Title: By: Courtney Lillig
1My financial life
The Sunshine State
Population 185,951
3You can go to many theme parks in Orlando such as
Disney world, Sea world, Universal studios, and
many more!
You can shop till you drop at the Mall At
Millenia, or any fun boutique along Church Street
Station, and grab a bite to eat while your
Then when night time falls you can hit the
streets of downtown Orlando for any club or bar
scene you may be looking for.
4Working at club Copacabana 5454 International
As barmaid I will be working nights only and
making around 3.30 an hour plus around 400-500
per week in tips. My duties will include serving
alcohol, and basic clean up at night.
I also want to attend college at the University
of Central Florida as a full time student
studying fashion and design.
5 Park Avenue at Metro West
6401 Time Square Avenue, Suite A Orlando Florida
735 a month
Florida Power Light 70-80 Summer ,
6I received a seven year loan from EMS with a 6.5
interest rate.
176.00 per month
7(No Transcript)
8(No Transcript)
9 Bibliography
- www.Orlandoareaconnect.com
- www.Goggle.com
- www.Florida.com
- www.Floridacareers.com
- www.Mapquest.com
- www.Autotrader.com
- www.Apartments.com