Title: Rank in Class
1Rank in Class
- North East Independent School District
for students entering 9th grade 2005 school
year and thereafter
- Middle School - 7 periods
- High School 8 classes total 4 classes a day
A/B Schedule
- 1 credit full year course
- ½ credit semester course
- 24 credits Graduation
4NEISD Rank Policy Academic Ranking
- All core academic and foreign language courses
are ranked - Ranked courses are assigned specific weight (rank
factor) based on rigor/level - Ranking is cumulative
- Excludes credit earned in MS, courses taken more
than one time, courses not earning credit,
correspondence courses, credit by exam and
pass-fail grades, final semester grades of senior
year, summer foreign study programs) - Honor graduates are determined by specific
5What is a Rank Factor
- Numerical value representing the differences in
rigor between levels of a course - Advanced Placement, Advanced Placement GT
- Pre-AP, Pre-AP GT, Honors
- Regular
- Content-modified
World History AP World History Pre-AP World
History World History Lab
6Rank Factor Consensus
Rank Factor of .10 best supports the differences
between levels of coursework
- Advanced Placement 1.20
- Pre-AP Honors 1.10
- Regular 1.00
- Content Modified .90
7How is Rank determined?
- Semester grade x Rank Factor Rank Points
- Sum of all Rank Points Cumulative Rank Points
- Cumulative Rank Points of each student compared
to all students in class Rank Position
The student with the most points is ranked 1.
8Sample Ranking Reporting
x 1.10
x 1.00
x 1.20
9Courses included in Rank
- English I IV
- Science
- Mathematics
- Social Studies
- Foreign Language
Includes Content Modified, Regular, Honors,
Pre-AP, Pre-AP GT, AP, AP GT levels of
coursework unless indicated otherwise.
10Determination of Honor Graduates
- Cumulative Overall Average
- Complete Recommended or Distinguished Achievement
Graduation Plan - Accumulate a Minimum of 48 Semesters of
- Summa 100 average
- Magna 95 99.99 average
- Cum Laude 90 94.99 average