Title: A simple 'auto' trader was designed to interpret th
1"Predicting randomness experiment new
perspectives and results from the test run
- Nikita Stepanov, ITEP/CERN/GRC, 19.05.2004
- Introduction (what is it? And why? And how?)
- Status (hardware and software)
- Data sources (description, random properties)
- Selected results from the test run
- More (more practical results)
- Conclusion (new goals and perspectives)
3Predicting randomness experiment. Motivations,
primary goals etc
Predicting randomness experiment was proposed
about one year ago with the purpose of
investigating the randomness of bit sequences
generated by different random sources so as to
elucidate if such sequences may be locally
predictable in statistically significant sense by
the human being or intelligent computer
program. The experiment was designed to be the
large scale internet initiative (game) which
could allow thousands of participants around the
world to be involved. Why game? The technical
approach we proposed can be considered a formal
analogy with a game involving many players
versus a fair market. Any player observes the
past data represented as a 1D discrete RW. At any
step the player is allowed to bet on the
direction of the future RW trajectory
continuation or, according to the real market
game terminology, to open UP or Down
position. He (she) is able to close the open
position in any time in future obtaining the
profit/loss equals to the number of steps the
RW makes in the predicted direction minus the
number of steps in opposite direction.
4Predicting randomness experiment. Motivations,
primary goals etc
- Finally, the prediction ability of a given
experiment participant can be quantified - by analyzing the whole sequence of
profit/losses generated by him. - This approach closely resembles the real market
game (in the no transaction - costs regime) and allows us to use the
commercial trading system (kindly - provided by Dukascopy Trading Technologies
Corporation (Dukascopy) as a - basis for our experiment. This analogy also
motivates the nick name for the - experiment adopted at the time of proposal Deep
Trader - See for details the paper Predicting
randomness available at - http//grc.dukascopy.org/
- Primary goals
- To test experimentally the validity of the
efficient market hypothesis - To investigate the behavior patterns of human
brain when making - the trading decisions
- 3) (the ultimate goal) to detect and quantify
some anomalous human brain ability to predict
the future for the truly random processes. -
5Present status software
Data sources
Remote Client (Java applet)
Java server
Data processor
Data processor
- Stress tests indicate that a single Java server
can serve up to 700 1000 client applications
simultaneously. - The system is easily clusterizable
- A special instance of Java server is
instantiated to serve the experiment needs
Central Oracle DB
6Present status hardware
- The central computing facility is a scalable
multilevel cluster. - At present the system comprises 28 CPUs with
total operative memory of 30 GB - and 1 TB of HDD space, and it services
approximately 8 million requests daily.
7Data sources (bit sequence generators)
- Design constraints
- 1) standard simple data representation
(analysis) - 2) psychologically pleasant update frequency
- Each data source generates 1/-1 signal every
- 10 sec
- The resulting sequence of bits is represented as
an integer valued RW (next value old value
new generated bit) to allow the standard
graphical representation and technical analysis -
Bit source driven by the market EUR/USD quote
according to the following simple algorithm
Candle 10 sec aggregation of the EUR/USD stock
tick data It has opening, closing, high, low
prices Diff candle.closingPrice(T)
candle.closingPrice(T-10 sec) If (Diff gt 0)
newBit 1 else if (Diff lt 0) newBit
-1 else newBit pseudoRandom.getBit()
Note the sequence becomes pseudo
random on weekends, otherwise, it more or
less mimics the behavior of EUR/USD
- The Geiger counter (standard RM-60 device by
AWARE Electronics - Company http//www.aw-el.com ) registers
natural radioactive - background with average count frequency about 8
counts/10 sec. - It is connected via serial port to the PC, where
a simple program - supports a 10 sec. time interval slots b)
registers any counter signal - appearance with accuracy around 0.1 msec and c)
generates 1 / -1 bits - according to the following algorithm
- At the end of each 10 sec time slot (last 9999-th
msec.), the program - checks first whether at least one signal is
registered during the current - 10 sec slot. If yes, then it takes the
millisecond of arrival of the last - signal and generates 1 if this msec. is even and
-1 otherwise. - In (rare) case when there are no signals during
this 10 sec slot, the - program generates a pseudorandom bit.
