Title: WELCOME, PBWC Attendees
1WELCOME, PBWC Attendees!
- Track Three Communication
- Get A Grip On Gen Y Effective Communication
Strategies for Recruiting, Motivating Retaining
Millennial Talent
2Who Is Lisa Orrell? The Generation Relations
Lisa Orell
- Professional Background
- Why the Interest in Millennials?
- Millennials Incorporated Currently Has 5 Star
Review Rating on Amazon
3Session Agenda
Millennial Overview Meet the Millennials Recruitin
g Millennial Talent Motivating Millennial
Talent Retaining Millennial Talent Q A
4Millennial Overview The Generational Snapshot
Millennials/GenY 1982to2002
Boomers 1946to1964
GenX 1965to1981
Homeland Generation, GenZ,New Silent
Generation 2002 to ?
5Why is the Millennial Topic Important in the
- There are approx 82 million U.S. Boomers
- 1/5 of American workers will hit retirement age
by 2020 - We are facing a 35 million worker shortfall in
the U.S. - More startling stats to write down!
6Meet the Millennials
7Meet the Millennials How They Came To Be
- Told they were special and valued by society and
parents from Day One - Coddled and Nurtured
- Baby On Board
- Bike Helmets
- Raised by enlightened, self-help book reading
Boomer and Gen X parents - Raised to express their feelings
- Told to experience many new things
- Boomer and Gen X parents saying, Dont make the
same mistakes we did!
8Recruiting Millennial Talent
9Innovative Ideas for Attracting Them
- Hospitality Suites and/or Fun Social Events
- Flash drives with company info
- 8 more ideas to write down!
10Hot Buttons You Need to Push During the
Recruitment Process
- We provide new experiences and exciting
opportunities - Our core values are honesty and integrity
- Youll be challenged quickly
- 4 more Hot Buttons to write down!
- Fun atmosphere
- We support diversity
- Treat you with respect and opinions valued
- 4 more Hot Buttons to write down!
11Motivating Millennial Talent
12Motivating Millennial Talent
- Find Out What Motivates Them
- 6 more key tips to write down!
13Retaining Millennial Talent
14Retaining Millennial Talent
These confident young people tend to be very
opinionated and expect to be heard. They also
crave feedback and praise for accomplishments.
15Unique Strategies for Retaining Millennial Talent
- Encourage parental attendance to company events
- 4 more tips to write down!
- Become a Praise Culture
- Team-up Millennial with older partner
- 3 more tips to write down!
16Get A Grip Recap
- Millennials expect flexibility
- Millennials expect a lot from their leadership
- Millennials want to communicate with managers
often - Respect their opinions provide mentorship
- Well-known corporations are adjusting their
cultures to accommodate Millennials - Reward praise your Millennial Talent often
- Have fun enjoy the new generation!
- Cost is 3,000 for Lisa to present the seminar
in-person - DVD ONLY 295 Includes tax, shipping Lisas
book - Special 10 discount for PBWC attendees
- www.THEORRELLGROUP.com/products
18 Thank You!
- Lisa Conducts
- Seminars
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- www.TheOrrellGroup.com