Title: Grappling Locally Thinking Globally: Urban Issues, Civic Participation
1Grappling Locally Thinking Globally Urban
Issues, Civic Participation Data
AnalysisUrban Neighborhood Panel
Rubenstein School UVM
- Breck Bowden
- Rubenstein School of Environment Natural
Resources - Watershed for Every Classroom Workshop
- ECHO, Lake Aquarium Science Center
- Burlington, VT
- 1 February 2008
2The US at Night (1993 vs 2001)
Dense 1993
Fringe 1993
Dense 2001
Fringe 2001
The National Geographic Society (2001)
3Urban Sprawl in New England
- growth
- fragmentation
- corridors
The National Geographic Society (2001)
4Effects of Development
- Impairment of freshwater resources
- Rivers 30 of 3.5 million miles (17 surveyed)
- Lakes 37 of 41 million acres (42 surveyed)
- Sources of impairment (in priority order)
- Agriculture (lakes)
- Municipal point sources
- Urban runoff/Stormwater
- Unspecified NPS
- Industrial point sources
- Land disposal
- Hydro/Habitat modification
- Resource Extraction
- Riparian disturbances
- Forestry operations
- Impairment of freshwater resources
- Rivers 30 of 3.5 million miles (17 surveyed)
- Lakes 37 of 41 million acres (42 surveyed)
- Sources of impairment (in priority order)
- Agriculture
- Municipal point sources
- Urban runoff/Stormwater URBAN-NPS
- Unspecified NPS
- Industrial point sources
- Land disposal
- Hydro/Habitat modification
- Resource Extraction
- Riparian disturbances
- Forestry operations
US/EPA 1995, Burton and Pitt (2002)
5Sprawl, impervious area, impairment
Center for Watershed Protection 2003
6Primary Messages
- Why does stormwater impair streams?
- What happens to the stream physically?
- What happens to the stream biota?
- What are the learning opportunities?
- What sort of resources are available?
7Development Stormwater QuantityThe Stormwater
- Higher highs/lower lows
- Intensification/flashiness
Stream flow (cubic feet per sec)
Time (hours)
8How much water is there in ½ rain storm that
last about 2h?
- Say the rain falls on a 10 acre neighborhood.
- ½ on 10 ac 0.042 ft on 435,600 ft2
- Thats 18,295 ft3 or 137,000 gals
- At 8 lbs per gal, thats 1.1 million pounds or
nearly 550 tons of water!! - This is like putting bulldozer in your stream
.in fact, very much like bulldozer!
9Natural Stream FormUpper Allen and Sucker
10Impaired Stream FormEnglesby Brook
11Healthy Stream Substrate
12Impaired Stream Substrate
13Natural Stream Biota
14Impaired Stream Biota
15Opportunities for Learning
- Math geometry, units conversion
- Physics density, force, work, power
- Chemistry nutrients, pollutants
- Biology tolerant and intolerant species
- Ecology cycles, food webs, communities
- Economics traditional vs ecological
- Civics governance, community, policy
- EPAs Surf Your Watershed
- USGS Water Resources for VT and NH
- Vermont ANR Stormwater Section
- Lake Champlain Basin Program
- Smart WaterWays program
17Thank you!
For additional information see http//www.uvm.ed
u/ran/ran/ or contact Breck
Bowden breck.bowden_at_uvm.edu
18The Bulldozer Story
19The Flow Duration Curve
Does this small increase in the 1 day flow
really make that much difference?
20Water (generally) flows down hilland does work
as it flows
- Head drop (ft) slope reach length
- For example
- for a reach of ½ mile
- with a slope of 3...
- the stream falls 79 feet.
Alaskan stream (B. Bowden)
21Hydroelectric Power
- P QHe/C
- where
- P Power (kW)
- Q discharge (cfs)
- H Head Drop (ft)
- e efficiency (80-85)
- C Coefficient for units
- conversion gravity
- (11.81 for English units)
22How much extra power is there in the 1-day
stormwater runoff from an urban area?
(Fitzgerald and Bowden, in press)
So what?
23Consider the Caterpillar 824H
- 30 ft length
- Blade 15 ft width
- 63,325 lbs (30 tons)
- 10 gals diesel fuel per hour 407 kW
- Sothe extra power of 8,849 kWh could power
this bulldozer in every ½ mile of stream for
22h every year year after year!
Okayso its really a front-end loader and not a
bulldozer. Go with me on this one.