Title: Please check
1Please check
2Todays topic
- The transactional model of communication,
instructional conversations, and recitation
- Rough draft due tonight. Remember that you assign
your grade -- make sure that the cover sheet is
filled out and that you checked the box that
indicates the number of points you earned. - Your interview assignment is due when we return
from Spring Break.
4Quick questions or quandaries?
5Small Group Activity 1
- Before you turn in your rough draft, discuss it
in small group. Write suggestions and reminders
on your paper you will get it back, along with
my comments.
30 minutes
6The Transactional Model of Communication
- This perspective emphasizes the reciprocal,
bidirectional influence of the communication
environment, the responsiveness of communicative
partners, and the child's own developing
communicative competence
7Transactional Model, cont.
- For example, this model assumes that the
increasing readability or clarity of the child's
communicative behavior may influence the parent's
style and frequency of contingent responsiveness
in ways that will further scaffold the child's
developing competence during the transition to
linguistic communication.
(Wetherby, Warren, Reichle, 1998, p. 2)
9Another definition
- Children are viewed as active participants who
learn to affect the behavior and attitudes of
others through active signaling and who gradually
learn to use more sophisticated and conventional
means to communicate through caregivers
contingent social responsiveness.
(Kublin et al., 1998, p. 286)
- The quality and nature of the contexts in which
interaction occurs are considered to have a great
influence on the successful acquisition of
language and communicative behavior...
development can be understood only by analysis of
the interactive context, not simply by focusing
solely on the child or the caregivers, because
successful communication involves reciprocity and
mutual negotiation."
(Kublin et al., 1998, p. 286)
11The Communication Environment
The childs developing communicative competence
The responsiveness of communicative partners
12In what ways does the transactional model of
communication development seem related to Lily
Wong Fillmores model?
Discuss among yourselves
13Components of Wong Fillmores model
The Social Setting
Speakers of the Target Language
14One critical area of social competence a child
must acquire is the ability to recognize/
interpret what social event is taking place and
to speak and act in ways that are sensitive to
the context.
Language Socialization
(Ochs, 1986, p. 3)
15to speak and act in ways that are sensitive to
the context.
So, how we speak and behave varies according to
the context. These patterns of language use are
learned as a child participates in different
social settings. We can call these different sets
of language use expectations genres.
16Language Genres?
- Context specific language use patterns.
or... The different ways we communicate in
different contexts
17Everyday Conversation
How do you recognize one?
18Lets look at a few more language genres
19The Job Interview
20Closing the Deal
21Family Counseling Session
22Telephone Conversations
23 Quick Write
- After reading and learning about different
approaches to theories of first and second
language development, what strikes you as the
most important thing for your teaching practice?
24Everyday Conversationvs. Recitation Script
vs.Instructional Conversation
25Everyday Conversation
How do you recognize one?
26Everyday Conversation
- Locally managed
- Speakers self-select
- Topic determined and changed by speakers
- Conversation fully interactive
- Sequential structure
- Informal style
27Recitation Script
- Teacher directed
- Teacher selects speakers
- Teacher determines topic
- Interaction determined by teacher
- I-R-E structure
- Formal style
- teacher INITIATION
- student RESPONSE
- teacher EVALUATION
29What's the problem with recitation script?
30Instructional Conversation (IC)
"Talk in which ideas are explored rather than
answers to teachers' test questions provided and
(Cazden, 1988, p. 54)
31Characteristics of IC
- It is interesting and engaging.
- It is about an idea or a
concept that
has meaning and
relevance for students.
32Characteristics of IC
- It has a focus that, while it may shift as the
discussion evolves, remains discernible
throughout. - There is a high level of participation, without
undue domination by any one individual,
particularly the teacher.
33Characteristics of IC
- Students engage in extended discussion
conversations with the teacher and among
(Goldenberg, 1991, p. 3)
34Small Group Activity 2
- Compare and discuss two transcripts from Tizard
and Hughes (1984, Young children talking), with
respect to recitation script/IRE and
instructional conversation - "Big Sweets and Little Sweets"
- "Little Jesus"
35Todays main points
- We speak differently in different contexts, i.e.
with friends versus during religious ceremonies. - Teacher talk often looks very similar from
teacher to teacher and tends to encourage right
36Main points, cont.
- The traditional way that teacher talk is done may
not be the best way to stimulate language
development. That requires - active participation in meaningful communicative
37Looking ahead
- Comparing and Contrasting First and Second
Language Development
38Please take a minute for the minute paper.