Title: Government
2How do our leaders become our leaders?
- As American citizens we have the right to
vote for who we want to lead us at the
national, state and local levels. The people
elect leaders by voting.
3Who are our elected leaders at the National
4 Our President is George W. Bush and our Vice
President is Dick Cheney. They were elected in
the last Presidential election.
5Who is our elected leader at the State level?
6 Our Louisiana Governor is Kathleen Blanco.
She was elected by the people in the state.
7We also have Government elections at the Parish
8 This is our Vermilion Parish Court House.
This is where all of our votes are tallied after
each election.
9Parishes have School Board, Police Juror, Sheriff
and Clerk of Court.
These men serve as our Vermilion Parish School
Board Members.
10Who are some of our elected officials at the city
or town level?
- Our town has a Mayor and 5 Aldermen or
Councilmen. The group meets at the Erath City
Hall to make town decisions.
11Erath has had mayors since it became a village.
The first Mayor was Frank Williams. Our Mayor now
is George Dupuis.
12 Schools have leaders too. Many schools have
Student Councils.
13How do leaders get elected?
American citizens that register to vote at 18
years old get to vote in the local, state and
national elections.
14Why is it important ?
- These candidates will decide your taxes, rights
and how you live. - To be an informed and active citizen.
- Everyone should vote because one vote can make a
difference.Step into a Voting Booth Link
15 How to select a Candidate?
1.Character- Which person can I trust the
most? 2.Qualifications- What education does this
person have that would be helpful in the office
they are seeking. 3. Experience- What experience
does the person have that would help them deal
with issues important to you. 4.Charisma-Will
this person be able to move people to action.
16 Mock Election
Students will host and get to vote in a class
election. The class will vote for a Mayor and
five council members.