3Presented by
- Dr. Sanjay Shrivastava
- Dr. Nikhilesh Trivedi
- Dr. Kavita Kumar
4The science of examination with a slit lamp is
called Biomicroscopy as it allows in vivo study
of living tissues at high magnification.
- Prerequisites Preferably a dark room and slit
lamp biomicroscope - Position Patient is seated comfortably on an
adjustable stool, with chin resting against chin
rest and forehead against head rest bar.
6Examination of Various Ocular Structures
7 1. LIDS
82. CONJUNCTIVA - As the conjunctiva is
transparent it is mainly studied by light
reflected from sclera. - Eversion of lid
Examination of upper tarsal conjunctiva - Double
eversion of lid Upper fornix examination.
9- Diffuse Illumination
- Following things are noted
- - General status of ocular surface.
- - Conjunctival congestion
- - Inflammation
- - Presence of foreign body
- - Tear Film assessment Marginal tear meniscus
10Diffuse Illumination
- - Cysts
- - Concretions
- - Tumours
- - Nodules
- - Conjunctival pigmentation
- - Staining of tear film.
- - Staining of any conjunctival defect.
11(b) Direct Focal Illumination - Detailed
examination of all lesions - Depth of any
lesion. - Papillae - Follicles - Blood Vessels
over a tumour - Neovascularization - Extent
of subconjunctival haemorrhage
12(c) Specular Reflection - Zones of intensely
brilliant reflexes - Conjunctival elevated
zones - Mucus and Waxy meibomian gland
secretions - Elevated papillae (d) Indirect
Illumination - Vessels - Conjunctival
scars. (e) Sclerotic Scatter Technique
- Pannus in Trachoma
133. CORNEA Diffuse Illumination - Generalised
view of surface of cornea - Size - Shape - Tran
sperancy - Foreign Body - Opacity - Staining
of Cornea
14 Direct Focal Illumination Integrity of
corneal epithelium Thickness of cornea Depth
of lesion Vascularisation-superficial/deep Fol
ds in Descemet's membrane Rupture in Descemet's
15Hypopyon Ulcer seen in Direct Focal Illumination
16Direct Focal Illumination
- Keratic precipitates can be seen in high power
- Opacity in anterior part of cornea.
- Degenerations
- Dystrophies
- Pigmentation
- KF ring
- Argyrosis
- Precorneal tear film
17 Specular Reflection - Endothelial cell count
(average 2800 cells/ Sq.mm) - Morphology of
endothelium - Endothelial dystrophics - Hassall
Henle bodies which are warts in descemet's
membrane. - Bullae - Blood staining of
18 Sclerotic Scatter - Central nebular corneal
opacity - Dystrophies - Corneal
oedema - Rupture in descemet's membrane
19- Retro Illumination
- - Dystrophies of Descemet's membrane
- - Vacuoles
- - Keratic Precipitates (Stellate)
- - Oedema of epithelium
- - Bullae
- - Ghost Vessels
20Corneal Staining
214. SCLERA AND EPISCLERA On Diffuse Illumination
- Deep, red, dusky congestion of episcleral
vessels On Direct Focal Illumination
- Episcleritis Raised congested
nodule - Deep Scleritis Conjunctival
congestion associated with episcleral vessel
congestion with peripheral keratitis and uveitis.
225. AQUEOUS HUMOUR Diffuse Illumination
- Depth of Anterior Chamber - Contents of
Anterior Chamber - Foreign Body - Hypopyon - Hy
phaema - Vitreous prolapse in AC - Traumatic
Catractous material in AC - Micro
Filareae - Cyst and Tumours
23Direct Focal Illumination - Attachment of
pupillary membrane - Cells - Flare - Foreign
bodies - Depth of Anterior Chamber
24AQUEOS FLARE Flare is the ability to see the
path of light when slit beam is obliquely aimed
across the AC. It is due to light scattering by
suspended colloid particles causing TYNDALL
- It is seen in 2 mm x 1 mm slit beam with maximum
light intensity. - - It is seen against the iris plane.
- - It can be seen in conical beam by direct
focal illumination technique.
26Grading of flare
- 0 Absent
- 1 Faint Barely detectable
- 2 Moderate Iris and lens details clear
- 3 Marked, iris and lens details hazy
- 4 Intense fibrinous aqueous
27Cells Indication of active inflammation of
iris and ciliary body. Slit beam is directed
across the AC and beam is focused posterior to
cornea. 2 x 1 mm slit beam is focused with
maximum light intensity. 0 - 0 1 - 5 10
2 - 10 20 3 - 20 50 4 - gt 50
28ANTERIOR CHAMBER Van Herrick Method For
assessment of peripheral anterior chamber depth
using a slit lamp. A comparison of depth of
peripheral anterior chamber to the peripheral
corneal thickness is used to determined the
degree of shallowness of the anterior chamber.
- An optical section of peripheral cornea and
anterior chamber is made on slit lamp with
illumination and viewing arms at 60 to each
other. - Viewing arm is perpendicular to cornea.
Magnification is 15 X.
30GONIOSCOPY It is done to see the structures in
the recess of angle of anterior chamber. It is
important in - Glaucoma - Foreign bodies
entangled in angle of AC - Tumours arising in
angle of AC. - Narrowing of angle can be
identified by a steep configuration of iris and
angulation of slit light reflex as it passes into
the angle recess.
