Title: National Head Start Association
1Early Childhood Development At the dawn of a
new era
- National Head Start Association
- Leadership Institute
- January 29, 2009
- Presentation by Joan Lombardi, Ph.D.
2Why this is such an important time
- A transforming moment for the nation and the
world - The economic crisis is having a serious impact on
children and families - Early childhood has more visibility than ever
- Important reforms pending- health, education and
child care - The potential for recovery and growth
3Lets talk about..
- Where we have been
- The new era in early childhood
- Ringing in the next generation
- of Head Start
- But first how are the children.
4Source National Center for Children in Poverty.
(2006). Basic Facts About Low-Income Children
Birth to Age 18.
5Variation by State All Children
6Variation by State Children Under Six
7(No Transcript)
8(No Transcript)
9A Childs Developmental Trajectory Can Be
Modified With Appropriate Interventions
Risk Factors
Protective Factors
Slide by Ed Schor, Md
10Looking back on policy..
- Three trains
- Head Start 1965
- Child Care grows in the 70s, CCDBG 1990
- Preschool emerges in the 80s
- State prek expansion
- Lasting Effects of Preschool (l979), Perry
Preschool Data (mid 80s), Readiness Goal
(l989) -
- Brain decade- mid 90s
- Early Head Start l995, significant Federal
investments in child care and Head Start
11Early childhood at the turn of the century
- Federal funding flattens, and state prek grows
- Tracks start to come together in the late 90s
and early 2000 unifiers, system building - Governance
- Quality Rating Systems
- Early Learning Guidelines
- Prek and Head Start into Child Care
- Focus on accountability
12More recently
- About mid decade 0-3 issues again emerge driven
by science and advocacy - 2008 The election shines a light on early
childhood - New era of early childhood dawning
13Characteristics of a new era
- High quality programs for children
- prenatal to age five
- Continuity with quality early primary
- Common infrastructure across all early childhood
14 Early Childhood Development System A sample
Across programs and connected to other systems
Governance And Financing
Programs Guided by Program Standards and Early
Learning and Development Guidelines
To consumers, public and private sector
Engagement Outreach
Children Ready for Success
Monitoring standards and ongoing technical
Monitoring and Improvement
Health, Nutrition, Mental Health, Disability
Services Parenting and Family Support
Comprehensive Services
Professional Development
Core competencies Access to Training and Higher
J Lombardi, Adapted from the Early Childhood
Systems Working Group
15Ringing in The Next Generation of Head Start
- Investing in Early Childhood Helps America
Recover and Grow!
161. Raise Head Starts visibility in the recovery
and document results
- How many more children?
- How many new jobs?
- How many better jobs?
- How much of a contribution to goods and services
in the community/state? - How many parents helped to find and prepare for
new jobs? - How many volunteers?
- How many lives changed
- Head Start Helps America Recover and Grow!
172. Promote Head Start as a concept of
comprehensive services
- We must assure that young children from low
income families have access to more intensive and
comprehensive services. Head Start partnerships
with child care and prek are essential to this
vision. - This means staying active at the state policy
level. -
18State Early Childhood Development System
Early Learning
Health, Mental Health and Nutrition
Family Support
Special Needs/ Early Intervention
Early Childhood Systems Working Group
193. Reinforce the principle that equality for low
income children means starting early
- Early Head Start should grow and serve as the
model for state investments in prenatial-3. - Again, this means staying very active in state
decisions about infant and toddler services for
low income children.
204. Step up efforts to work with parents
- Head Start should continue to play a central role
in supporting the parent child relationship and
in promoting their continued involvement in the
education of their children 0-8. -
21- Need a new dialogue about how best to support
families beyond parent information - Look for opportunities to build social networks
of support - Promote family literacy
- Prepare parents for working with the school
- Get the word out about successes, particularly
with fathers
225. Focus on results and innovation
- Looking back on practice over the years
- - Socialization
- - Debate over direct instruction vs play
- - Developmentally appropriate practice
- - Basic skills
- - Outcomes
- All of the above!
- Balance, individualization, intensity
23- Refocus on outcomes for low income children
- Build in time for rich experiences
- Promote dispositions and approaches to learning
- Joy
- Persistence
- Curiosity
- Order
- Language and literacy skills
- Build in coaching and continuous assessment to
improve practice
246. Play a role in moving from program to
community-wide strategies
- Connecting programs across the community
- Developing community wide information systems
- Looking beyond program outcomes to community
wide outcomes
257. Build leadership in early childhood
- Emerging leaders
- Leaders who can mentor
- Leaders who can span borders
- Leaders who can talk research, policy, practice
- Leaders who reflect the languages and the
cultures of the children and families - Leaders who set round tables
- Leaders who work for the concept of a Head Start
for low income children
268. Encourage the voice of those most affected by
- In the health care debate
- In the education reform debate
- In the child care debate
- In the welfare debate
- At the local, state and federal level
27- Stay healthy my friends and remember
- Be the change.