Title: LEAP And SLEAP Update
1LEAP And SLEAP Update
- National Association of State Student Grant and
Aid Programs (NASSGAP) Fall Conference
Indianapolis, Indiana October 13, 2003
We Help Put America Through School
We Help Put America Through School
- Introduction
- Director, State Agency Liaison Introduction
- Financial Partners, FSA Update
- LEAP and SLEAP Program Update Info
- Operational Calendar
- Budget Figures
- Program Data and Other Info
- Q and As/Comments
3LEAP and SLEAP Operational Calendar
October 31, 2003 Due Date for 2002-2003
LEAP/SLEAP Performance Reports As of
10-10/03, 7 of 54 have submitted reports. Nov/Dec
2003 ED Reviews and Evaluates LEAP/SLEAP
Performance Reports December 2003 National
LEAP Summary Report March 2003 Deadline Dates
Notice Published May 2003 2004-2005 LEAP and
SLEAP Applications are Due May
2003 2003-2004 Any Additional Funding Reallotted
to Eligible States June 2003 2004-2005 LEAP
and SLEAP Awards to States
4Budget Figures
FY 2004 (passed) 66.5 Million (Presidents
Budget Request) 0 Past Years Allocations FY
2003 66.5 Million FY 2002 67
Million FY 2001 55 Million For any
fiscal year for which the amount appropriated
under the LEAP Program exceeds 30,000,000 the
excess shall be available to carry out the SLEAP
5Federal Award Amounts by State2002-2003 Award
6Federal Award Amounts by State2003-2004 Award
Year (As of 10-13-03)
7LEAP and SLEAP Performance Report Data for the
2001-2002 Award Year
Total State Aid
Total 5,317,191,563 In State Grant Aid
8LEAP and SLEAP Performance Report Data for the
2001-2002 Award Year
Expenditures by Type of Institution
9LEAP and SLEAP Performance Report Data for the
2001-2002 Award Year
Expenditures By Student Income Level
10LEAP and SLEAP Performance Report Data for the
2001-2002 Award Year
Grant Recipients by Type of Institution
11LEAP and SLEAP Performance Report Data for the
2001-2002 Award Year
Grant Recipients by Income Level
Grant Recipients by Dependency Status
12LEAP and SLEAP Performance Report Data for the
2001-2002 Award Year
Total LEAP Federal Expenditures
29,338,099 Total LEAP State Matching
Expenditures 935,531,183 Total State MOE
Requirement 812,495,658 Total Amount
States Overmatch 123,035,525 (Above MOE
Requirement) Total Number of LEAP Student
Recipients 654,822 Student
Recipient Average Award
1,473 Total SLEAP Federal Expenditures
23,670,719 Total SLEAP State Matching
Expenditures 193,923,551 Total Number of
SLEAP Student Recipients
264,422 Student Recipient Average Award
13LEAP and SLEAP Performance Report Data for the
2001-2002 Award Year
SLEAP Base Year
- 1999-2000 Total State Aid Awarded
- 3,822,042,181
- Minus All Non Need Based Aid
- 783,013,281
- Leaves Need Based Aid Awarded (SLEAP Base)
- 3,039,028,900
14LEAP and SLEAP Performance Report Data for the
2001-2002 Award Year
Total State Aid
15LEAP and SLEAP Programs Contact
Greg Gerrans greg.gerrans_at_ed.gov Direct/VM
202-377-3304 Fax 202-275-0913 Main Office
Questions, comments, feedback please e-mail us at
Please visit our Financial Partners portal for
LEAP and other information at www.fp.ed.gov