Where is the Money for Women - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Where is the Money for Women


... agendas have overwhelmed the foreign policies of many donor governments (of ... Bush administration, the largest ODA contributor in absolute numbers, has ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Where is the Money for Women

Where is the Money for Womens Rights?
An AWID Action-Research Project in collaboration
with Just Associates
  • Clarify how womens organizations are faring in
    the current funding context
  • Highlight key trends, challenges, opportunities
    within different funding sectors
  • Provoke deeper dialogue on how womens
    organizations and donor allies can position
    themselves to make the contradictions of the
    current moment work to their advantage and
    contribute to building strong movements

What is happening to womens organizations?Our
2006 survey results
Regional Distribution
In what country is your organization based?
(Recoded from country)
N 299
N 244
N 139
N 84
Base 958 Respondents
Five-year Trend in Organization Funding- Among
only those who existed five years ago -
Compared to five years ago (2000), what is the
funding situation for your organizations work?
Excludes organizations less than five years old.
Base 836 respondents
Budget Size What was your organizations total
income in 2005?
US Dollars
Sample 845 respondents
Budget sizes - 1995 to 2005
Under 10k 10k to 50k 50k to 100k 100k to
500k 500k
Note that these figures are absolute dollars and
do not reflect changes in inflation and
purchasing power over the study period.
US Dollars
Sample 379/598/845 respondents
Overall Revenue Ranges by Region 2005
Respondents Region
Sample 845 respondents
Big challenges
  • Womens organizations are in a state of survival
    and resistance
  • When asked in August, most say they would need to
    double their budget to do everything they hope to
    do this year
  • Womens rights work is made much more difficult
    given dominant conservative agendas,
    neoliberalism, growing violence, and destruction
    of the social fabric
  • Compared to other social movements and sectors,
    womens organizations have very small budgets
  • Capacity, leadership, and vision to mobilize
    large resources is also a challenge

But opportunities exist
  • The pendulum seems to be swinging, opportunities
    are opening up and the pool of available
    resources may become larger than ever before. The
    question is how can they be harnessed?
  • Womens organizations around the world are
    strategizing about expanding the resource base
    for womens organizations and movements

Where has the money come from? Income 1995 - 2005
Percentage of all revenue in 1995, 2000 and 2005
which came from each source. (Totals to 100)
Sample 454/504/729 respondents
How well resourced are we together?Total Revenue
1995 2005- All Organizations, All Sources
Average 106,394 per organization
Average 86,407 per organization
Average 86,222 per organization
Total Revenue to All Participant Organizations.
The funding landscape
Government sources
  • Bilateral and Multilateral Development Agencies
  • Large Private Foundations
  • Individual Giving, Small Private Foundations
  • Corporate Philanthropy
  • Public Foundations / INGOs
  • Womens Funds

Private foundations and philanthropy
Public Foundations
Top 20 Donors 2005
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Total Donations to All Participant Organizations
Combined revenue is USD 77.5 million
Base 729 respondents
  • Bilateral and Multilateral Development Agencies

Bilateral and Multilateral Funding
  • What is it? Public monies, channeled through
    Official Development Assistance (ODA) (e.g.
    Dutch government, SIDA, EU, NORAD, DANIDA,
    UNIFEM, Inter American Development Bank)
  • ODA was mentioned by 35 of AWID survey
    respondents as a source of revenue in 2005 (down
    slightly from 2000)
  • Bilateral and multilateral funding accounts for
    23 of combined revenue in 2005 for AWID
    respondents this is unchanged from 2000

  • Total ODA funding in 2004 was USD 79 billion
  • Of the 79 billion USD, only 4.2 went directly to
    NGOs, or 3.3 billion dollars
  • Most of the NGO money flows to INGOs, a minority
    goes directly to global South
  • European Commissions support to NGOs in 2004 was
    9 (USD 877 million) of total external aid, of
    which 50 went to humanitarian aid and relief

