PowerPoint Presentation FY04 BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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PowerPoint Presentation FY04 BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS


Physical education will be reduced from 2 x 30 minutes at grades 1-3 and 1 x 30 ... will restrict student course selections to 6 courses per year (24 credits) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: PowerPoint Presentation FY04 BUDGET ASSUMPTIONS

The following document was presented to the
Needham School Committee for discussion at its
meeting on January 7, 2003. It represents a list
of FY 04 budget reduction considerations. If
you have any questions, comments, or suggestions
you would like to share with us, please copy and
paste this e-mail address into your e-mail
program and contact us at fy04budget_at_needham.k12
.ma.us Pdf version of this document available to
those with the latest (5.0) version of Adobe
Acrobat Reader here.
  • Level Dollar Budget Presumes
  • No Increase Over FY03
  • Requires, therefore, a 2.3 Reduction to FY04
    Request Including Level Services Requests

FY 03 Budget 32,452,225 FY 04 Level Fund
Contractual 907,076 FY 04 Level Fund
Mandates 748,491 FY 04 Level Service
652,013 Subtotal 2,307,580 FY 04
Total Request 34,759,805
Staff/Program ImpactsPositions Required and
Elementary 17.29 Middle School 8.70 High
School 6.03 District 4.69 Total 36.71
Staff Reductions by Category
Teachers (Unit A) (376.07 --gt 345.07)
31.0 8 Administration (Unit B)
(29.9 --gt 27.7) 2.2
7 Support Staff (Units C D) (114.04 --gt
110.53) 3.51 4 Total (520.01 --gt
483.3) 36.71 7
Program ImplicationsElementary
Spanish Gr. 3-5 (3 --gt 0) Eliminate
135,000 The reduction will entirely eliminate
our elementary foreign language program. Art
(3.6 --gt 2.8) 22 Reduction 36,000 Ar
t instruction will be reduced from 1 x 45 minutes
at grades 1-4 and 1 x 60 minutes at grade 5, to 1
x 40 minutes at grades 1-5. Music (5.6 --gt 3.3)
41 Reduction 103,500 Music
instruction will be reduced from 2 x 30 minutes
for grades 1-3 to 1x 30 minutes for grades 1-3,
and will eliminate the 30 minute period in grades
4-5. Chorus will continue to meet for 45 minutes
in grades 4- 5. Instrumental lessons at grade 4
will be eliminated, as well as grade 3 strings.
Physical Education (6 --gt 3) 50 Reduction
135,000 Physical education will be
reduced from 2 x 30 minutes at grades 1-3 and 1 x
30 minutes at grades 4-5 to 1 x 30 minutes for
grades 1-5. In addition, the current 1x 45
minutes for health education at grades 4-5 will
be eliminated and partially absorbed into the
science curriculum. Media (4.6 --gt 3.6)
22 Reduction 45,000 Media
instruction will be reduced from 1 x 45 minutes
at grades 1-5 to 1 x 30 minutes at grades K-3 and
1 x 45 minutes at grades 4-5, all on an every
other week basis.
Instructional Tech (2.4 --gt 1.4) 42
Reduction 45,000 Currently there are 1.4
elementary instructional technology specialists.
We had requested an additional 1.0 position to
adequately respond to technology integration
needs in our five elementary schools. The
additional position requested will be withdrawn.
Science Center (2.37 --gt 1.58) 33
Reduction 33,300 The Science Center currently
has 3 program specialists, a part-time secretary,
and a director. This reduction will reduce their
capacity to provide service by eliminating a
program specialist.
Behavioral Specialist (1.0 --gt .6) 40
Reduction 18,000 The elementary principals
have strongly advocated for a position to provide
support for classroom teachers working with
youngsters with severe behavioral disorders. The
reduction will reduce this 1.0 requested position
to a .6 position. Elementary (99 --gt 96)
3 Reduction 135,000 Classroom
Positions The elementary principals have
preserved reasonable class sizes in the schools.
