Title: Visit to Kenya, May 2006
1Visit to Kenya, May 2006
- Celebration of 10th anniversary of Jitegemee
school for street children, Machakos, Kenya.
2Some facts about Kenya/Jitegemee
- In East Africa, about 30M people
- Former British colony
- Has Mt Kenya and Kilamanjaro several game parks
- A few dozen tribes
- Swahili is main language, English second
- Most Jitegemee children are Kambas
- Most are Christian but some are Moslem
- Some are academic some are vocational
3Over 100 Jitegemee children it was all about
the kids
4NWA to Amsterdam KLM to Nairobi
5Had 3 Hitachi vans and guides
6Nairobi is a modern city of 3M
7Stanley Hotel in Nairobi is nice
8Tuesday Market bargain time
9Bargaining is standard try to enjoy aggressive
10Souveniers before the flight home
11The Carnivore served alligator, giraffe, ostrich,
camel, etc.
12Art center in Nairobi
13Our guides stayed with us
14Jitegemee staff Alex, Elizabeth, Michael, Farah
15Vocational students art lesson
16The results
17Janel Dancy MSU MS
18Dinner at the Muturis Farahs former home stay
family in Nairobi
19Good eating
20Mrs Muturi is niece to Jomo Kenyatta, first
Kenyan President
Kenyatta, 1st Moi, 2nd Kabachi, 3rd Kenyatta,
Mandella, King in the pictures
21The Maturis and Stockmans
22Glass factory outside Nairobi
2370 people work farm and art glass
24The grounds are decorated
25Lovely outhouse
26And a dragon in the pool
27Making glass
28Two works in progress
29View from atop the chimney
30Park for rare Rothschild giraffes
31To Machakos
- To visit Jitegemee, the staff, children, parents,
and board. - (See www.jitegmee.org)
32Machakos is a long hour from Nairobi on the road
to Mombassa
33St Marys school teaches many Jitegemee
elementary children
34Many, but not all, school girls have short hair
35Peter is called soldier because he cannot be
beaten 1 for 5 years
36No privacy laws in Kenya. Jitegemee school walls
are covered with the records and class ranking of
the students
37Machakos roadside market
38Bicycle taxi
39Machakos city market place
40Jitegemee vocational student, Faith, is an
apprentice weaver
Faith made me a Spartan sweater in one night.
41Rebecca tests a bed made by another Jitegemee
Jitegemee pays the mentors 150 to teach a
student for one year. That student pledges to
mentor another Jitegemee student the next year. A
future project must loan so that graduates can
go into business. They must have a license and
tools. While training, they use the mentors
42Hair-dresser is a popular job Susan works on the
John is a college prof. in Chicago he graduated
VUU in Richmond.
43New Jitegemee leased schoolhouse
44Parents and students grow food in the back half
45JItegemee applicants
Children live on the streets when parents die,
possibly from AIDS, when parents cannot support
them, or when they run away. Many beg. Glue
sniffing is common it gives a high and
suppresses hunger. To join Jitegemee, children
need to clean up and pledge to give up their
street habits. Jitegemee has to apply for
custody from the state before taking them in.
46Parents cook so children can have one meal a day
at headquarters
Headquarters has a kitchen inside, but cooking
outside works better.
47Jitegemee parent or grandparent
48A healthy combination of corn and beans cooked
over a fire
With the new headquarters, kids can be sure of
one meal a day.
4910th anniversary celebrationits all about the
50Speeches were made
51Dances danced
52And dances danced
53The kids from Mt Kenya Orphanage were guests
54Songs were sung
55No candy, no pizza, no zits
56The Garden Hotel is next door
57Terri Mutuko invited us for tea
58The living room reminded us of madear in