Title: The Australian national curriculum
1The Australian national curriculum
- Briefing 9 July 2009
- to AFMLTA Assembly
2Structure of the session
- Curriculum development process
- Timelines
- Curriculum design
- Discussion workshops
3Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting
Authority (ACARA)
- Responsible for
- national curriculum
- national assessment
- a national data collection and reporting program
4National curriculum -recent developments
- ACARA commenced operation this month assumed
responsibility for national curriculum work - Induction of writers and advisory group members
writing has commenced for learning areas in the
first phase - The Arts are now in the second phase with
Geography and Languages - Curriculum secretariat arrangements
5Curriculum development process
- A process of curriculum development in each
learning area that - provides opportunities for consultation
- establishes achievable timelines
- ensures high quality curriculum documents.
- The proposed process involves four phases
- I. Curriculum framing
- II. Curriculum writing
- III. Implementation
- IV. Curriculum evaluation and review
6Timeline - Phase 1
7Timeline - Phase 2NB The Arts (TBC)
8Other learning areas
- ACARA to report to MCEETYA in October
- 2009 on
- the approach that will be taken to health and
physical education, ICT, design and technology,
economics, business and civics and citizenship
9LANGUAGESPosition Paper (July-September 2009)
- Undertake environmental scan and scope of the
languages area - Develop position paper
- Prepare for writing of shape paper
10Shape of the national languages curriculum
(October 2009-May 2010)
- Develop draft languages shaping paper
- Consult on draft shape paper and analyse feedback
- Prepare initial draft report with proposed
responses - Consult on revised draft report and languages
shaping paper - Revise languages shaping paper
11Curriculum Development February 2010-August
- Select writing teams and advisory panels
- Conduct writers induction
- Develop broad outline of curriculum
- Develop detailed draft of curriculum documents
- Consult on approved draft of curriculum documents
- Finalise curriculum documents
- Publish approved curriculum documents
12Key issues for consideration
- What is the rationale or purpose for language
learning? - Studied by which students? At what year(s)?
- Which languages will form part of the suite of
the languages national curriculum? - Who are key individuals, groups and organizations
to be consulted? Engaged?
13Curriculum design
- Rationale
- Aims of the learning area
- Organisation of the learning area curriculum
- Content
- Achievement standards
- General capabilities
- Cross-curriculum dimensions
- Links to other learning areas
14Curriculum design considerations
- The nature of the learner and learning.
- The whole curriculum and how national curriculum
learning areas relate to it. - Structural matters, including commencement and
completion of school and transition points. - Inclusivity and how the national curriculum will
provide for the educational needs of every child. - General capabilities, describing how the national
curriculum will attend to general capabilities
learning. - Cross-curriculum dimensions, describing
perspectives to be included in each learning area.
15- Content
- The content descriptions are being written first
- Will explicitly incorporate ICT, literacy,
numeracy, thinking skills, creativity - Other capabilities and perspectives will be
evident in each learning area, in ways
appropriate to that area
16What does the national curriculum look like?
- By year
- Clear
- Layered
- Digital
- Hyper-linked
17Achievement Standards
- An achievement standard is an expectation
- of the quality of learning that students
- should reach by a particular point in their
- schooling (i.e. the depth of their
- understanding, the extent of their
- knowledge and the sophistication of their
- skills).
18Achievement standards
- For K-10, they will be represented at every year
by - a statement of the learning expected of students
for that year - a set of grade descriptors that provide a
language to describe the extent to which a
student has met the achievement standard for
that year - a set of work samples that will illustrate
expected learning in relation to the grade
19Curriculum for the senior secondary years
- Assumptions
- the curriculum will be designed to meet the needs
of the full range of students - state and territory certifying agencies will
continue to be responsible for assessment,
certification and its quality assurance - the extent of the senior secondary national
curriculum in the first four subjects, and in
other subjects, may grow over time - where a course is developed nationally that
covers the scope of learning in existing courses,
states and territories will not offer existing
20Curriculum for the senior secondary years
- Course structure and time allocation
- four sequential units, units 1 2 designed for
Year 11, units 3 4 designed for Year 12 - each unit will be designed to be taught in about
half a school year of approx. 50-60 hours
duration - courses will specify core content, electives will
be kept to a minimum
21Writing progress to date
- Writers are currently drafting and developing
content descriptions for each strand K-10 - Conceptual work has commenced on the purpose,
nature and content of senior secondary courses - Writers and advisory panels are meeting and
working in online collaborative spaces.
22Implementation (from 2011)
- Factors that influence implementation
- The extent of difference between existing
curriculum requirements, in terms of what is to
be taught and assessed, in any particular year or
over a sequence of years. - The extent of change in how the curriculum
content is organised, (e.g. by years of
schooling) and how achievement standards are
presented. - The extent to which state and territory
credentialing or other arrangements require
additional material to be developed and made
available to teachers - The extent and place in the cycle of curriculum
23Further information and documents