The Next Great Generation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Next Great Generation


Baby Boomers ... Neither one these names say anything unique about our generation. ... That's why those names are upsetting and why nobody I know wants to use ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Next Great Generation

The Next Great Generation
  • Who are the Millennials?
  • Presented by
  • Becky Tarbell, Project Manager
  • Katherine Bruno, Senior Project Manager
  • 13 August 2002

Defining a Generation
  • An average span of 20 years
  • There is a perceived membership
  • They share
  • Beliefs and behaviors
  • Cultural or social characteristics and attitudes

  • A common location in history

Naming a Generation
  • Baby Boomers
  • At the time, the largest generation in American
    history with the boom of children born after the
  • Generation X
  • This term came from a book by Douglas Coupland
    who wrote about characters who were
    underemployed, over educated, intensely private
    and unpredictable.
  • The media found these characteristics compatible
    with the youth of the day and the name stuck.
  • This new generation
  • Very self-aware, know they are being examined as
    a generational group
  • They want to have input, theyd rather label
    themselves than be labeled

Whats in a Name?
  • Generation Y
  • Generation i
  • Millennials
  • Echo Boomers
  • Boomer Babies
  • Generation XX
  • Boomlets
  • Generation Tech

Millennials will definitely not want to be known
as Gen Y. Gen A plus, thoughthat maybe a differ
ent story
-Age 16
Whats in a Name?
  • Instead of giving us our own name, someone,
    probably someone who doesnt know much about
    usjust said, Hmm, well this is Generation X, so
    why dont we call the next one Generation Y? Or,
    Well theyre the children of the Boomers, so we
    can just call them Echo Boom. Neither one these
    names say anything unique about our generation.
    They say who we follow, but nothing at all about
    who we are. Thats why those names are upsetting
    and why nobody I know wants to use them. -Age 17

Generation 9/11?
  • Newsweek coined the phrase in November 2002
  • The name was inevitable, but does it fit?
  • It is natural that a defining moment leaves an
    indelible mark on a generation but isnt who we
    are. Age 19
  • I dont like being defined by a terrorist act.
    Age 18
  • This is something Ill learn and grow from but I
    dont think it defines who my generation is.
    Age 18

Until Sept. 11, young Americans were considered
the generation that had it all.
-John Denton
The Millenials
  • Who, What,
  • When Where

Who Are The Millenials?
  • They were born roughly from 1976 to 1994
  • They are the most ethnically diverse generation
    to date
  • Many of them come from split families
  • They are green (environmentally friendly)
  • They are the most wired and technologically savvy
    generation yet

My parents say to me You know, we didnt even
have computers when we were your age.
-Anna, 8
The Next Great Generation
  • They exceed 100 million
  • A third more than the Baby Boomers
  • More than twice Gen X
  • They comprise 30 of the population
  • They are the largest, healthiest, and most
    cared-for generation in American history

What They Are
  • 95 are idealistic
  • 50 volunteer
  • 79 are patriotic
  • 87 want to go to college

What They Are
  • Cooperative team players
  • Accept authority
  • Follow rules
  • Smart
  • Optimistic
  • Confident
  • Multi taskers

What They Are
  • Our generation isnt all about sex, drugs ands
    violence. Its about technology, discovery and
    coming together as a nation. Age 17
  • They have values reminiscent of past
    generations. They appreciate country, family and
    the planet. -Alf Nucifora, marketing consultant

What Theyre Not
  • Millennials are not a carbon copy of Gen X.
  • Personalities of Gen X and Millennials could not
    be more distinct or different -Alf Nucifora
  • Gen X are the throwaway generation whose
    problems older adults ignored while the
    Millennials have always felt themselves to be the
    focus of public attention. Millenials Rising
  • This generation, even as children, are more
    politically active then Gen X.

What Theyre Not
  • As a group, todays teens are fused with an
    optimism not seen among kids in decades. It
    doesnt hurt that they have grown up in a time of
    relative peace and have the longest economic
    expansion in history. -Newsweek
  • If Gen Xers go way over the edge with their
    pessimism, that will make us go way over the edge
    with our optimism. -Age 17
  • Are we cynical? No, why should we be? -Age 17

The World They Live In
  • They are beneficiaries of a backlash against
    hands-off parenting and a cultural elevation of
    stay-at-home moms
  • In 1993, 90 percent of fathers attended the
    births of their children, versus only 10 percent
    in 1975
  • Todays children cost their parents about twice
    as much as they cost their own parents (adjusted
    for inflation) -American Demographics

The World They Live In
  • They are the first generation that have computers
    at home
  • 60 of all households have a home computer
  • More than 80 of teens have internet access
    whether at home, school work, or the library
  • By 2004, the number of youths aged 17 to 24 who
    have cell phones will reach 43 million.

