Title: Status of HIPPI September 2006
1Status of HIPPI September 2006
Maurizio Vretenar Alessandra Lombardi
2HIPPI in 2006
- Exactly mid-way through the project
- 8 deliverables and 4 milestones in 2006 large
of deliverables
32006 Milestones and Deliverables
Dec. 06
Dec. 06
Dec. 06
Feb. 07
Oct. 06
Oct. 06
4Status of Milestones - Deliverables
List prepared by AL with links
5Dissemination Reports
- (info from Alessandra)
- 17 CONF papers (EPAC and LINAC Conferences in
2006). - 7 CARE Notes (some HIPPI-DOC have been promoted
to CARE Notes). - 2 CARE Reports
- 1 HIPPI-DOCument
- 2nd Quarterly Report 2006 completed (6.9.06).
6HIPPI06 Meeting in Jülich
- JRA Meeting on September 27th 29th in Julich
(FZJ, financial contribution from the Direction
will cover banquet and internal transportation). - Expected 30 40 participants from all
contributing institutes 1 or 2 external. - Confirmed participation of the 3 members of the
ESAC J. Stovall (LANL-SNS), Y. Yamazaki
(KEK-JPARC), A. Pisent (LNL). - Some modifications to the structure of the
meeting - 4 sessions of 3 hours for each of the 4 Work
Packages (programme under responsibility of the
WP Coordinator) - 1 general session covering topics between WPs
(resp. Coordinator) - 2 talks on the status of the linac projects
covered by HIPPI (GSI and CERN). - More time for the ESAC
7HIPPI06 Preliminary Programme
Programme will be finalised on Sept. 15th. Slides
on the web (for the ESAC) one week before the
8Status of HIPPI Technical Info
- A negative point for the coordination between EU
project GSI has chosen for the FAIR Linac the
frequency of 324 MHz (Toshiba klystrons), as RAL
did already a year ago. Arguments Toshiba is
becoming leader on the market (JPARC, China)
have a common frequency with a possible UNILAC
upgrade (3243108). - CERN remains alone in the choice of 352 MHz for
Linac4, imposed by the available LEP klystrons (8
MEUR value for the project) and other RF
equipment and by the frequency of the IPHI RFQ. - A common frequency would have allowed to gain
more weight towards the klystron manufacturers,
via competition between Thales and Toshiba. - The choice of 324 MHz gives a clear preference to
a non-EU company (Toshiba) and could definitely
cut out of the market Thales.
9Status of Linac4 GSI FAIR linac
- Linac4 included in the Medium Term Plan submitted
to the Council at the end of the year. Upon
demand by R. Aymar, minimum funding in 2007 (1.3
MCHF, but 6 additional posts). Real funding from
2008, first injections in PSB from 2011. - Technical Design Report in preparation (draft
15.10.06), big step forward in the machine
design. - New options under consideration single frequency
(352 MHz only), new position in an extension of
the Linac2 tunnel.
- GSI will start ordering a klystron prototype
already in 2006. The accelerating cavities (CH)
have modified by adding a coupling cell that
allows reducing splitting from klystrons.
10Highlights WP 2 Normal Conducting Structures
The Russian ISTC DTL Prototype is late by 5
months (and some technical points are not clear
yet) will be delivered to CERN at best in August
2007, quite late for the decision on Linac4 DTL.
New layout (with coupling cell) of the CH
cavities made at Frankfurt for GSI
CCDTL prototype (Linac4) finally under high power
RF testing at CERN (1yr late). CCDTL prototype
made in Russia waiting for some brazed parts
(priority to LHC).
One cell of cold model of SCL for Linac4 finally
made at LPSC activity about 1 year late,
concerns for Linac4.
11Highlights WP 3 Superconducting Structures
- Preparation of 704 MHz test stand in Saclay
- klystron (CPI) on schedule, should be delivered
before end 2006. - HV power supply to be assembled before end of 2006
Progress in the design of spoke cavities
definition of a spoke layout in competition with
NC designs.
12Highlights WP 4 Beam chopping
- Chopper tests at Saclay
- The persisting delays in the IPHI RFQ
(machiningbrazing) would put at risk the HIPPI
chopper tests delivery of the RFQ at CERN
foreseen only at end 2008. - A temporary set-up has been defined to allow
testing of CERN chopper at Saclay in 2nd half
The CERN chopper line as it will be mounted on
the IPHI RFQ support at Saclay.
13WP 4 Beam chopping
Vacuum test of CERN chopper made (2 E-9 mbar
reached last Monday). Driver prototype should
arrive mid-September and power tests can start
14WP 5 Beam dynamics
The first bloc of the UNILAC beam dynamics
experiment planned for HIPPI was successfully
conducted end of May. The experimental data are
in the process of being compared with different
simulation codes (Parmila, Dynamion and Path).
15HIPPI Detailed Planning
16Planning - 2