Title: ME 462: Capstone Design
1Design of a Nulling Yaw Probe for a Gas Turbine
Engine Test Rig
ME 462 Capstone Design Group Members Steve
Collins Bill Donelson Allison
Heying Brent Miller Faculty Advisor Dr. Jie
Corporate Sponsors Rolls-Royce
Dr. Kurt F. Weber Bruce
Presented May 4, 2006
2Design Problem
- Design an apparatus to self-null a yaw probe in a
gas turbine engine test rig with the following
customer requirements - Radial motion of 2 in increments of 0.1
- Circumferential motion around the annulus
- Yaw motion over 180 with accuracy of 0.5
3Design Functions
- Determine the flow angle utilizing fully
automated controls, i.e. self-null the probe - Measure the total pressure
- Collect data over the entire flow annulus
- Mount downstream of the inner ring
4Project Justification
- Validation testing of fluid flow over combustor
saddles - Correlate CFD models of total pressure
fluctuations which can cause blade forcing - High altitude engine performance prediction for
T-56 Engine
5Project Management
- Task List
- Deliverables
- Objectives
- Required Personnel
- Required Time
- Gantt Chart
6Self-Nulling Yaw Probe
Nulled when P2 P3
f Yaw Angle P1 Total Pressure
7Automated Self-Nulling
- L.C. Smith Controller
- Executes Automated Self-Nulling
- Displays Flow Angle
8Self-Nulling Process
9Current Design
- Capabilities
- Radial motion
- Circumferential motion
- No flow angle
- measurements
10New Design
- Capabilities
- Integration of a stepper motor to
facilitate measurement of yaw angle - Stepper motor provides 0.25 increments
- Motor bracket provides housing for gearing and
support for the pressure probe - Potentiometer provides feedback to L.C. Smith
11New Design (cont.)
- Capabilities Continued
- New apparatus attaches to existing rack via motor
support - Dovetail slides constrain motor along radial path
12ANSYS Analysis
Motor support assembly in vertical position
Max stress 1,040 psi Yield stress 40,611 psi
Max 0.000524 in
13ANSYS Analysis Cont.
Motor support assembly in horizontal position
Max stress 206 psi Yield stress 40,611 psi
Max 0.000115 in
14Fulfillment of Requirements
- Yaw motion
- Target 180 with 0.5 accuracy
- Final design 180 with 0.25 accuracy
- Radial motion
- Target 2 inches of motion
- Final design 2 inches of motion
- All other targets
- Met since aspects of benchmark that fulfilled
requirements were kept for final design
- All engineering specifications were either met or
exceeded - Working prototype with a cost of 310.00
- Compact design makes it compatible with other
engine test rigs
New Design
Old Design
- Widen the cut out in the inner ring a ΒΌ inch
- Relocate the static pressure tap tube
- 4 tapped holes to attach the dovetail slides
- Determine the added resistance to the motor
wiring to make it - compatible with the L.C. Smith
Special Thanks To Dr. Kurt F. Weber Bruce
Crook Rolls-Royce Corporation Dr. Jie Chen