Title: Energising Development (EnDev)
1- Energising Development (EnDev)
- A German-Dutch partnership on Energy Access
- Bonn, 12 September
2006 - Roman Grüner / Verena Brinkmann, GTZ
- What is EnDev?
- EnDev target area of energy supply
- EnDev partnership criteria
- Sustainability
- Implementing EnDev Household energy
- scaling up
- impact orientation
- sustainability
3What is EnDev?
- EnDev is a Dutch-German Partnership with the
objective to provide - sustainable access to modern energy services for
3.1 million people. - - The Netherlands Minister for Development
Cooperation (DGIS) - - German Federal Ministry for Economic
Co-operation and Development (BMZ) - The German Technical Co-operation (GTZ)
- Expansion of already ongoing activities
- Activities mostly in Africa (70), Asia (15),
Latin America (15) - Partnership period 2005 - 2008
4What is EnDev?
5- EnDev target area of energy supply
- Energy for cooking
- Establishment of self-sustaining markets for
production and sales of improved cooking stoves - Energy for lightning/ household applications
- Provision of lighting and small electric
appliances for households - Energy for social infrastructure
- Provision of electricity for schools, hospitals
and community centres - Energy for productive use
- Provision of modern energy to small and
medium-sized enterprises, cooperatives and
craftsmen for additional income generation
6- Access to energy by
- On-grid
- e.g. extension or densification
- Mini-grids
- e.g. mini hydro power, PV, hybrid
- Stand-alone systems
- e.g. Solar Home Systems, solar lanterns, pico
hydro - Improved stoves
- Examples from sustainability checklist
- Will the project create or enter a
self-sustaining market - Sustainable Structures after 5 years
- Sufficient income is generated to cover all costs
- Are technologies and services offered attractive
and affordable - Local contribution
8EnDev Partnership Criteria
- Newly provided access
- Additionality of interventions
- Clear assignment of intervention
- Cost-efficiency using experience and
infrastructure of existing interventions - Neutral concerning technology
- Scaling-up potential
- Sustainable access to energy
- Sustainable access until/beyond 2015
- Close and constant monitoring
- Quantitative outcome approach
- Focus on impacts of interventions
10- Implementation of EnDev
- within the field of household energy
- our objectives
- Scaling up large scale
- Sustainability
- Impacts on poverty reduction
11Scaling up large scaleChallenge according
to the United Nations Millennium Project,
2005By 2015, to reduce the number of people
without effective access to modern cooking fuels
by 50 percent, and make improved cooking stoves
widely available." access to modern cooking
energy for 1.5 billion people!!!or 500.000
people to be served every day until 2015!!This
requires solutions, which are eligible for
scaling up.
12How to achieve sustainable access to modern
cooking energy?
increased access to modern cooking energy
enabling fuel switch
scaling up of improved cooking
technologies (e.g. stoves)
increasing sustainable cooking fuel Supply
policy strategy development
13How to achieve sustainable scaling up of improved
increased use of improved biomass stoves
more stoves on the market
more knowledge awareness
stove quality control stove marketing training
of trainers stove producers stove technology
household energy promotion campaigns awareness
raising mainstreaming household energy in
public sector
stove producers sales persons
stove users decision makers
focus on
14How to achieve sustainable scaling up of improved
increased use of improved biomass stoves
more stoves on the market
more knowledge awareness
stove quality control stove marketing training
of trainers stove producers stove technology
household energy promotion campaigns awareness
raising mainstreaming household energy in
public sector
stove producers sales persons
stove users decision makers
focus on
15Rocket Metal Household Stove
Rocket Lorena
Institutional Rocket Stove
16How to achieve sustainable scaling up of improved
Training in technical and business skills
Via ToT, NGOs
increased use of improved biomass stoves
more stoves on the market
more knowledge awareness
stove quality control stove marketing training
of trainers stove producers stove technology
household energy promotion campaigns awareness
raising mainstreaming household energy in
public sector
stove producers sales persons
stove users decision makers
focus on
17How to achieve sustainable scaling up of improved
increased use of improved biomass stoves
more stoves on the market
more knowledge awareness
stove quality control stove marketing training
of trainers stove producers stove technology
household energy promotion campaigns awareness
raising mainstreaming household energy in
public sector
Marketing support demonstrations print
material TV Radio exhibitions theatre
stove producers sales persons
stove users decision makers
focus on
18How to achieve sustainable scaling up of improved
increased use of improved biomass stoves
more stoves on the market
more knowledge awareness
stove quality control stove marketing training
of trainers stove producers stove technology
household energy promotion campaigns awareness
raising mainstreaming household energy in
public sector
Quality control standards manuals certified
prod. stove labeling
stove producers sales persons
stove users decision makers
focus on
19How to achieve sustainable scaling up of improved
increased use of improved biomass stoves
Awareness raising at local, consumer level
through national channels Via NGOs, public
more stoves on the market
more knowledge awareness
stove quality control stove marketing training
of trainers stove producers stove technology
household energy promotion campaigns
awareness raising mainstreaming household
energy in public sector
stove producers sales persons
stove users decision makers
focus on
20increased access to modern cooking energy
- Sustainability via
- economic cycles
- local value chains
- - system based approach
increased use of improved biomass stoves
more stoves on the market
more knowledge awareness
stove quality control stove marketing training
of trainers stove producers stove technology
household energy promotion campaigns awareness
programmes mainstreaming household energy
in public sector
stove producers sales persons
stove users decision makers
focus on
21Achieving Millennium Development Goals
- Impacts
- highly aggregated
- - direct benefits
improved safety
saved househ. budget
business job creation
environmental protection
more time available
income generation
less indoor air pollution
increased access to modern cooking energy
increased use of improved biomass stoves
more stoves on the market
more knowledge awareness
stove quality control stove marketing training
of trainers stove producers stove technology
household energy promotion campaigns awareness
programmes mainstreaming household energy
in public sector
Sustainability via - economic cycles - local
value chains - system based approach
stove producers sales persons
stove users decision makers
focus on
22Rocket Lorena stove for households in Uganda
- Impacts of Rocket Lorena
- 265,000 t of fuel wood saved per year 60 less
specific consumption - 1,055,000 savings in household expenditures /
year - time saving in cooking and firewood collection
73 hours hh/month - significant reduction of indoor air pollution and
smoke related health hazards
- Outcomes
- promotion of improved stoves in several districts
- 8000 highly skilled stove artisans trained in 1,5
years - Rocket Lorena stove commercially produced and
disseminated - households adopt efficient cooking practices and
technology - more than 180,000 stoves disseminated in 1,5
23Mirt stove for Households in Ethiopia
- Impacts of Mirt stove
- 57,500 t fuel wood savings per year
- 50 less fuel wood than on open fire
- 2,100,000 savings in household expenditures
- Generated income of 3,000 per year for producers
- reduction of CO2-emission
- health improvements
- Outcomes
- promotion of stoves within 4 regional states
- Mirt stove is a market product, commercially
produced by qualified producers and sold to
households with an increasing demand! - more than 75,000 stoves in 2.5 years
24Rocket stove for institutions in Malawi
- Outcomes
- Rocket stove is a market product,
- commercially produced by 4 qualified
- producers and sold to Institutions
- 900 stoves produced and sold annually
- Impact of Rocket stove
- 50-95 less fuel wood consumption compared to
open fire cooking - amortisation period per stove less than 6 months.
- turnover of best producer exceeding 250 000 in
last 12 months - health improvements
25Thank you for your attention! Contact roman
gruener_at_gtz.de verena.brinkmann_at_gtz.de