Title: A briefing for the US Department of Agriculture
1 A briefing for the US Department of
Agriculture November 13, 2007
2 Pleased to Meet You!
- Federal Program Snapshot
- 3 prime contract goal for Service-Disabled
Veteran-owned Small Businesses (SDVOSBs) - 3 subcontract goal for SDVOSBs
- Floating subcontracting goal for VOSBs
- Objective expand population of businesses and
increase capacity to support Federal requirements
3(some of) Todays Acronyms
- CVE Center for Veterans Enterprise
- FPDS Federal Procurement Data System
- IAE Integrated Acquisition Environment
- SDVOSB Service-Disabled Veteran-owned Small
Business - VetBiz Veterans in business
- VIP Vendor Information Pages database
- VOSB Veteran-owned Small Business
4 Center for Veterans Enterprise
- Office of the Secretary Organizational Element
- 17 FTE in 3 Units
- Communications
- Business Development
- Business Expansion
- Mission
- We promote business ownership and expansion for
veterans and service-disabled veterans. - Objective
- Expand the Business Base thru Structured Growth
- Established February 2001
5 What problem(s) are we trying to solve?
- Reach the 3 SDVOSB prime contract goal
- Reach the 3 SDVOSB subcontract goal
- Improve performance with VOSBs
- Increase the capability and capacity of both
SDVOSB and VOSB concerns - Stay Green on SBA Scorecard
6SDVOSB Prime and Subcontracting Percentages
represents the percentage of total prime
contract dollars. Source of information SBA
Office of Government Contracting -
We are not responsible for the accuracy of the
data depicted and questions about the data should
be referred to the originating agencys Director
for Small Business Programs. Contact information
is available at www.OSDBU.gov.
7 Prime and Subcontracting Percentages
represents the percentage of total prime
contract dollars. Source of information SBA
Office of Government Contracting -
For missing data, please contract the agency
We are not responsible for the accuracy of the
data depicted and questions about the data should
be referred to the originating agencys Director
for Small Business Programs. Contact information
is available at www.OSDBU.gov.
8 Prime and Subcontracting Percentages
represents the percentage of total prime
contract dollars. Source of information SBA
Office of Government Contracting -
For missing data, please contract the agency
We are not responsible for the accuracy of the
data depicted and questions about the data should
be referred to the originating agencys Director
for Small Business Programs. Contact information
is available at www.OSDBU.gov.
9FY 2007 VA Goals Accomplishments
Partial data as of 10/25/07 8.66 billion
reported. Final reporting date for FY 2007 is
10 What is that in REAL Dollars?
- VOSB 10.74 1,094,680,421
- SDVOSB 7.36 749,864,454
- Total FY 2007 VA Spend 10.1 Billion
- We use VIP to source for Veterans.
- VA prime contractors must use VIP.
11FY 2006 Contract Actions
Source of information SBA Office of Government
Contracting - http//www.sba.gov/aboutsba/sbaprogr
We are not responsible for the accuracy of the
data depicted and questions about the data should
be referred to the originating agencys Director
for Small Business Programs. Contact information
is available at www.OSDBU.gov.
12EO 13360
- VAs Strategic Plan
- Use SDVOSB set-asides
- Encourage SDVOSBs to Market to VA
- Monitor Prime Contractors numbers
- Train, Train, Train
- Publicize VA needs
- Support other agencies
13Success Strategies
- Choose Veterans as suppliers
- Find veterans in business at VetBiz.gov
- Spread success stories
- Partner VOSBs with PTACs
- Partner VOSBs with other smalls
- Use all tools
14More Success Strategies
- Leadership commitment
- Unleash reward innovative contracting
- Think creatively
- BPAs for toner cartridges vendor sales reports
- FSS limited competitions
- GSA VETS GWAC for IT services
- FSS Corporate Teaming Arrangements
- Others like GPO limited printing authority
- Display data everywhere
- Dont punish risk-takers
15Online VetBiz Vendor Information Pages
16Finding SDVOSBs VOSBs
Customized market research reports
17A few favorite stories
- Veterans Rate CVE 1
- Gerald Hawkins, GH Foods
- Kevin Mabie, Valador
- Tony Jacobs, Metropolitan Enterprises
- Art Salus, Duluth Travel
- Len Johnson, JDG Communications
- Our Next Speaker Scott Golden, Veterans
Construction - USDAs Next Big SDVOSB/VOSB Award!
18Team CVE
19National Veterans Conference
- Caesars Palace Las Vegas July 7-10, 2008
- www.nationalveteransconference.com
- Conference Hotline 703 695 3220
- 1300 participants in 2007
- Legislative Update
- Sponsored by Interagency OSDBU Directors
- Come and meet the best team in Government Team