This reduction will occur across the schools once
the impact of redistricting is better understood.
Instructional Leaders (2 --gt 1) 50
Reduction 75,000 We have two
instructional leaders, one in literacy and the
other in mathematics. Since we are beginning our
implementation of a new mathematics program, we
must retain this position. The loss of the other
instructional leader will eliminate classroom
literacy support systemwide, as well as expertise
in student portfolio development, elementary to
middle school transitions, and social studies
curriculum revision. Asst. Principal (.5
--gt 0) 100 Reduction
37,000 Broadmeadow The Broadmeadow School is now
87,000 square feet and will have approximately
450 students next September. This will be a
difficult leadership assignment without any
leadership assistance.
Foreign Language (.5 --gt 0) 100 Reduction
22,500 Dept. Chair (Gr. 3-8) With the
elimination of the program, the Department Chair
Grades 3-8 position will be eliminated and the
incumbent assigned to a middle school language
teaching position. Preschool Fees
0 The preschool program very much needs an
additional teaching assistant position and a
part-time secretary to respond to administrative
needs. Funding for these positions will have to
be secured through an increase in the tuition
charged to typically developing students. We
anticipate that the fee will be raised by 500,
from 2,100 to 2,600.
Elementary Internships 100 Reduction
15,000 For the past 8 to 10 years, the
Broadmeadow School has employed 3 to 5 graduate
interns from Simmons College. The funding for
this program in our budget will be
eliminated. Non-Salary Elementary Classroom
100 Reduction 20,000 Supplies/Furniture Elimin
ate new classroom supplies and furniture account.
We have a systemwide account for supplies and
furniture. Often times it has been used to
outfit new classes as needed. This supplementary
funding will no longer be available. Total
Elementary Reduction 855,300
Program ImplicationsPollard Middle School
Grade 6 Cluster Position (16 --gt 15) 6
Reduction 45,000 We will reduce one cluster to
three positions which will require each teacher
to teach one subject outside their discipline.
Class sizes on average will increase from 22.9 to
24.4. Grade 7 Cluster Position (16 --gt 14)
13Reduction 90,000 We will reduce two clusters
to three positions which will require each
teacher to teach one subject outside their
discipline. Class sizes on average will increase
from 20.5 to 23.4 Foreign Language (6.2 --gt
5.2) 16 Reduction 45,000 Eliminate the
German program grades 6-8 (.6 FTE) and also a .4
foreign language position thereby somewhat
increasing class sizes as well as eliminating one
of our language offerings.
Art (4.9 --gt 3.6) 27 Reduction
58,500 This reduction in fine arts staff will
eliminate more costly electives such as ceramics
and increase class sizes to mid 20's. Music (6.7
--gt 6.2) 7 Reduction
22,500 This 0.5 FTE reduction will eliminate
smaller specialized music classes such as
Introduction to Theatre, Piano/Keyboard and
Guitar along with expectations that all grade 6
students take Chorus. Technology/Media (4.4 --gt
3.7) 16 Reduction 31,500 This .7
reduction will eliminate electives and technology
integration support for academic classes.
Physical Education (4.9 --gt 4.0) 18
Reduction 40,500 This .9 FTE reduction
will eliminate the Experiential Education program
at grades 6 and 8. Guidance Services (4.6 --gt
3.6) 22 Reduction 45,000 This
reduction will eliminate the additional 1.0
guidance counselor position requested to better
service our more than 1050 middle school
students. Integrated Learning Block
20,700 This .3 ILB assignment will be funded
through the METCO Grant, if METCO maintains its
Non Salary Foreign Language Texts
20,000 This reduction will eliminate the
purchase of some foreign language textbooks.
Grade 8 Spanish students will be required to use
a textbook not coordinated with the recently
purchased grades 6 and 7 series. Total Middle
School Reduction 418,700
Program ImplicationsNeedham High School
TEC Collaborative Program at Regis
6,000 We have had a long-standing arrangement
with TEC to educate eight to ten NHS students who
have difficulty learning. These are not special
education students, but students who tend to have
learning problems in a large high school. The
combined tuition for these students is 60,000.
