Title: Global Issues in Comparing Vaccination Strategies
1Global Issues in Comparing Vaccination Strategies
Dr Lara Wolfson Vaccine Assessment
Monitoring Department of Immunization, Vaccines
2Vaccination Strategies WHO
- Overview of work at WHO
- Examples of current work
- Unmet needs
3Measuring Mortality and Morbidity
- Estimates of current disease burden for
vaccine-preventable diseases - Forecasts of future disease burden
cost-effectiveness under different vaccination
scenarios - Methods and Materials to assist ROs and
countries in estimation and forecasting of
disease burden, introduction of new vaccines,
cost-effectiveness assessments - Support to users of burden of disease data,
technical assistance for cost-effectiveness
4Estimating (Total) Mortality at WHO
Life tables
5Vaccine-Preventable Diseases 24
6Causes of 4.1 M Child Deaths, 2002
7Proportional Mortality Approaches
8Natural History Approaches
9Looking at all the sources of data
Method 1
Best estimate
Method 3
Method 2
10General Approach
- Get best data/information (literature/grey
literature review) - Primary data
- Secondary data
- Seek expert advise/opinion
- natural history of the disease
- methods/models
- context
- Develop consultative process with ROs/countries
- Develop best methods/models
- Use best assumptions/probabilities
- Conduct sensitivity analysis
- Validate/check consistency coherence
- Document (explicit transparent)
- Subject to in-house review, then expert review
11Expected Outputs
- Burden of Disease Estimates
- By country, age group, sex, year
- With estimates of uncertainty, document methods
- Country consultation, continuous update of inputs
(?!?) - "Scenarios" (aka Comparing Strategies)
- Recommendations for best practice
- Tools for use at country level
- Provide support to advocacy efforts
- Cost-Effectiveness
- Tools and guidelines, training, support
12Publish methods, database Of results,
inputs Country clearance
HQ produces burden of disease estimates
Update annually
Develop scenario models And database of inputs
Develop costing tools and guidelines
Publish tools
Country Requests CEA assistance
Targeted Country for Field-testing or Evaluation
Publish tools
Collaborate with country On CEA
13GAVI and the Vaccine Fund
- 75 out of 192 member states with GNI lt1000
eligible for support - Immunization Systems Strengthening (ISS) support
performance/reward based system - New Vaccine Support (NVS) vaccine provided for
1st five years - "Next Window" 2005-2009
- ICF (Investment Case Framework)
14The ADIP Paradigm
15The Example Measles
- Need to develop a method for estimating measles
mortality and morbidity - Measure progress towards Measles Mortality
Reduction Goal (50 reduction in measles deaths
from 1999-2005) - Evaluate the impact of supplemental immunization
activities (SIAs) and routine coverage - Develop a tool for countries to use to estimate
their own disease burden and monitor progress
16"Current" Burden of Measles
17CFR Literature Review
18869,000 in 1999 to 610,000 in 2002
19Measles Comparing Vaccination Strategies in 35
African Countries, 2005-2015
20SIR Model for 192 Member States
21How to calculate R0?
22Looking at Scenarios
23(No Transcript)
24Work that is needed (urgently!!)
- High Priority/Some Work Started
- Pneumococcal Disease (Meningitis, Pneumonia)
- Rotavirus
- Yellow Fever
- Rubella/CRS
- Diphtheria
- Lower Priority/Not Started
- Meningoccocus A/C
- Japanese Encephalitis
- Mumps
- Dengue
- Typhoid
- Cholera
- Papillomavirus
- Shigella
- Streptococcus group A
- Infant TB
26Data Collected by the Global Monitoring System
27Mixed Bag of Needs
- Simple tools for use in country to make policy
decisions but validated compared to complex
methods. - Valid assessments of current burden of disease
(MDG!!) - Guidance on plugging "data holes"
- Introduction of new vaccines