Title: Career Clusters: From a Teachers Perspective
1Career Clusters From a Teachers Perspective
2SD Career Clusters
- Adopted all 16 clusters
- Career guidance system
- Programs of study approved through State Dept. of
Education - Sequence of courses developed through Career
Cluster Implementation Committee
3Career Cluster Committee Goals
- Develop a sequence of courses common course
numbers - Foundational, Cluster, Pathway, Capstone
Courses - Core standards for each course
- Common course syllabi
- Sample units of instruction UBD process
- Include academics/technology/21st century skills
- Assessments
4SD Programs of Study
- Align to post-secondary programs
- Utilized career cluster knowledge and skills
statements - State and local needs considered
- School districts are adopting new courses and
core standards
5South Dakota Teachers Leading
6(No Transcript)
7(No Transcript)
8Offering numerous programs in rural area.
- Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
- Arts, AV Communications
- Education Training
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Human Service
- Information Technology
- Business, Management Administration
- Health Science
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13(No Transcript)
14Developing Core Standards
- National Standards and/or Industry Standards
- State needs
- Utilized cluster knowledge and skill statements
- Validation process
15Sample Units of Instruction
- Utilized Understanding by Design Process
- Based on core standards
- Teacher developed
16Implementing Career Clusters At the District Level
- Career Clusters and Career Guidance Connections
- Personal Learning Plans
- Student Registration Process
- Working with Guidance Counselors, Administration,
Parents - Math is CTE
17Making Connections
- Community
- Service Learning
- Entrepreneurship and Economic Development
- Youth Internships
- Integration of national projects and competitive
- Smaller schools ability
- to offer a variety of programs of study
- Educating non-CTE faculty and administration
about Career Clusters - Adapting to change
- Getting everyone on board
- Certified teacher shortage
19Positive Impact of Career Clusters
- Students view of how they select course offerings
- Better working relationship between academics and
CTE - Statewide professional impact
- Individual professional growth
- Networking
20Changes seen
- Move away from comprehensive classes
- New course offerings
- Virtual courses
- Business/Education partnerships
- Increase in internships
- Parent involvement
- Personal learning plans
- Uniform course offerings and standards
21Next Steps
22Next Steps
- Continued development of units of instructions
(UBD) - Technology integration training
- CTE and academic integration
- Individual schools -Update course offerings
- High School 2025
23Contact Information
Jean Clarke FACS Educator Jean.clarke_at_k12.sd.us D
ianne Rider Health Science Educator Dianne.rider_at_k
12.sd.us Robert Honomichl Information
Technology Robert.honomichl_at_k12.sd.us IT Website
- Becky Nelson- SD DOE
- Career Cluster Team Leader
- becky.nelson_at_state.sd.us
- Malisa Niles
- Agriculture Educator
- Malisa.niles_at_k12.sd.us
- Charlotte Mohling
- FACS Educator
- Charlotte.mohling_at_k12.sd.us
- Tracy Kern
- FACS Educator
- Tracy.kern_at_k12.sd.us
24Questions and Answers