1Greening Government Contributions of a Water
Management District
Maya Burke Watershed Planner Southwest Florida
Water Management District
2What is Green Government?
Defining the terms- Are environmental agencies
necessarily green? What are the ends how
are those ends achieved? Infrastructure,
Regulatory Tools, or Something Different?
Hybrid Fleet 5 Ford Escapes 1 Toyota
Prius 3 Electric Vehicles Florida-friendly
Landscaping Recycling Efficient building
maintenance Temperature control
Water-conserving fixtures
LEEDing by example.
The substitution of one word for another with
which it is associated. The use of a single
characteristic to identify a more complex entity.
Government ?
The system or form by which authority is
exercised over a community or other political
A principle or condition that governs behavior
the control of something by rules, as opposed to
its prohibition.
7The End of Command Control
Changing Attitudes about Regulation Debate
over the Role Size of Government
Relationship between Citizens Government
Expert Rule ? Shared Governance
8Voluntary Programs Community Education Civic
Technical Assistance Local Governments
Public Agencies Scientific Research Public
Input Meetings Community Outreach Community
Education Grants SPLASH! mini grants
Cooperative Funding Initiative
9Bioregional Governance
Florida Water Resources Act of 1972 Defined
water as a public resource benefiting the
entire state Required that water be managed
on a state and regional basis Established 5
water management districts Boundaries
determined by watersheds and other natural,
hydrologic, or geographic features
10Watershed Democracy
Reforms designed to create a democratic
political process that better represents concerns
about the economy, the people, and the
environment. Example Watershed-based
Electoral Districts Ecological checks and
balances in politics Facilitate an
ecological self-interest Feedback against
unsustainable development Competitive
elections Formal mechanism for civic
capital Lessons, Model for the future
SWFWMDs Organizational Logic
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