  • How much goes to gender equality? Roughly only
    six percent is tracked with a gender equality
    marker in other words it is hard to hold to
    account governments on how much they actually
    contribute to gender equality
  • Of what we know, only 0.1 percent of this funding
    goes explicitly to women in development, and
    another 3.6 has gender equality as a significant
    or principal objective (this is the average based
    on analysis of 1999-2003 data)

  • Within the agencies
  • Systems for tracking the money and ensuring
    accountability to commitments are very weak and
    inconsistent. So while a policy could be good,
    it is very often not followed up with strong
    programs or funding sometimes referred to as
    policy evaporation
  • Gender mainstreaming, as a concept and an
    approach, has been misconstrued and wrongly
    applied. Was always meant to mean a two-track
    strategy integrating gender equality across all
    policies and programs, as well as focus on
    womens empowerment specifically the latter got
    deprioritized and mainstreaming got depoliticized
  • Gender specialists, departments and budget lines
    got eroded in the past years since 1995

More challenges with ODA the changing external
  • Security agendas have overwhelmed the foreign
    policies of many donor governments (of 79 billion
    in ODA in 2004, 10 billion went to Iraq and
    Afghanistan alongside an overall pressure to
    include military projects into foreign aid
  • Bush administration, the largest ODA contributor
    in absolute numbers, has imposed infamous and
    ideologically motivated conditionalities around
    its funding (Global Gag rule, anti-Prostitution
    restrictions, etc)
  • The 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
    (ODAs consensus document) does not acknowledge
    gender equality as central to aid effectiveness
    (unlike environmental sustainability) nor the
    critical role of civil society many donors are
    still trying to figure out how best to do gender
    equality work in this new paradigm

  • Meanwhile success is very often defined as
    measurable results yet we know that not
    everything that counts can be counted. The push
    for measures often means technical approaches
    are taken to political problems. Very linear and
    often apolitical models of social change or
    development still permeate these institutions in
    the forms of discourses or evaluation tools

ODA Opportunities
  • UNIFEM OECD-DAC gender network are undertaking
    research and policy work to link gender equality
    to the Aid Effectiveness agenda concept of aid
    effectiveness has to integrate support for
    womens rights
  • Around 10 donors most recently evaluated and
    renewed their commitment to gender equality and
    womens rights (DFID, NORAD, SIDA, Netherlands,
  • A very recent study of 27 donors identified that
    a key element for the promotion of gender
    equality in the new aid environment is the
    support to independent womens organizations and
    movements. The fact that new approaches have
    resulted in a decrease in funding available to
    civil society and womens organizations needs to
    be compensated by other approaches that guarantee
    womens organizing

ODA opportunities
  • ODA is on the rise 79 billion in 2004, USD 106
    billion in 2005 and could reach USD 130 billion
    by 2010
  • ODA support to NGOs is slightly on the rise DFID
    is the largest donor, followed by Netherlands,
    Japan, Sweden, Ireland then Switzerland
  • Increasing number of special funds are also
    growing that could potentially benefit womens
    rights groups Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB
    Malaria, UN Democracy Fund, the recently created
    Safe Abortion Action Fundor the new UN Agency
    for Women??

  • 2. Large Private Foundations

Large Private Foundations
  • Who are they? (e.g. Ford Foundation, MacArthur
    Foundation, Gates Foundation, Open Society
    Institute, Sigrid Rausing Trust)
  • In 2005
  • These foundations were mentioned by 13 of AWID
    survey respondents as a source of revenue (down
    from 19 in 2000)
  • Large private foundations count for 13 of
    combined revenue (down from 20 in 2000)

Some foundation trends in relation to women and
Based on Foundation Center Data and Open Society
Network Annual Reports
  • Were seeing a general downward trend in
    foundation funding for women and girls US
    foundation giving for women and girls was only
    5.2 in 2004, down from 7.3 in 2003
  • These foundations themselves describe the
    difficulties of supporting womens groups their
    interest in scaling up translates into funding
    fewer and larger groups, with larger grants

