Title: Divisions of the Vertebrate Nervous System
1Divisions of the Vertebrate Nervous System
- CNS- brain and spinal cord
- Somatic Nervous System
- Autonomic Nervous System
2Figure 4.1Â Â The human nervous systemBoth the
central nervous system and the peripheral nervous
system havemajor subdivisions. The closeup of
the brain shows the right hemisphereas seen from
the midline.
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4Figure 4.3Â Â Diagram of a cross section through
the spinal cordThe dorsal root on each side
conveys sensory information to the spinal cord
the ventral root conveys motor commands to the
5Autonomic Nervous System
- Sympathetic-arousal
- Ex increased breathing, heart rate, decreased
digestive activity - Form chain of ganglia just outside spinal cord
- Short preganglionic axons release NE
- Long postganglionic axons release NE
- Parasympathetic-nonemergency responses
- Ex increase digestive activity, slow heart rate
- Consists of cranial nerves and nerves from sacral
spinal cord - Long preganglionic axons release NE
- Short postganglionic fibers release ACh
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7The Brain
- The Hindbrain/rhombencephalon
- Medulla-controls vital reflexes like breathing,
heart beat, etc - Pons- many fibers cross
- Reticular formation- arousal, attention
- Raphe system- wakefulness
- Cerebellum- movement, shifts of attention,
balance and coordination
8- The Midbrain-middle of the brain
- Tegmentum-roof or covering
- Nuclei for third and fourth cranial nerves
- Parts of Reticular formation
- Tectum-roof
- Superior Colliculus Inferior Colliculus-importan
t in routes of sensory information - Substantia Nigra
9Figure 4.8Â Â The human brain stemThis composite
structure extends from the top of the spinal cord
into the center of the forebrain. The pons,
pineal gland, and colliculi are ordinarily
surrounded by the cerebral cortex.
10- Forebrain-
- 1. Diencephalon
- - Thalamus
- Relay Station for Sensory Information
- - Hypothalamus
- Regulates homeostasis, sexual behavior, fighting,
feeding, controls Pituitary Gland - 2. Telencephalon
- - Cerebral Hemispheres
11Figure 4.10Â Â The limbic system is a set of
subcortical structures that form a border (or
limbus) around the brain stem
12Figure 4.12Â Â A sagittal section through the human
13The Brain
- Basal Ganglia
- motor behavior, some memory and emotional
expression - Basal Forebrain
- Receives input from the hypothalamus and basal
ganglia - Arousal, wakefulness, and attention
- Hippocampus
- Formation of new memory
14Figure 4.14Â Â The basal gangliaThe thalamus is in
the center, the basal ganglia are lateral to it,
and the cerebral cortex is on the outside.
15- Ventricular system and CSF-Assists in cushioning
the brain - Central Canal
- Ventricles-four fluid-filled cavities within the
brain - CSF-clear fluid similar to blood plasma
- Formed in choroid plexus
- Meninges-membranes that surround the brain and
spinal cord
16Figure 4.16Â Â The cerebral ventriclesDiagram
showing positions of the four ventricles.
17Figure 4.20Â Â Some major subdivisions of the human
cerebral cortexThe four lobes occipital,
parietal, temporal, and frontal.
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19Identify the following structures and name their
function(s) medulla pons tectum
(colliculi) tegmentum cerebellum thalamus hypotha
lamus pituitary gland central sulcus
pre/post central gyrus cingulate gyrus lobes of
cortex dorsal roots ventral roots dorsal root
ganglion corpus callosum central canal cerebral
aqueduct ventricles
20Brain Function
How Do the Pieces Work Together? Does the Brain
Operate as a Whole or a Collection of Parts? Each
brain area has a function but it cant do much by
itself The Binding Problem The question of how
the visual, auditory, and other areas of your
brain influence on another to produce a combined
perception of the single object Synchronized
neural activity?