Title: Your Subject
1(Your Subject)
- Your name
- Your interns name
2(Your Subject) at Everett High School offers
Make a Positive Statement Here
3(Your Subject) at Everett High School
- What is unique about your program?
4Put Your Name Here
- Your Credentials i.e.
- Michigan State University, B.A. in Psychology
- Central Michigan University, M.A. in Education
5Professional Affiliations
- What professional affiliations are you associated
6Foundation Name for Grants or Special Materials
for Your Class
What did you get?
7Awards Your Program Has Won
- What awards or special recognition has your
program received?
8EHS Logo Here
- The primary goal for students in (your subject)
List the goal here
9The skills students acquire in (your subject)
10Unit One
11Unit Two
12Unit Three
13Unit Four
14Unit Five
15Unit Six
16Unit Seven
17Unit Eight
18Special Areas Of Interest We Focus On All Year
- List areas of special interest here
19Something new in (your subject) this year is
20Technology Related
- What do you use technology for in your class?
- What will students learn that is technology
21Beyond the Classroom
22Academic Opportunities for Students
- What academic opportunities outside of class can
your students become involved in related to your
subject matter?
23Club Activities
- What club activities can your students become
24Field Trips
- Where do you go on field trips that are relevant
to your subject matter?
25Community Service
- What community service activities do you do
related to your subject matter?
- What activities can your students compete in
outside of class?
27(Your Subject) atEverett High School
- (The subject) can help you reach your goals!
28(Your Subject) atEverett High School
- A final positive statement