  • The Gates Foundation dwarfs other large private
    foundations with Warren Buffetts gift of USD31
    billion, its assets will reach USD 62 billion.
    The second largest foundation is the Wellcome
    Trust with 22.5 billion in assets, followed by
    Ford Foundation, with 11.6 billion)
  • Given the size of these powerful players, what
    kind of influence will they have on social change
  • Will this further privatize what should be
    public services? The US government shifted its
    2007 budget proposal, removing a program to
    develop small schools, specifically citing
    private funding available from Gates and other
    foundations as the reason.
  • How can this money be leveraged for womens

  • International giving among US-based foundations
    is on the rise (grew 19 between 2002 and 2005).
    Total international giving in 2005 was USD 3.8
    billion. The challenge will be to increase the
    share for womens organizations and those based
    outside the US (in 2004, only about 30 of
    international giving went directly to
    organizations outside the US, down from 40 in
  • Of international giving from foundations in 2002,
    13.7 was designated for women girls (USD 300
    million) as a special target population.

3. International NGOS/Public Foundations
3. INGOs/Public Foundations
  • Who are they? Hivos, Oxfam-Novib, ActionAid,
    CARE, etc
  • According to the AWID Survey INGOs were mentioned
    by 25 of AWID survey respondents as a source of
    revenue (up from 20 in 2000)
  • INGOs account for 14 of combined revenue (up
    from 12 in 2000)

  • Many INGO allies have been back-sliding on their
    gender equality commitments Face constraints of
    their own funders (governments, individuals,
    faith-based groups) and/or got tired
  • The nature of INGO partnerships with national
    organizations is often complex and reflects
    competition for resources
  • Many are dominated by their public global
    campaign departments which affect how and with
    whom they work
  • Some are criticized for absorbing local capacity
    and fundraising from same sources as local
    womens organizations

  • Often used as intermediaries for bilateral donors
    to channel funding to local organizations.
    INGOs get almost 3 times as much ODA as NGOs,
    based in aid recipient countries. This creates
    significant tensions
  • When they fund their own ideas and campaigns
    rather than the work happening on the ground
  • When they increasingly position themselves as
    leaders on womens rights issues, they also
    attract funding from private sources, raising
    further concern about competition over resources

  • Their money to womens rights is not
    insignificant. In the last year, several INGOs
    have strengthened their commitment to womens
  • In Action Aid, womens rights is 1 of 7 core
    themes. In 2005 they spent USD 8.2 million (EUR
    6,392,000) on grants to organizations working on
    womens rights
  • HIVOS core theme gender, women development
    is also 1 of 7 themes. In 2005 USD 10.1 million
    (EUR 7,855,000) for womens organizations. Hivos
    committed to 30 of its overall giving to reach
    womens organizations by 2010
  • Oxfams collectively allocate just under 10
    percent to work specifically related to womens
    rights and minority rights in 2005 of total
  • Oxfam Novibs grants budget will grow from 10 to
    15 in terms of support to womens rights and
    minority rights by 2010
  • Oxfam Canada, with a 12 million dollar budget,
    committed to making womens rights its CORE theme

4. Private Philanthropy Individual Giving
Individual giving
  • In 2005 individual giving was mentioned by 28 of
    AWID survey respondents as a source of revenue
    (up from 26 in 2000)
  • Individual giving accounted for 10 of combined
    revenue (similar to 2000)
  • Individual giving comes in the form of large
    gifts from wealthy individuals, or through many
    small donations received through mail-in
    requests, pledges, website on-line donations, or
    fundraiser events

  • Individual donors of wealth can be challenging to
    contact and cultivate, meanwhile public
    fundraising campaigns are big investments of time
    and money
  • Its harder to convince individuals to support
    movement building or the long-term agenda of
    womens rights (they are more likely to be
    interested in addressing a crisis, emergency, or
    someone direct personal needs)
  • This money is more accessible for groups based in
    Global North, though there are increasing
    opportunities in the South

  • Yet even small donations from individuals or
    membership fees can help contribute to greater
    sustainability and independence. They also help
    to leverage funding from institutional donors.
  • Theres more money overall and more money in the
    hands of women
  • Intergenerational transfer of wealth more women
    will inherit than ever before in the trillions.
  • Significant increase in international giving
    (those based in the US).
  • Possibilities of tapping diaspora giving

