Title: Patermann presentation at EURAGRI
1 Research tools What Europe should provide
XIX Euragri Members Conference York, 23
September 2005
Christian Patermann Directorate Biotechnology,
Agriculture, Food Research DG Research European
2EURAGRI EC EURAGRI joint conferences
- 2005, Brussels Science and Society How to adapt
and use the knowledge base for an optimal
functioning of the food-health-agriculture system
in the EU - 2003, Athens New vision on European Food and
Agricultural Research - 2002, Brussels Science and Society How can
research on food and agriculture in Europe better
respond to citizens expectations and demands? - 2000, Versailles Agricultural Research in the
European Research Area
3Implementing the results of these conferences
Tools on European level
- Better cooperation within the agricultural
knowledge base in Europe - Permanent tools
- The launch of the new SCAR
- From FP6 to FP7
- ERA-Nets
- Technology Platforms
- Project funding Food Quality and Safety,
Scientific Support to Policies
4- Tools for the future FP7
- Networks of Excellence and collaborative research
- ERA-Net plus
- Joint Technology initiative
- Funding of infrastructures
- European Research Council
5The launch of the new SCAR
- Main role for SCAR
- Support the Commission and MS towards better
coordination of agricultural research across the
ERA - This will involve
- Strategic discussions on the agricultural
research agenda in Europe in the long term (FP7
and beyond) - Enhanced cooperation between MS (joint research
programmes, common infrastructures) - Research agenda in scientific support to the CAP
- Exchange of information with complementary
mechanisms under EU Framework Programmes
6Main conclusions from the SCAR meeting of 2-3
February 2005
- Priority topics for a Common Research Agenda
- Mapping infrastructures / institutions /
activities - Development of a prototype for a SCAR web portal
- Establishment of a permanent SCAR Working Group
7Main conclusions from the SCAR meeting of 9-10
June 2005 Towards a Common Research Agenda
- Agreement on priority topics
- Strategic discussions on the agricultural
research agenda in Europe based on existing and
possible future coordination fora (e.g. ERA-Nets,
Technology Platforms, Networks of Excellence) - Identified areas for possible cooperation between
Member States - Establishment of collaborative working groups
- Commitment for coordinating CWGs on 13 themes
- SCAR input to FP7
- Discussion paper on FP7
8Mapping of EU agriculture research capacity
- Mapping infrastructures a draft paper
- Identification of key-agriculture infrastructures
of EU relevance - Sharing existing infrastructures among MS
research teams - Targeted proposals for future activities of SCAR
- Links with ESFRI
- Mapping activities a project
- Building on EU-funded projects from recent calls
(e.g. SSP4 Mapping and foresight of the EU
agricultural research capacity) - Mapping institutions a website
- Development of a prototype for a SCAR web portal
building on existing EU websites and linking with
relevant MS/institution
9Standing Committee for Agricultural Research
(SCAR) main challenges
- Towards a Common Research Agenda
- Examples of priority topics for collaborative
working groups - ICT and robotics in agriculture DK
- Renewable raw materials for non-food industry DE
- Animal health UK
- Agricultural and sustainable development FR
- Sustainable livestock production from grasslands
IE - Mediterranean agriculture IT
- Functional animal foods BE
- Ecological networks and corridors NL, FR
- Enzyme biotechnology in Food and agro-industrial
processing DK - Human nutrition FR, NL
- Drought and disease resistant crops HU
- Advanced technologies for climatic control of
greenhouses and livestock housing IL - Development of sustainable agriculture in the
Baltic Sea region PL - European infrastructures
- Proposals for critical large scale
infrastructures - Genetic and biological resource centres
10Next steps
- Fourth meeting of the SCAR-WG 29 September 2005
- Third meeting of the new SCAR 1-2 December
2005 - Report to the European Parliament and to the
Council in 2006 ? - Article 11 Council Regulation N 1728/74
11Research Tools - What Europe should provide
- Some ERA-nets in Agricultural Research
- European Research Area on plant genomics (CA)
- Towards sustainable integration of animal welfare
in food production (SSA) - Processing for food safety (SSA)
- Food Safety Forming a European platform for
protecting consumers against health risks (CA) - Pan-European pro-active identification of
emerging risks in the field of food production
(SSA) - Networking and integration of national programmes
in the area of wood material science and
engineering (SSA) - Towards a European-wide exchange network for
improving dissemination of integrated water
resources management research (SSA) - Coordination of European Transnational Research
in Organic Food and Farming (CA) - Agricultural Research for Development (CA)
- Bioenergy (CA)
12 Research Tools - What Europe should provide -
Technology Platforms - Overall Concept
Stakeholders, led by industry, getting together
to define a Strategic Research Agenda on a number
of strategically important issues with high
societal relevance where achieving Europes
future growth, competitiveness and sustainability
objectives is dependent upon major research and
technological advances in the medium to long
13Technology Platforms Central Concept
- Framework to unite stakeholders around
- A common VISION for the technology concerned.