- Matsumotos twisted generalized shift register
generator TT800 as described in his article
published in ACM Transactions on Modeling and
Computer Simulation, Vol. 4, 3, 1994, pp.
254-256. Our C implementation is based on the
C code by M. Matsumoto. - CA (Rule 30) pseudo random generator patented by
S.Wolfram (thanks to his kindly permission).
Despite the very simple and deterministic
evolution rule, this CA random generator
systematically passes new more and more
sophisticated statistical tests. (see, i.e. S.
Wolfram A new kind of science, Wolfram Media,
Inc, 2002)
11Testing random source properties statistical
In the statistical approach the randomness is
treated as a probabilistic property. Any
statistical test is formulated to test the
hypothesis (H0) that the sequence being tested
is random. To construct the new test, one needs
to 1) select a certain property of truly
random sequence 2) estimate the relevant
statistics, i.e. the distribution of the possible
outcomes of the test under the assumption of
randomness 3) fix a certain significance level a
(typically 0.01 or 0.001) to accept/reject H0.
For a given generated sequence the statistical
test calculates a certain P-value, which can be
interpreted as a probability that a truly
random sequence will produce the result which is
less random then the sequence being
tested. Say, P(s) lt a 0.01 indicates that
about 1 truly random sequence out of 100
will be rejected by this test, thus the test
outcome P(s) gt 0.01 allows one to accept a given
sequence as random at 99 confidence level.
12statistical test simplest common example
Frequency (Monobit) test
The purpose of the test is to determine
whether the number of 1 and -1 in a sequence are
approximately the same as would be expected for a
truly random sequence. Test variable S
abs( S Si) / sqrt(N), where Si is the I-th bit
and N is the total length. The distribution
S/sqrt(2) has to be half-normal, therefore,
P(S) erfc(S/sqrt(2)) where erfc is a
complementary error function P(S) lt 0.01
rejects H0 at 99 confidence level
13The battery of statistical tests
- Problem there are an infinite number of possible
tests. - No specific finite set of tests is deemed
complete. - Negative example the binary extension of p
passes all - known statistical tests.
- The practical recipes 1) use the massive and
representative battery of statistical test to
estimate the - random properties. 2) keep in mind that
results have to - be interpreted with a certain grain of
salt. - Useful ref. http//csrc.nist.gov/rng/ (Nist
Statistical Test - Suite explained)
14The battery constructed
- Frequency (monobit) test
- 4 Block frequency tests for the block sizes 4, 8,
16, 32 - Runs test
- 4 Longest run tests for the block sizes 8, 128,
512, 1000 - 50 Non overlapping template matching tests for
the different bit patterns - 12 Serial test for the template length 3-14 (each
test includes in fact 2 - different tests)
- 12 Approximate entropy tests for the template
length 2-13 - Random excursions variant test (includes indeed
18 tests for - the different RW states from -9 to 9)
- 85 (114) stat tests in total, aimed to detect
the absence of - short term correlations in bit sequence
15Battery applied
- EURRAND passes 33 (0.338) fails 52 (0.612)
- GEIGER passes 39 (0.459) fails 46 (0.541)
- PSEUDO 1 passes 85 (1.000)
- PSEUDO 2 passes 84.5 (0.994) fails 0.5 (0.006)
- (fails one of two tests included in the serial
test for the template length 14) - Q? Why GEIGER is so regular?