Teens are as comfortable with the digital media
as their parents were with the television and the
Their Place in Time
  • Atari, 8 tracks, vinyl records, and cassette
    audiotapes predate them
  • Their world has always included AIDS
  • They have no collective memory of life without
    the Pill, abortion, and equality in the
  • They are first generation to grow up with the

Their Place in Time
  • They dont remember the cold war
  • The expression sounds like a broken record is
    meaningless to them
  • There is no such thing as a busy signal or no
  • They have no memory of a time before MTV
  • They have no meaningful recollection of the
    Reagan era

Marketing to Millenials
  • Being cool enough for them to buy it

Spending Power
  • There are more of them than any other generation
  • They mean money spent in the future
  • They have a huge amount of discretionary income
  • They spend family money (groceries and clothes)
  • They influence parents spending

Spending Power
  • Their projected 2002 discretionary income is over
    140 billion dollars
  • In 2000
  • They spent 100 billion dollars
  • They influenced parents to spend an additional
    50 billion dollars
  • They spent an average of 565 a year on-line
  • They went to the mall 56 times a year, for about
    90 minutes, and spend on average 40 per visit.

Where does the money come from?
  • Allowances have risen 76 between 1991 and 1997
  • Weekly allowances equal 9 billion a year
  • 49 have part-time jobs
  • 39 of 18- to 19-year-olds have their own credit

Eleven percent of 12- to 17-year-olds own stock.
Conventional Wisdom
  • Brand Loyalty
  • Kids start to develop brand loyalty at age 10.
  • Loyalty becomes fixed at age 15.
  • Critical time to set brand preferences is ages 15
    and 25.
  • It is important to get them early because
    theyre already starting to form their own
    opinions -Melissa Wofson president Brains,
    Beauty and BOB

Theyre On To Us!
  • Theyve been advertised to since birth
  • They are not easily swayed or fooled
  • Rational approach doesnt work
  • Theyve grown up with slick ad campaigns and
    are turned off by brands that they feel are
    trying too hard to be cool. JB Research
  • Teenagers switch brands as often as TV
    channels. -Brandweek

Theres a real concern that their entire culture
is this commercial laboratory.
-Robert McChesney
Media Savvy Teens
  • They are a complex target to reach
  • Daily they have access to the Internet, an
    average of 62 TV channels, video games, PDAs,
    cell phones, etc.
  • The media they pay attention to
  • Cable TV 54
  • Magazines 53
  • Radio 50
  • Movie ads 48
  • Broadcast TV 35
  • Mail 20

Whats a Marketer to Do?
  • Build brands with them, rather than for them
  • They especially want to feel that they
    discovered the brand on their own, and not
    through marketing. JB Research
  • They cite word of mouth as a big influencer in
    brand choice
  • They want to feel that their consumer choices
  • Listen to them, dont talk down to them, and
    dont underestimate their intelligence
  • Capture their trust and respect them

Whats a Marketer to Do?
  • Tell the truth
  • They value authenticity They have no problem
    being marketed to as long as the product is
    personally relevant and you tell the truth
  • They feel empowered by the Web A disgruntled
    consumer can instantly take their story to
    thousands via Internet chat rooms and bulletin
    boards. -JB Research

They actually have to make it sound like it is
worth buying.
-Age 16
Whats a Marketer To Do?
  • Build campaigns that appeal to their specific
    attitudes and preferences
  • Use advertising that is full of irony, sarcasm,
    and ultimately makes them laugh
  • Know current trends
  • Listen to them and find out what is cool and be
    certain that you brand is part of them

Todays young people are generally unresponsive
to traditional brand marketing. They respond to
what is cool.
-PBS Merchants of Cool
Cool Hunting
  • How do you know what cool is if cool keeps
  • Cool hunting companies assemble paid teams of
    young people to go into malls, skate parks,
    clubswherever teens hang outand find out about
    everything from fashion to finance.
  • It is an ongoing process. It changes daily,
    weekly, monthly. To market to teens effectively
    you need talk to themall the time.

  • The Millenials are a unique, self-aware,
    economically powerful, and technologically
    empowered force.
  • They dont mind being marketed to as long as its
    truthful, relevant, and spoken in their
  • Dont underestimate them and, above all, be cool.

  • And when its all said and done, we cannot
    forget that they are still kids irrational,
    passionate, and hormonal to boot! Alf Nucifora
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