We will need to provide a small group setting for
these students at NHS with the equivalent of 1.2
new teaching positions (54,000). As a result
the savings are minimal, although it will also
yield a savings in transportation costs.
Faculty Positions (63 --gt 57.6) 9 Reduction
243,000 This reduction will restrict student
course selections to 6 courses per year (24
credits). Students at NHS currently average
slightly over 6.5 courses per year. Three
hundred fifty seven students, or 27, take 7
courses, and 647, or 48, take 6.5 courses.
Therefore, 1004 students or 74.7 of the student
population will have to reduce their class
schedule by at least a half-year or full-year
course. This represents a diminution of anywhere
from 8 to 14 of the courses available to be
taken per year for these students.
Personal Data
Another, Student YOG
2003 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade
11 Grade 12 English 9 ACC
English 10 ACC English 11 ACC AP
English Spanish 2H Exper Writing
Spanish 4 AC Public Speaking Math 1
IMP H Spanish 3H Math 3 IMP H
Journalism Biology H Math 2
IMP Chemistry ACC AP Spanish
5 World Hist. ACC Physics H Am. Civ.
ACC Env. Science H Comm. Classroom
Wld/Amer ACC Comm. Classroom Psych/Soc
H Concert Band I sem Comm. Classrm Concert
Band 1 Sem Comm. Classrm Health/PE 9
Conc. Band sem Health/PE 11
Conc. Band 1sem Fresh. Seminar Health/PE
Health/PE 12 Senior Project Credits/6
24 Credits/6 24 Credits/6
24 Credits/6 20 Credits/7 29
Credits/7 29 Credits/7 27
Credits/7 29 Total 24 29
Total 48 58 Total 72 86
Total 92 115
Personal Data
Areal, Student YOG
2003 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade
11 Grade 12 English 9 H
English 10 H English 11 ACC AP
English Spanish 2S Spanish 3S
Spanish 4H Film Studies Algebra
2 ACC Geometry ACC Pre-Calculus BC
AP Calculus BC Biology H Math
2 IMP AP Computer Sci. Physiology
ACC World Hist. ACC World Amer H
Chemistry ACC 20th Cent.
Physics Commercial Art Comm. Classroom
Amer. Civ. ACC Amer. Legal Sys. Drawing I
TV Comm. Health/PE
11 AP US Govt. Health/PE 9 Health/PE
10 Health/PE 12 Senior
Project Credits/6 24 Credits/6
24 Credits/6 22 Credits/6
20 Credits/7 28 Credits/7 28
Credits/7 26 Credits/7
29 Total 24 29 Total 48 56
Total 70 82 Total 94

Support Staff (7.74 --gt6.91) 11 Reduction
28,000 This reduction will eliminate a .83
secretarial position at NHS. Guidance (8 --gt
7.5) 6 Reduction
45,000 This reduction will eliminate the
additional counselor position requested to meet
increasing needs at NHS. However, it will also
reassign the Director of Guidance to a .5
counseling role and assign some supervisory
duties to the Director of Student Development and
Program Evaluation. The net reduction in the
Guidance teaching staff is 0.5 Nursing Services
(1.5 --gt 1.0) 33 Reduction 22,500 To
better service our nearly 1,400 high school
students, we had requested an additional .05
position. The additional position will be
Non-Salary Educational Supplies/Texts
38,150 Reduce supply and text accounts that had
been requested as a level service need at
NHS. Equipment 15,000 This will
eliminate our request to implement a musical
instrument replacement program. Athletics
45,000 Increase user fees by 53. The current
fee is 110 per athlete per sport. The new fee
would be 163 and cover increasing costs of
16,000 in the revolving fund, as well as the
loss of 45,000 in operating budget support. The
fee increase represents a 48 increase in the
charge to our student athletes. Total High
School Reduction 442,650
Program Implications DistrictSystemwide
Professional Development
Mentors/Curriculum Leaders 71 Reduction
25,000 New leader positions in each
school will be eliminated, as well as the funds
to support new teacher mentors. Teaching
Substitutes/Conferences 42 Reduction
15,000 The amount of funds available to provide
substitutes for teachers to attend conferences
will be reduced. Superintendent Staff