16Selected results and lessons from the test run
- Final rules of the game
- 1) Each participant initially receives the
starting capital of 10000 units 2) He is
allowed to open just one 1 lot position on
every stock simultaneously one step reward is
/- 1 unit. 3) 3 stocks are available EURRAND,
GEIGER and PSEUDO. The trading results for each
stock are analyzed separately. - Main lesson EURRAND and GEIGER stocks are indeed
predictable both by human and AI predictors. It
is, however, the tantalizing exercise for a
human being to demonstrate the statistically
significant performance many noisy deals,
dropped bad portfolios, lengthy learning
period, etc (like in the live trading). It seems
to be that the main obstacle is the human
psychology. Every successful run appears to be
quite hard and concentrated work for several
17Selected results and lessons from the test run
- It looks almost meaningless to analyze the human
predictions statistics as a whole. The data are
too noisy and spoiled by the lazy and
frustrated participants. It is more appropriate
to concentrate on the analysis of the results of
an every single participant. -
- AI predictors easily outperform human ones on
the predictable stocks EURRAN and GEIGER. The
results for the PSEUDO stock are less apparent
all tested AI predictors failed definitely, as
there are no (almost no) local correlations to
exploit. At the same time, some obstinate
humans stubbornly kept staying at significance
level of about 1 1.5 for a long trading
period. We can not report any positive results,
but . perhaps, there is something funny!
18Main practical result
- EURRAN stock seems to be easily predictable.
Does it mean that the efficient market hypothesis
is not valid? Directly not, - because EURRAN is just the surrogate stock,
derived from the real EUR/USD. During the last
year we have made a lot of other investigations
trying to answer this question and now we can
definitely answer yes, it is not valid. Indeed,
the market data are locally correlated and
contain the exploitable patterns. - We are definitely not alone and not the
first ones. There is a plenty of publications on
this subject. We have just provided the practical
evidence in order to convince ourselves and now
we are trying to answer yet another practical
question is there enough predictability to beat
the market in live trading?
19Performance estimators
- Simple robust estimator valid for the large
number of predictions - Signif E(p) /
sqrt(D(p)/N ) - where E(p) average profit, D(p)
profit dispersion. -
- More descriptive estimator based on subsequence
selection (proposed by A.Duka) Let S be a bit
sequence. For a given predictor P 1) Select all
segments of S which corresponds to P positions
history of P (each position (prediction) has
starting time and closing time) 2) In each
segment multiply all bits by the prediction
direction (1 or -1) 3) Construct new
subsequence SP from selected segments and
represent as 1D RW. Then the deviation R0 of the
RW end point from 0 may be the measure of the
predictor performance. As a quantitative
predictor performance estimate, one can use,
i.e., the probability that the end point of the
realization of true RW of the same length N
will has the deviation R which is equal or above
R0. For large N next approximation is valid - P(R gt R0) ½
erfc(R0/sqrt(2N)) -
20Most obstinate human predictor
- Nick name forecast
- Active period 7.11.2003 16.11.2003 (9 days of
hard work!) - Number of positions (predictions) 1120 (610
down, 510 up) - Total profit 414 average 0.37 Significance
2.85 - Average position length 20 steps
- Effective length 22400 steps P(R gt 414)
0.00279 - General comments the learning phase roughly
takes one have of the total run the statistics
for the second half looks significantly better (
1-st half ltPgt 0.23 2-nd 0.45) the
performance is not stable locally, one can see
some periods of frustration.
21 AI predictors recurrent neural network
Recurrent NN
Feed forward NN
Output layer
Input layer
Major difference RNNs often exhibit very reach
dynamics. FNN just maps the input to the output,
RNN can run forever being triggered once by a
single input signal. RNNs were found especially
suitable for the time series prediction, because
they can generate some sort of long term memory.
