Population Inequality and Welfare
Measuring (based on Households Budgets Survey)
One cannot achieve sustainable welfare if half
of the country will prosper and half would live
in misery Franklin Delano ROOSVELT - USA
President (1932-1945)
2The main goal of the investigation is to estimate
inequality using modern scientific methods of
inequality measuring and analysis. The object
for inequality measuring and inequality if the
household. The data source are the data of
Household Budget Survey carried out by the
National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of
Moldova. The main indicator or population
welfare are the consumption expenditure of
3Households distribution in correlation with
consumption expenditures and disposable income
4Dynamics of Gini coefficient during 1998-2005
5Dynamics of quintile and decile coefficients of
6Consumption expenditure distribution by quitiles
7Lorenz Curves
8Gini coefficient dynamics in territorial aspect
9GDP evolution and Gini coefficient as against
previous year,
10Level of population inequality in different
a consumption expenditures b disposable
income c authors calculations
11Sex and age structure of households depending on
their welfare level,
12Distribution of households with different welfare
levels by number and composition,
13Disposable income in households with different
welfare level (in average per one member per
14Distribution of households and volume of money
from abroad,
15Consumption expenditures in households with
different welfare levels (in average per one
member per month)
16Housing depending on households welfare level
and residence of its members
17Presence of utility commodities in the dwelling
depending on household welfare level ( in of
total of households )
18Households equipping with durables (pieces by
100 households)
19Durables operation period in households
20Land usage by households,
21Health status of household members depending on
welfare level,
22Household expenditures for health
23Education level of household members (of 15
years and over),
24Households with children studying on contract
25Distribution of households with different welfare
levels by number of visits to service providers
for population,
26Self-assessment of households living standards,
27Level of difficulty when paying for utility
services depending on households welfare level,
28Size of monthly disposable incomes sufficient for
settling household's problems (per one household
member, lei)