Title: OFDM
- Models
- Case Studies
- Realistic Numbers
- A Theoretical Conjecture
3General System Model
- Single access point
- Equal receive power at access point
- Distributed channel assignment
4Basic Game Model
- N - set of decision making links
- C - set of available channels
- Action Set
- 2C
- fC(k) link throughput given k users of channel
- Utility
- Some function of throughput
5General Congestion Game
- Components
- A finite set of actors (players), N 1,2,,n
- A set of facilities, F1,2,,g
- A set of payoffs, cf k where f ? F and k is the
number of users of facility f - Action Sets
- Ai 2F
- Utility Functions
- Non wireless apps
- Club games
- Traffic routes
- Exact Potential
- For verification of EPF, see potential game
6What Game Theory Buys Us
- Potential Function
- Steady-state identification (Maximizers of V(a))
- Convergence for better response
- Genetic algorithms
- Trial and error improvement
- Greedy
- Stable (Asymptotic)
- Only local, numerous fixed points
7Case Study 1 Throughput Maximization
- Utility
- Leads to possible over-provisioning
- All channels occupied by all radios if cf gt0
- Possible first mover advantage if not all cf gt0
- Definite over provisioning if cf gt0 and
(Specifically a tragedy of the commons)
8Case Study 2 Channel Limited Throughput
- Action Set Constrained to L or less channels
- Utility
- Possible over-provisioning
- Grab up to L channels
- Same conditions for over-provisioning as before
- Judicious choice of L could combat this problem
9Case Study 3 Costly Channels
- Utility
- General implications
- Steady state very sensitive to Ki
- No channels used to all channels used
Power/complexity cost
10Case Study 4 Hard Limited Throughput
- Utility
- General implications
- Steady state very sensitive to initial conditions
- Starting above Ti no improvement path below Ti
(Generalized Ordinal Potential)
11Case Study 5 Saturated Throughput
- Utility
- General implications
- Steady state less sensitive to initial conditions
- Back to possible overprovision
(Ordinal Potential)
12Case Study 6Saturated Costly Throughput
- Utility
- Potential??
- NE exists in mixed strategies
13Case Study 7Costly Hard Limited Throughput
- Utility
- Potential? Should be one.
14Case Study 8 Costly Channel Limited Throughput
- Action Set Constrained to L or less channels
15Comments on Case Studies
- All readily implementable
- Hard limited throughput, saturated throughput,
costly channels, and costly limited channels may
be most realistic scenarios. - Costly limited channels most powerful for a
network designer to work with - Could assign different classes of users different
values of L - Orthogonal frequencies between different users is
not be a good assumption unless synchronized.
16Some Realistic Numbers
- 802.11a (MAC wouldnt permit this operation, but
does give hints towards appropriate modulations) - cf(0) 0
- cf(1) 18/4 B (64 QAM, r 3/4)
- cf(2) 1/2 B (BPSK, EbN0 0 dB)
- B log2(1 S/N) (total channel capacity B)
- Spec says r 1/2 , but youre better off without
coding - Noise isnt really random
- cf(3) 0 (Approximately, theoretical
capacity/link 0.13 B which means in practice
should be 0 unless massive repetition coding.
Radios could be programmed to believe that its
identically 0)
17Real Number Implications
- For Costly Channels, a Ki gt 1/2 B will prevent
double channel occupancy. - Since cf(k) ? 0 for k gt 2, throughput potentials
can be rewritten as
Suspect this will be useful for hard limited
18Random Theoretical Conjecture
- Games that are Iterated Elimination of Dominated
Strategies (IEDS) solvable clearly have a
generalized ordinal potential (otherwise there
would be improvement cycles that couldnt be
eliminated.) - Conjecture
- IEDS solvable games also have a generalized
synchronous potential, i.e., V such that when all
players simultaneously play a better response, V
increases. - If so, game would also have a generalized
asynchronous potential by Bertsekass general
convergence theorem