- Mobilisation of a CRITICAL MASS of research and
innovation effort. - Definition of a STRATEGIC RESEARCH AGENDA.
14Technology Platform Plant Genomics and
- Stakeholders EuropaBio EPSO (plant science)
Copa-Cogeca (farmers) BEUC (consumers) other
NGOs food, feed and seed industries research
organisations - Vision paper Plants for the future (June 2004)
- Strategic research agenda 1st draft to be
presented in June 2005 Member States
consultation events mid 2005-early 2006 - Website http//www.epsoweb.org/Catalog/TP/
- Commission contact waldemar.kutt_at_cec.eu.int
- Status May 2005
15Technology Platform Animal breeding
- Stakeholders EFFAB (animal breeders)
Copa-Cogeca (farmers) Eurogroup (welfare), EAAP
(science) other NGOs research organisations - Vision paper in preparation (Dec 2005)
- Strategic research agenda 1st draft to be
presented in 2006 - Website http//www.faip.info/ (lead industry)
- Commission contact John.Claxton_at_cec.eu.int
- Status May 2005
16Technology Platform Global Animal Health
- Stakeholders IFAH (animal health industry)
Copa-Cogeca (farmers) EuropaBio FVE
(Veterinarians) research organisations
universities OIE FAO WHO ILRI consumers
EFSA, CVOs EMEA HMA IABs - Vision paper ETP Global Animal Health (interim
version December 2004, final May 2005) - Strategic research agenda in preparation
- Website http//www.europa.eu.int/comm/research/ag
riculture/index_en.html - Commission contact isabel.minguez-tudela_at_cec.eu.i
nt - Status May 2005
17Technology Platform Food for Life
- Stakeholders Confederation of the EU Food and
Drink Industries (CIAA), Food and Drink SMEs, -
Retailers, Consumers, Copa-Cogeca- Research
organizations - Vision paper Food for Life (June 2005) -
currently under consultation see website - Strategic research agenda 1st draft expected for
the end of 2005 or early 2006 - Website/contacts http//www.ciaa.be Jan Maat -
Jan.Maat_at_unilever.com Daniele Rossi
-direzione_at_federalimentare.it - Commission contact antonio.di-giulio_at_cec.eu.int
- Status May 2005
18Technology Platform Industrial Biotechnology
(part of CTP)
- Stakeholders EuropaBioESAB (applied
biocatalysis section of EFB) Chemical,
pharmaceutical, food and drinks and feed, pulp
and paper, textile, detergents, starch, energy
and agriculture industrial sectors - Vision paper Industrial or White Biotechnology
a driver of sustainable growth in Europe (April
2005) - Strategic research agenda in preparation
- Website www.suschem.org
- Commission contact maurice.lex_at_cec.eu.int
- Status May 2005
19 Forestry-based Sector Technology Platform
- Stakeholders CEPI (paper industry) CEPF (forest
owners) CEI-BOIS (wood product industry) other
forest related groups and research organisations - Vision paper Innovative and sustainable use of
forest resources (February 2005) - Strategic research agenda input process started
in April 2005 final version December 2005 - Website http//www.forestplatform.org
- Commission contact martin.greimel_at_cec.eu.int
- Status May 2005
20Research Tools Research projects FP 6 Food
Quality and Safety -Fourth Call
21FP6 4th Call Deadlines
- Research projects and networks (IP, NoE,
STREP, CA) - 5 October 2005
- Specific Support Actions (SSA)
- 7 September 2005 (Call 3C)
- 8 February 2006
- Workprogramme and Call information
22Research Tools Research projects FP 6
Scientific Support to Policies -Fifth Call
- Research in support of CAPDriving Force CAP
reform, WTO negotiations - Fifth call
- Research in support of international negotiations
- Supporting CAP market reform
- Cross-Compliance
- Widening the scope of rural development
- Sustainable agriculture, sustainable forestry
- Indicative Call publication mid November 2005,
deadline mid February 2006 - Further information http//europa.eu.int/comm/res
23- The vision of the knowlege based bio-economy in
24Whats new ?
