Title: The Tennessee Base Mapping Program
1The Tennessee Base Mapping Program
Dennis Pedersen, DirectorOIR GIS Services
2TNBMPA New Beginning
- Initial Production Complete
- Accomplishments Summary
- Ortho Imagery Pilot Program
- TDOT Partnership
- Enterprise GIS TNMap
- (The Tennessee Map)
3TNBMPA New Beginning
Lets take a look back
4TN Base Mapping Program
Pilot Counties 1997, 1998
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6Milestones/AccomplishmentsA few quick facts
- Total cost 28 million
- 19 million (ortho, DTM, planimetrics)
- 9 million (parcels)
- Collaboration/Local partnerships
- 5 million in contracts
- 250 organizations in 57 counties
- Leveraged existing data in 6 counties
- Local GIS maintenance in 45 counties
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8Sustainable Ortho Imagery Principles
- Cost effective approach that meets needs of State
and local users
- Leverage federal funding to help reduce or
eliminate duplication of effort
- Regional or Statewide acquisition
- County by county more expensive/inefficient
- Eliminate production of overlapping map sheets
- Develop set schedule for updates
- Examine State/local cost share
9Data Maintenance Strategies
- Initial statewide production complete
- Ortho Imagery is 7 years old in some counties
- Population growth/development driving demand for
new imagery - Need a plan for ortho imagery update/maintenance
10Data Maintenance Strategies
- FY07 - 08 Funding in place
- Extended current contract from 10/07 to 10/08 and
modified specs to emulate Imagery for the
Nation and local requirements - Identify counties with significant growth,
imagery that is outdated, TDOT region 1 (upper
East TN) - Continue operating under current cost share model
(75 State / 25 local)
11Ortho Maintenance Pilot Program2007-2008
12TNBMP Digital Terrain Model
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19Dept. of Transportation
- Existing analog aerial photography program
- Large scale engineering projects (site specific)
- Right-of-way corridor studies
- Regional planning efforts
- Identified need to update current photogrammetry
- Completed Gap analysis to provide detailed
- Need to develop or enhance internal processes for
using new technology
20OIR-GIS/TDOT - Partnership
- TDOT Modernizing Equipment
- Digital camera suitable for ortho photo
production - Training staff on new photogrammetry production
req. - ortho acquisition for ¼ of State annually
- OIR-GIS responsible for data hosting and
distribution - TNMap enterprise GIS
- Dissemination to local government
- 2008 Acquisition Region 4 (West TN)
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Aerial Surveys
24Sustainable Ortho Imagery Principles
- Cost effective approach that meets needs of State
and local users
- Leverage federal funding to help reduce or
eliminate duplication of effort
- Regional or Statewide acquisition
- County by county more expensive/inefficient
- Eliminate production of overlapping map sheets
- Develop set schedule for updates
- 4 year cycle
- Revisit State/local cost share
25Enterprise GIS Development
- How can State agencies create and maintain
spatial data once and use (share) it many times?
The Tennessee Map (TNMap)
26The Tennessee Map (TNMap) Enterprise GIS
- Goals
- Develop enterprise GIS infrastructure to provide
secure, usable, and easy access to TNBMP data - Provide State agencies with ability to publish
data to enterprise GIS - Support vision of USGS National Map and NSDI
- Identify data stewards, reduce or eliminate
redundant GIS data collection
27The Tennessee Map (TNMap) Enterprise GIS
- Initiatives/Strategies
- Staffing requirements (2 to 8)
- Enterprise Geospatial Data Repository
- GIS Data Inventory and Data Stewardship
- TN Geospatial Data Sharing Standards
- Enterprise Services and Geospatial Applications
- Geospatial Standards (software, metadata)
28Business Case for Enterprise GIS
The Tennessee Map (TNMap) Enterprise GIS
- Comptroller Manage real property
- TWRA/TDEC/Ag. Governors Heritage Conservation
Trust Fund - TDOT Right-of-way acquisition
- ECD community planning, land use regulations,
business development -
ROI Create once use many times, eliminates
duplication of effort, saves time and money
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30The Tennessee Map (TNMap) Enterprise GIS
TNMapMore than just a map
- Geo-portal application
- Base Map Data Repository
- Shared GIS infrastructure for application hosting
- Access Public, State GIS users
TNMap portal demonstration
31TNBMPA New Beginning
- State will provide local government with updated
ortho imagery 4 year cycle - Local gov. will provide the State with updated
parcels, street centerline GIS data - Counties with new imagery (2007 or 2008)
- Local cost share is 25 of parcels only
32TNBMPA New Beginning
- Vision Maintain a statewide GIS base map
through partnership development that can be used
in support of a wide range of local, state, and
federal programs
33Thank you.
- Contact Information
- Dennis Pedersen, Director, GIS Services312 8th
Avenue North16th Floor, WRS Tennessee
TowerNashville, TN 37243-0288 - E-mail dennis.pedersen_at_state.tn.us
- Phone 615-741-9356