5. Womens Funds
Womens Funds
  • Who are they? Semillas, Mama Cash, Central
    American Womens Fund, African Womens
    Development Fund, Global Fund for Women,
    Slovak-Czeck womens fund
  • They grant only to womens organizations or
    womens rights initiatives
  • In 2005
  • Womens funds were mentioned by 46 of AWID
    survey respondents as a source of revenue (up
    from 28 in 2000)
  • Womens funds account for 5 of combined revenue
    (up from 3 in 2000)

  • In 2005 womens funds (outside of the US, or
    granting outside of the US) collectively earned
    USD 26.5 million in revenue (down slightly from
    2004 due to the Global Fund for Womens large
    campaign the year before)
  • In 2005 they spent USD 15 million in grants to
    womens organizations all around the world
  • In 2005 they held close to USD 27 million in long
    term assets
  • Average grant size varies by size of the Fund,
    between USD 4,000 and USD15,000

  • There are some concerns about the role of womens
    funds in relation to other womens
  • Competition for resources (with larger womens
  • Grantmaking is there a shared strategic
    framework? How do the funds contribute to
    movement-building, especially if their grants are
    so small?

  • Womens funds are growing strong
  • Growing in numbers (now in around 20 countries)
    and steady growth in revenue. New ones in the
    making in the Middle East, Argentina and Georgia
  • Womens funds based in the Global South and East
    have tripled revenue since 2000 raising USD 18
    million. If similar growth path continues they
    will raise 43.5 million in the next 5 years
  • The purpose of Womens Funds is to expand the
    resource base for womens organizations
  • Many womens funds take the lead in innovative
    ways of raising money and strengthening financial
    sustainability of womens movements especially
    when they are able to raise 34 of combined
    annual revenue from individuals

  • 5. Corporate Philanthropy

Corporate Philanthropy
  • Who are they? e.g. Levi Strauss Foundation, Gap
    Foundation, Nike Foundation. Avon Foundation
  • Largest corporate foundation is the Walmart
    Foundation in 2004 it gave out USD154.5 million
  • Womens groups are also supported by many local
    businesses and companies that provide in-kind
    donations (for example TV networks supporting
    Puntos de Encuentro broadcast of their TV series,
    or space in newspapers, etc.).
  • Funding from the private sector comes from
    diverse sources, with different agendas and
    implications for those they work with
  • In 2005
  • Corporate Philanthropy was mentioned by 2 of
    AWID survey respondents as a source of revenue
    (up from 1 in 2000)
  • Corporate Philanthropy accounts for less than 1
    of combined revenue of AWIDs survey respondents

  • There are serious concerns about reconciling
    corporate interests with womens rights
  • In some cases, businesses are involved in
    exploitative labour practices or environmentally
    unsound production and seek partnerships with
    NGOs in an effort to clean up their reputation
  • A growing number of corporations look for
    increasing their market share by associating
    themselves with good causes this has come
    about through consumer expectations -- and they
    can see that doing good is good for the bottom
  • Most programs of corporate giving are still
    add-ons and not linked to broader corporate
    social accountability

  • More money will become available, interesting new
  • Gap, Nike, and Levi Strauss are examples of
    corporate foundations that have chosen to focus
    on women and girls
  • Social justice advocates and organizations are
    working with corporations to launch products
    whose sales generate income for specific causes
    AND help corporations gain market share. Examples
    are (Product) Red for HIV/Aids and Womens
    Brand Philanthropy for womens funds globally
  • Smaller corporate foundations at the national
    level in different regions are open in many cases
    to provide resources and in-kind donations to
    womens groups on the ground

In conclusion
  • the challenges ahead are not straight forward
  • there are indeed opportunities to tap, but they
    need to be contextualized in local realities and
    considered with particular attention to the
    nature of our work and the future of the womens
    rights agendas
  • we need to open our minds, be creative, be
    strategic and be bold in how we think about these
    issues and their implications to our urgent
    agenda in the advancment of womens rights
  • this meeting will provide an essential space for
    that collective thinking and strategy development!

Where is the Money for Womens Rights?
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