Title: TSO Global Summit
1TSO Global Summit
- September 11 - 15, 2000
- Dearborn, Michigan
- Multiple languages
- Variation in skill levels (mostly poor)
- No common educational structure
- Increasing vehicle technology
- Technician retention
- Publication support (languages, costs)
- Expected growth in sales / service
- FIRFT in some markets is only 40
- A/P market is 5,700,000 vehicles
- Ford share is currently 6
- World Trade Organisation (WTO) will lift trade
restrictions to China in 2001 - ASEAN market will drop tariffs on trade between
local ASEAN countries - When these things happen, the sales volume will
increase and the need for skilled technicians
will increase
- Establish mandatory competencies
- Identify minimum skill level target
- Use foundation training material RT process
- Develop a WEB repository for material
- Share training aids / materials
- Provide local Train the Trainer sessions
- Trustmark synergies (training centers)
- Explore publication synergies
- Courses available any time, any where
- Flexible delivery
- Off the Job training
- On the Job training
- Instructor led training
- e learning (WEB)
- Common Core structure
- Foundation training
- Competency focuses on what an employee is able
to do in the context of competency application
guided by a standard or package of standards - How do we track, assess, monitor, record and
improve competence?
9FIRFT Customer Satisfaction
- Our customers expect / demand that a competent
person repairs their vehicle correctly on the
first visit. - Should they expect anything less???
- If we achieve / exceed their expectation we gain
their satisfaction and trust.
10Automotive Consumer Services Group
11On-Line Managed Learning System.
12Ford E-Train Knowledge Pathways
- Consistent business outcomes - Globally
- Training offered throughout the region
- Full management of enrollment, tracking,
assessment reporting - Monitor record performance / assessment at
competence level - Integrating Fordstar, Multi-media and Web-based
training with direct instruction and
micro-management - Interfaces and transfer of data to STARS
13Ford E-Train Knowledge Pathways
- Full accommodation of practical elements
- High Graphic Content delivered locally
avoiding bandwidth issues - One-to-One communication with mentor / trainer
- Low cost, rapid content development deployment
- Multi-lingual capabilities leveraging power of
the web
14Simple Efficient User Interface
15Text Based Materials
16One-to-One Student / Mentor Communication
When the answers arrive - indicated
17Design, Manage, Edit Assess All Content
Marques retain responsibility for their own
18Practical Components (Work Evidence)
19Detailed Management of Learning Content and
Learning Process - Record of Progressive
Knowledge / Skill Attainment.
20System Facilitates All Marques - Ownership of
Management is Retained !
Independent workgroups where required. Shared
resources where appropriate. Independent
management maintained. Recognition of unique
applications and unique vehicle systems under a
common delivery framework.
21Regional Management Also Facilitated ..
Providing - Consistent Content - Consistent
Delivery - Resource Efficiency - Cost Reduction -
Regional Specialisation - Independent Management
22Regions can be set up as required ...
23Discreet Workgroups User Management - Anywhere.
24Comprehensive Course Management
- Multiple Learning Paths
- Multiple Modules / Path
- Workgroups can be
- subdivided into any number
- of discreet Usergroups
- Categories can be defined
- Moving users between groups
- and learning paths is drag drop
25Fully Accommodates National Accreditation
Framework - National Apprenticeship Program.
26Structured Enrolment Processes - No one is lost
to the system.
27Change Management / Product Management
- The System further provides comprehensive support
for - Ad hoc change management
- Procedures Updates
- Technical Updates
- New Product Details ( both technical
non-technical) -
- .. Importantly, all activities can be
- Managed, Tracked and Measured (assessed) against
- targeted strategic and business outcomes.
- Consistent learning process
- Consistent learning outcomes
- Recognised competency standards
- Supports RT Process
- Defined learning path for knowledge skill
development - Increase in FIRFTOT repairs
- Increase in customer satisfaction
29Thank you !
30(No Transcript)