The price is indeed high BackProp is still
applicable, but has to be run formally forever
for a single input because of the feedback
22 RNN implementation details
Particular RNN architecture used for all
prediction tests Single input node, 6 hidden
nodes (fully connected), one output node (6 6
6 36 1 1 56 real parameters) Activation
function symmetric sigmoid. RNN was trained to
predict next bit. A simple auto trader was
designed to interpret the recommendations of
RNN predictor in order to make results comparable
with those of other (human) predictors. Train
sequence 3000 bits Test sequence (next) 3000
bits 10 different runs for randomly chosen 6000
bits subsequences for each data source (for the
EURRAN the weekends are excluded)
23 RNN performance EURRAN
Generation 50 Performance on the training
set Number of deals 1672 Total profit 580
Number of UP deals 835 Number of DOWN
837 Average profit/deal 0.347 std 1.085
Significance 13.07 Total active length 2998
Average position length 1.793 Performance on
the validation set Number of deals 1670
Total profit 596 Number of UP deals 834
Number of DOWN 836 Average profit/deal 0.357
std 1.032 Significance 14.14 Total active
length 2998 Average position length 1.795 P(R
gt 596) lt 10(-27)
24 RNN performance GEIGER
Generation 150 Performance on the training
set Number of deals 1097 Total profit 436
Number of UP deals 548 Number of DOWN
549 Average profit/deal 0.397 std 1.940
Significance 6.79 Total active length 2996
Average position length 2.731 Performance on
the validation set Number of deals 1129
Total profit 358 Number of UP deals 564
Number of DOWN 565 Average profit/deal 0.317
std 1.763 Significance 6.04 Total active
length 2998 Average position length 2.655 P(R
gt 358) 1.42 10(-9)
25 RNN performance PSEUDO RANDOM
Nothing was captured in 1000 generations!
Performance oscillates around 0. Results for 350
generations Performance on the training
set Number of deals 1614 Total profit 338
Average profit/deal 0.209 std 1.400
Significance 6.01 Total active length 2998
Average position length 1.858 Performance on
the validation set Number of deals 1639
Total profit 9 Average profit/deal 0.005 std
1.319 Significance 0.167 Total active length
2995 Average position length 1.827
26 Human being and RNN similarity and difference
- RNN definitely outperforms the human predictors
on the simple predictable sequences. The
trading strategies are quite different the
average position length for RNN predictor is
about a factor of 10 shorter, also, the
profit/loss fluctuations are much high for a
human predictor. It seems to be, that it is
psychologically difficult for the human being to
change (reverse) his (here) prediction opinion.
Does it means that the human psychology is always
playing against the trader? - The asymptotic performance is indeed rather
similar it looks like both type of predictors
can be learned to exploit almost all useful
regularities in the sequence generated by the
GEIGER source. Average RNN profit/prediction
0.31 Human 0.25 0.37 - Computational complexity RNN complexity is
perfectly controllable. The complexity of the
human brain is of course much high, however, it
does not mean that the part of the brain computer
allocated for the particular prediction task has
much high complexity than RNN predictor. - The intriguing question arises Are the
computational complexities of these predictors
comparable? -
27 Towards the practice real market game in zero
transaction cost (ZTC) regime
- Weak efficient market hypothesis (WEMH)
- Technical analysis is useless.
- Famous G.P. Morgan prediction Prices will
fluctuate. - Technical analysis any approach using just
the information available from the time series
itself. It can be quite sophisticated different
data representations (candles, PF, Fourier
transforms, wavelets, etc) technical indicators
patterns, correlation analysis etc but no
fundamental analysis. - Any predictor trying to deduce the future
behavior from the known past has to generate the
asymptotically zero-sum game being applied to the
real market even in ZTC regime. Is it so
hopeless? - It can be shown easily that indeed WEMH is
28 A.Duka test portfolio
100 trading days 768 deals (7.7 daily) Average
profit 130.24 Std 761.2 Sharpe ratio
0.171 Significance 4.74 Varity of stocks Varity
of different strategies. See for
details http//www.dukascopy.com
29 AITraders
- Keeping in mind the evident success of machine
predictors applied to the trading on the
artificial stocks, one can think about more
practical applications to the real market. - There is a plenty of the modern promising AI
techniques. - The basic postulate (quite questionable
indeed) any detected pattern can be exploitable
for some short period in future then it will
disappear or even reverse to its negation. - My particular favorites are adaptive multi
agent systems. The basic ingredients of the
cooking evolutionary incremental learning
(almost) zero number of hardwired parameters
easy transition from the majority to minority
easy forgiveness of the past successes soft
implementation of the expert knowledge
inhomogeneous agent committee -
30 AITraders
- Keeping in mind the comparable success of machine
predictors applied to the trading on the
artificial stocks, one can think about more
practical applications to the real market. - There is a plenty of the modern promising AI
techniques. - The basic postulate (quite questionable
indeed) any detected pattern can be exploitable
for some short period in future then it will
disappear or even reverse to its negation. - My particular favorites are adaptive multi
agent systems. The key ingredients of the
cooking evolutionary incremental learning
(almost) zero number of hardwired parameters
easy transition from the majority to minority
easy forgiveness of the past success soft
implementation of the expert knowledge. -
31AITraders ZTC example 1
32AITraders ZTC example 2
33From ZTC to real life is it possible to beat the
real market on the systematic basis?
