Title: California Public Employees Retirement System
1California Public Employees Retirement System
OPEB Pre-funding through CalPERS Ken
Marzion Assistant Executive Officer Actuarial and
Employer Services
2Discussion Overview
- New law
- Why pre-fund?
- What is CalPERS providing?
- Trust fund elements
- Summary
3New Law
- AB 554 allows ALL California government agencies
to participate in the California Employers
Retiree Benefits Trust, the CalPERS OPEB fund. - Became law on Jan 1, 2008
- Permissive legislation agencies elect to join
4Why Pre-fund OPEB Liabilities
- Pre-funding minimizes future cost impacts
- Agencies that pre-fund use higher discount rate
lower liabilities and ARC - Investment returns pay 75 of CalPERS pension
benefits - Bond rating agencies expect an OPEB plan
5State of California Valuation Results
Relies on CalPERS OPEB Actuarial Assumption
Model ARC based on 30 year amortization
6CalPERS Investment Performance
7California Employers Retiree Benefit Trust Fund
8California Employers Retiree Benefit Trust Fund
9Contracting Process Time
10Why Pre-fund OPEB Liabilities?
- Pre-funding minimizes future cost impacts
- Agencies that pre-fund use higher discount rate
lower liabilities and ARC - Investment returns pay 75 of CalPERS pension
benefits - Bond rating agencies expect an OPEB plan
Contact the CalPERS CERBT program E-mail to
12Employer Advisory Group
- 20th District Agricultural Association
- Administrative Office of the Courts
- Bay Area Rapid Transit
- City of Brea
- City of Costa Mesa
- City of Fremont
- City of Glendale
- City of Hermosa Beach
- City of Lincoln
- City of Mission Viejo
- City of Sacramento
- City of San Mateo
- City of Santa Ana
- City of South Pasadena
- City of Sunnyvale
- County of Riverside
- County of Santa Clara
- CSU Chancellor's Office
- Las Virgenes Municipal Water District
- Los Angeles County Office of Education
- Northern California Special Districts Insurance
Authority - Orange County Schools
- Sacramento County Schools
- San Bernardino County Schools
- San Ramon Valley Unified School District
13CalPERS IT Project
- Project to develop a new pension and health
information system (turned on in late 2009) - Improves Employers and Members ability to
interact with CalPERS over the Internet - Provides faster more reliable cost effective
service - Requires employer business process changes
14Project Benefits
- Improved functionality for reporting, correcting
and monitoring data - Faster posting of information
- Immediate upfront notification of errors for
correction - Easier ability to make adjustments via
self-service - Ability to submit information 24/7
15Project Benefits
- Expanded self service functionality on the web
- Anytime access to information
- Request contract amendment valuations
- Perform contract amendment process
- Track status of various requests (i.e. contract
amendment process) - Receive notifications regarding changes to your
employees and retirees
16Project Benefits
- Expanded set of functionality on the Web
- Retirement planning tools using current data
- Anytime access to view contributions, service,
service purchase payments - Make service credit purchase elections
- Monitor status of requests
17Project Benefits
- More accurate benefit payments at inception
- Online form processing reducing dependence on
paper - Proactive notifications to retirees of health
care coverage changes
- December 2007 Data sheet for budget preparation
- May 2008 Communicate specific changes necessary
to interact with CalPERS (e.g. file formats) - October 2008 Conduct demonstrations and present
implementation plan at CalPERS Educational Forum - Winter and Spring 2009 testing
- Summer and Fall 2009 training
- Fall 2009 implementation