Title: Diane Allen Technical Writing Coordinator, Midland College
1A Survey of Technical Writing Programs at
Community Colleges
- Diane AllenTechnical Writing Coordinator,
Midland College
2What happened on my trip around Cape Horn?
3What prompted this research?
Technical Writing program coordinator at Midland
4What prompted this research?
Technical Writing program coordinator at Midland
5Where did I start?
This research proposes to conduct surveys of
technical communication faculty at community
colleges in order to determine the location of
technical writing programs at community colleges
nationwide and to profile those programs.
6Where did I start?
The research will be descriptive rather than
evaluative in nature and will be a component of a
larger research project. After conducting this
research, I will compile a database and profile
of community colleges nationwide and make it
available to other community colleges. I will
use this data to conduct a local needs assessment
which will be provide the framework for
developing the technical writing program at
Midland College.
7What was the first detour?
I will compile a database and profile of
community colleges nationwide.
Planned to compile a database for CPTSC, STC or
8Where did I go next?
- Sent initial request to attw-l, cptsc-l, techrhet
asking technical writing faculty at community
colleges to self-identify by contacting me
9From there. . .what next?
- Brainstormed questions that I wanted to know
about existing programs - Wrote survey instrument
- Asked/received feedback about my questionnaire
10What about the survey process?
11Plan B?
12Was that the end of Plan B?
13Did Plan B produce useful information?
14Was that the whole trip around Cape Horn?
15What difficulties did I have?