- In ZTC regime everything looks perfect.
- Does it means that the market is beatable in the
real life, i.e. when the realistic transaction
cost is taken into account? Many strategies
become losers now or at least demonstrate rather
modest performance. It is especially true for the
aggressive scalping strategies trying to
exploit short term correlations. - But is it completely hopeless?
34 Dukascopy trading contest
(alternative Hard Predicting Randomness
Runs since October, 2003 on the monthly
basis Already involves about 1200 participants
(150 monthly) Competition rules are simple
Each trader receives (the virtual) 50000
capital and tries to beat the real market in CFD
trading. The trader with the largest final
balance wins the monthly competition cycle. The
trading conditions are identical to those for the
live trading (spreads, commissions, margins etc)
35 Dukascopy trading contest statistics is
available now
Already after a brief analysis of the contests
statistics one gets a very strong impression that
a certain quite stable subgroup (say, about 10)
demonstrates amazing performance (i.e. prediction
ability) Recently Dukascopy kindly opens the
access to the (non private) part of the
competition statistics for the scientific
36Dukascopy trading contest April results
37Dukascopy trading contest March results
About 600 Positions!!!
38AITraders in real regime example 1
39AITraders in real regime example 2
40Summary -1-
- We are ready to conduct experiment in full scale.
The starting date is today. We are planning 1
year of running. - For those who wants to play against the
artificial market, - the registration procedure is similar to the
standard registration of the demo/live account - 0) enter the Dukascopy web page
- 1) Fill the Dukascopy live trading
registration form, - typing experiment instead of bank
attributes - 2) You will receive the login/password to
access the deal station - 3) To launch the deal station follow the link
CFD client entry from the main Dukascopy page
type your login/password in the proper fields
then push the button Enter DDS - Thats it. You will be allowed to trade
just the artificial quotes located in the special
quote folder physics. Your trade will be
commissions free and subjected to the rules
accepted for the experiment. -
41Summary -2-
- Grand prize 5000 to the live Dukascopy
trading account - (one can be withdraw without any live
trading ) - Future winner experiment participant which
will demonstrate the best performance predicting
the most difficult PSEUDO market. - Necessary conditions
- 1) Result has to be demonstrated in the
real-time regime - 2) At least 1000 predictions (positions)
- 3) Statistical significance gt 3
- Decision date 1 June 2005
42Summary -3-
- GRC is proposing new research initiative
- the main goal is the development of the
next generation trading/analysis software Smart
trader machine (STM) which will help trader to
survive in modern hostile market environment - The main design patterns
- STM will be designed in such a way, that
any useful pattern, approach, algorithm etc can
be easily incorporated. Most likely STM will be
able also to develop its own new knowledge and
algorithms and support as well advising and auto
trading regimes. Another desirable (and, in
principle, realizable) feature of this new
software may be the possibility to learn and
adopt to any concrete human trader stile.
- GRC opens the research grand program for the next
year (2005) to support this new initiative. Any
(reasonable) and motivated approaches are welcome.
43Very last comment
- For the developers of new smart trading systems
- Dukascopy has presented recently two new
services - 1) Customized data feed which allows one to
integrate into his application a reliable source
of real-time and historical data. - 2) Auto execution service providing the
execution of trading orders (in demo regime)
generated from user application. - Both are realized using MSFT Web Service
technology, which allows one straightforward
integration in virtually any programming
language. - Both services are free of charge for GRC
participants -