Development 68 Reduction 5,000 Funds
available in the Superintendent's budget to
support systemwide staff development
opportunities will be reduced from 7,300 to
Summer Curriculum 40 Reduction
10,000 Funding for summer curriculum
work by teachers at the 150 daily rate will be
reduced by 67 teacher work days. Typically we
have requests for summer curriculum work in
excess of 75,000. Only 15,000 will be
available to support these projects. Professional
Days Eliminate
150,000 The NEA contract enables us to
require teachers to work up to five additional
days beyond the school year. Each year five days
are scheduled and are rotated by level. In FY
'04, the days were to be divided between the
middle school (3 days) and elementary school (2
District Printing Aides
Eliminate 15,000 Fees to use graphic
arts and printing center at NHS will be raised to
fund necessary summer and school year
staff. Teaching Substitutes /Personal Illness
6 Reduction 16,030 Reduce funds required to
employ substitute teachers as needed. Superintend
ent's Office 38 Reduction
16,700 A .6 secretarial position will be
eliminated and duties reassigned. Special
Education (42.8 --gt 41.2) 4 Reduction
72,000 We will reduce the number of special
educators systemwide by 1.6 positions.
Computer (2.61 --gt 1.74) 33 Reduction
35,000 Technician We currently have two
technicians providing support to more than 1000
computers. This reduction withdraws our request
to add a third technician position. Administrator
s to Teaching 40 Reduction
31,500 In addition to assigning a .5 counseling
load to the Director of Guidance, we will assign
the Director of Physical Education Health to a
.5 teaching assignment, and the Director of Fine
and Performing Arts to a .2 teaching assignment.
Transportation 23 Reduction
16,700 With this reduction, we will shift .42
of staff salaries to the revolving fund. This
will increase the transportation fee by 45 from
268 to 313 per rider, an increase of 16.8.
(Approximately 24 of this increase funds the
contractual increase in transportation. The
additional 21 funds the shift in staff
salaries.) Transportation 16,700 We have
discovered a budgetary duplication in the
transportation budget and can make this reduction
without impacting the program.
Non-Salary Curriculum Textbooks 44
Reduction 4,000 Reduce
systemwide textbook account from 9,000 to
5,000. School Committee Expenses 50
Reduction 9,000 This reduction
will cut in half the School Committee account
from 18,000 to 9,000. The School Committee
account is used for some memberships and
systemwide events. Photocopier Maintenance
11,300 Eliminate the systemwide general
maintenance account which is now absorbed in
lease agreements.
ERB Tests Eliminate
8,000 Student achievement
data is currently included in part through annual
ERB test administration. Data on achievement
will now only be available for students in grades
3-8 through MCAS tests. Vocational Tuition
8,000 We are required to reimburse residents who
need technical training. This funding will be
totally eliminated, although the requirement
remains. Staff 504 Support 50 Reduction
2,500 Reduce in half
funds to provide assistance to staff who require
Sec. 504 accommodation.
SPED Contingency 50 Reduction
80,000 Reduce the contingency for
potential out-of-district replacements from 15
to 7.5 of total tuition budget. Central
Administration In-State Travel/Miscellaneous
7,500 We will reduce several line items in the
Central Administration budgets to achieve this
reduction. TEC Transportation
36,000 With the elimination of the TEC Regis
program, we can realize a 36,000 transportation
savings. Total Systemwide/District
Reduction 590,930
Elementary Reduction 855,300 Pollard
Middle School Reduction 418,700 Needham
High School Reduction 442,650 Systemwide/Dis
trict Reduction 590,930 Grand Total
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