316. IRIS Diffuse Illumination Carried under
low magnification - Colour of Iris
- Heterochromia iridium - Heterochromia
iridis - Gross structural abnormality - Iris
32Direct Focal Illumination - High
Illumination - Light beam focused from temporal
side - First periphery is inspected then
pupillary zone to avoid dazzling. Observation
- Exudates - Vascular changes - Atrophic
Changes - Neoplastic Changes Optical Section
- Narrow beam is made to see details of crypts
and furrows.
33Retro Illumination - Visualization of iris is
via light reflected from the lens - Atrophic
patches in iris. - Holes - Tears and
dehiscences. - Patency of Peripheral iridectomy
34Indirect Illumination - Outline of
Crypts - Atrophic areas - Perforations
- Cysts and Tumours - Haemorrhages
35Iris Scatter
- - Beam is focused on corneoscleral junction.
- - Magnification is kept low or medium.
- - Used to see
- - Iris contour, depression, discontinuities
- - Any tumour
- - Holes and other defects
367. LENS Diffuse Illumination - To visualize
anterior lens surface with part of its anterior
capsule. - Surface and suture system of adult
nucleus in older patients. - Embryonic Y
suture. - Posterior Capsule when altered
37Direct Focal Illumination - Enables to see
zone of discontinuity - Finer details of tissue
stratification - Exact localization of minute
changes. - Differentiate between congenital and
developmental opacities, senile changes,
traumatic opacities, complicated opacities.
38Lens under direct focal illumination
39Retro Illumination 1. Used to observe whether
the opacity is - Obstructive Opaque to
light - Respersive Scatters
light - Refractile Refracts, minimizes or
distorts the views of background. 2. Observe
anterior capsular changes - Deposits, Foreign
bodies, Opacities Below Capsule.
40Examination of Lens
- 3. Direct Retro Illumination Obstructive
Lesion - Indirect Retro Illumination Refractile and
41Posterior Sub Capsular Cataract Seen in Direct
Focal Illumination and Retro Illumination
42Specular Reflection - Mirror reflexes of
anterior and posterior capsule can be seen as
bright reflex, when the beam is moved from side
to side across the surface of lens. It is due to
irregular reflection caused by small
irregularities of capsular surface known as
SHAGREEN reflex. Any capsular opacity can be seen
by this method.
43Post Operative Evaluation of IOL Surgery - IOL
Centration and Stability. - Position of
IOL - Pupillary Capture - Dislocated
IOL - Early Uveitis - PCO - Soemmerring
Ring - Elschnigs Pears.
- Diffuse Illumination
- Size
- Shape
- Contour
- Pupillary Membranes
45Examination of Pupil
- Direct Focal Illumination
- - Direct Reflex
- - Consensual reflex
- - Accomodation reflex
- - Neovascularisation at pupillary margin
- - Exfoliative changes.
469. VITREOUS - Examination of Anterior 1/3rd
vitreous can be made using direct focal
illumination. - Illumination is kept
maximum - Slit very narrow. - Illumination is
brought from largest angle possible, without
disturbing the slit. - It is seen as optically
clear space with delicate undulating fibrils and
membrane like structures.
47 Direct Focal Illumination - Shape - Rigidity
- Vitreo retinal attachments - Vitreous
opacities - Vitreous Bands and Membranes - Any
pigmented Debris. - Foreign bodies in
vitreous - Haemorrhages in vitreous
48- Slit lamp biomicroscopy can be used is
combination with various lenses and mirrors for a
magnified stereoscopic evaluation of retina and
vitreous by vertical tilting of a slit 10 - 20.
49Goldmann Three Mirror Lens Examination
- Central planoconcave lens 64 D. - It has
3 mirrors at 59, 67 73. - Central lens
allows a magnified stereoscopic examination of
central 30 of retina giving an erect
image. - Oblong mirror gives a view of posterior
retina. - Rectangular and anterior retinal
mirrors examine corresponding retinal areas
50Indirect Slit Lamp Biomicroscopy - Carried out
by hand held high plus condensing lenses. - 90
D, 78 D. - An inverted, stereo magnified image
is formed between lens and slit lamp. - Lens is
held 5 10 mm from patient's cornea.
- Magnification is 10 X or 16 X. - Coaxial
illumination for fundus examination. - Slit beam
is angled 10 20 from axis of observation for
vitreous examination.
51Hruby Lens Biomicroscopy - Planoconcave high
minus lens (55D) - Neutralises the optical
power of the eye. - Forms a virtual erect image
of fundus.
52Auxillary Devices These can be used along with
slit lamp. 1. Gonioscope for angle structure
examination. 2. Applanation tonometer for
IOP. 3. Endothelial cell counts using Eisner
grid. 4. BUT 5. Staining Procedures.
53Auxillary Devices
- 6. Corneal Thickness Pachymetry
- 7. AC Depth Van Hericks Method.
- 8. Ophthalmodynamometry Pulsations of blood
vessels. - Slit Lamp Photography
- Delivery of Argon, Diode and Nd YAG laser
- 11. Laser Interferometry
- 12. Potential Acuity Meter Test.