Title: Studying WISLR: A Survey on Users and Uses
1Studying WISLRA Survey on Users and Uses
- Professor Ernie Wittwer Project Supervisor
- Sonia Dubielzig
- Mary Ebeling
- Eric Goodman
- Dadit Hidayat
2Presentation Outline
- Framework for analysis
- Data collection
- Who is using WISLR
- How WISLR is used
- Barriers
- Incentives
- Recommendations
3Framework for Analysis
4Primary Research Questions
- Who is using WISLR?
- How is it being used?
- What are the barriers?
- What are the incentives?
5Data Collection
- Personal interviews with selected individuals
- Telephone survey of local governments
Number of Municipalities in Telephone Survey
6Key Findings
- Most have heard of WISLR
- Confusion between PASERWARE and WISLR
- Access to technology influences use less than
expected - Presentation is more useful than the CD
- Primary use is checking certified roadway mileage
7Framework for Analysis
8Who is using WISLR
- Half of surveyed governments access WISLR
- A variety of roles
- How often?
Most Municipalities Accessed WISLR Infrequently
9Who is using WISLR
Use of WISLR by Certified Miles in Municipalities
10Who is using WISLR
- Used more by counties
- Most have high-speed internet
Internet Connection of Municipalities that
Access WISLR
11Framework for Analysis
12How is WISLR used?
Planning - Asset Management - Budget
LEVEL 3 Spatial Query Attribute Query Update on
the Web
LEVEL 2 Generate Reports Generate CVT Maps
LEVEL 1 View Physical Inventory View
Administrative Data Check Certification Statement
History Access Statutes
13How is WISLR used?
Percent of Respondents Using WISLR Functions
14Framework for Analysis
- Lack of training
- Paper preference
- Small jurisdiction
- Poor internet connection
- Road segments too small for counties
- Preference for PASERWARE
17Framework for Analysis
18Internal Incentives
Most Commonly-mentioned Reasoning for Using WISLR
At meetings, it helps to have reports to show
the higher-ups
19External Incentives
- of certified miles
- WisDOT efforts
- Future incentives
- Clear up confusion between PASERWARE and WISLR
- Implement full functionality as quickly as
possible - Offer more training
- Create a WISLR user group
- Encourage counties, RPCs and private firms to
input data for small jurisdictions
- Include historical analysis and forecasting tools
- Make road segments easier for counties to use
- Consider Using Carrots and Sticks
- Do a More Comprehensive Survey