
Educational Modelling Language.
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