- Main new elements compared to FP6
- Annual budget doubled
- Total EUR 5 billion ?10 billion per year
- Basic research ( EUR 1.5 billion per year)
- Simplification of procedures
- Management
- ERC (Basic Research)
- Logistical and administrative tasks transferred
to external structures - Joint Technology Initiatives, Research
25 FP7 Specific Programmes (2007-2013)
Cooperation Collaborative research
Ideas Frontier Research
People Human Potential
Capacities Research Capacity
JRC (non-nuclear)
JRC (nuclear)
26Cooperation Collaborative research
- 9 themes
- Health
- Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology
- Information and Communication Technologies
- Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new
Production Technologies - Energy
- Environment (including Climate Change)
- Transport (including Aeronautics)
- Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities
- Security and Space
27Cooperation Collaborative research
- Under each theme there will be sufficient
flexibility to address - both Emerging needs and Unforeseen policy needs
- Dissemination of knowledge and transfer of
results will be supported in all thematic areas - Support will be implemented across all themes
Collaborative research (Collaborative projects
Networks of Excellence Coordination/support
Joint Technology Initiatives
Coordination of non-Community research
programmes (ERA-NET ERA-NET Article 169)
International Cooperation
28Joint Technology Initiatives
Global Monitoring for Environment and Security
Hydrogen and Fuel Cells for a Sustainable
Energy Future
Aeronautics and Air Transport
Towards new Nanoelectronics Approaches
Innovative Medicines for the Citizens of Europe
Embedded systems
Other possible themes to be identified later
Life sciences biotechnology for sustainable
non- food products processes
Sustainable production and management of
biological resources from land, forest, and
aquatic environments
30Activity 1 Sustainable biological resources
from land, forest, and aquatic environments
- Enabling research (omics, converging
technologies, biodiversity) for micro-organism,
plants and animals - Improved crops and production systems incl.
organic farming - Sustainable, competitive and multifunctional
agriculture, forestry and rural development - Animal welfare, breeding and production
- Infectious diseases in animals, including
zoonoses - Policy tools for agriculture and rural
31Activity 2 Fork to farm- Food, health and well
- Consumer, societal, industrial and health aspects
of food and feed - Nutrition, diet related diseasesand disorders
- Innovative food and feed processing
- Improved quality and safety of food, beverage
and feed - Total food chain concept
- Traceability
32Activity 3 Life sciences and biotechnology for
sustainable non-food products and processes
- Improved crops, feed-stocks, marine products and
biomass for energy, environment, and high added
value industrial products novel farming systems - Bio-catalysis new bio-refinery concepts
- Forestry and forest based products and processes
- Environmental remediation and cleaner processing
33Ideas Frontier Research
ERC European Research Council
Scientific Council
- Preparation of work programme
- Set up of peer review pool of reviewers,
nomination of review panels, evaluation
guidelines - Oversight of the evaluation procedure
- Annual scientific report
- Approval of work programme, as defined by the
Scientific Council - Instruction to implement work programme
- Approval of annual implementation report
- Information to programme committee
Externalised tasks
- Information and support to applicants
- Reception / eligibility of proposals
- Organisation and execution of evaluation
- Selection decision
- Scientific and financial follow-up of contracts
- Annual implementation report
Created by Commission decision
Under the responsibility of the Commission
34People Human Potential
Initial training of researchers Marie Curie
Life-long training and career development Individu
al Fellowships Co-financing of
regional/national/international programmes
Industry-academia pathways and partnerships Indust
ry-Academia Scheme
International dimension Outgoing International
Fellowships Incoming International
Fellowships International Cooperation Scheme
Reintegration grants
Specific actions Excellence awards
35Capacities Research Capacity
- 6 parts
- Research Infrastructures
- Research for the benefit of SMEs
- Regions of Knowledge
- Research Potential
- Science in Society
- Activities of International Cooperation
36FP7 budget(EUR billion, 2004 constant prices)
37FP7 2007-2013Cooperation budget
More on the budget
38FP7 Timetable