Title: Body Image Therapy
1Body Image Therapy Lynn Hammond
2- Body Image Therapy Group
- 20 Sessions for 1hr 15mins
- Maximum 6 anorexic and / or bulimic
patients - Inpatients / Day patients / Out patients
- BMI over 18
3Group Benefits
- Peer Groups are
- Objective
- Supportive
- Challenging
4Outcome Measures
Body Shape Questionnaire Weiss Silhouettes
5The group focuses on
Historical Causes - of their negative body image
Current Causes - that maintain their disturbances
6Sessions include
-Impact of family, peers, life events and
socio-cultural factors.
-Pride and shame of appearance
-Size, shape, proportions, being a woman, curves
-Mirror work
-Appearance, Assumptions, self esteem
-Self affirmation
7Weiss Scales
8(No Transcript)
9Results from Weiss Scales Forms
Think - 3/4 lowest to 5 highest Feel -
4/5 lowest to 5/6 highest Ideally - 2 or
2/3 Think others see - 3 lowest to 5
highest Others actually see - 1/2 lowest to 2/3
10Discussion Points
- Estimation of others realistically
- How they are not realistic
- Body Image therapy aims to help them
- be realistic (think)
- understand what makes them feel the way they do
- accept themselves at a healthy weight (feel)
11Reflections in the mirror
-Describe what you see when you look in the mirror
-What thoughts run through your mind when you
look at your reflection
-How do you feel as you look at yourself
12- Self disclosure
- Honesty
- Compliments
- Positive affirmations
Nobody looks perfect - nobody needs to be perfect
- accept and make the best of what you have.