Title: Astronomy, Petabytes, and MySQL
1- Astronomy, Petabytes, and MySQL
- MySQL Conference
- Santa Clara, CA
- April 16, 2008
- Kian-Tat Lim
- Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
- LSST Database
- LSST Database MySQL
- What Is It?
- Why Build It?
- What Is It?
- Why Build It?
- Proposed telescope to be built in Chile
3.2 gigapixel camera
8.4 meter diameter mirror
7Synoptic Survey
- What Is It?
- Why Build It?
9Dark Matter and Energy
Photo J. A. Tyson, W. Colley, E. L. Turner, and
10Variable Objects
11Transient Objects
12Moving Objects
Photo D. Roddy, Lunar and Planetary Institute
13LSST Database
- Whats In It?
- How Big?
- How Often?
- What Queries?
- Unusual Needs
14LSST Database
- Whats In It?
- How Big?
- How Often?
- What Queries?
- Unusual Needs
15Database Components
Moving ObjectsCatalog
Object Catalog
Provenance Statistics Summaries
Source Catalog
Difference Image Source Catalog
Image Metadata
Engineering and Facility Database
16Astronomical Objects
Moving ObjectsCatalog
Object Catalog
Provenance Statistics Summaries
Source Catalog
Difference Image Source Catalog
Image Metadata
Engineering and Facility Database
Moving ObjectsCatalog
Object Catalog
Provenance Statistics Summaries
Source Catalog
Difference Image Source Catalog
Image Metadata
Engineering and Facility Database
Moving ObjectsCatalog
Object Catalog
Provenance Statistics Summaries
Source Catalog
Difference Image Source Catalog
Image Metadata
Engineering and Facility Database
19Image Metadata
Moving ObjectsCatalog
Object Catalog
Provenance Statistics Summaries
Source Catalog
Difference Image Source Catalog
Image Metadata
Engineering and Facility Database
20Calibration and Facility
Moving ObjectsCatalog
Object Catalog
Provenance Statistics Summaries
Source Catalog
Difference Image Source Catalog
Image Metadata
Engineering and Facility Database
21LSST Database
- Whats In It?
- How Big?
- How Often?
- What Queries?
- Unusual Needs
22Sagans of Rows
- 49 billion objects
- 2.8 trillion sources
23Lots of Columns
- 308 columns for objects
- 56 columns for sources
- (for now)
24Database Size
25LSST Database
- Whats In It?
- How Big?
- How Often?
- What Queries?
- Unusual Needs
- Nightly updates
- Semi-annual data releases
27LSST Database
- Whats In It?
- How Big?
- How Often?
- What Queries?
- Unusual Needs
- All about an object
- All objects meeting criteria
- All objects near objects meeting criteria
- All objects with interesting time series
- All pairs of objects with similar time series
29LSST Database
- Whats In It?
- How Big?
- How Often?
- What Queries?
- Unusual Needs
30Unusual Needs
31LSST Database MySQL
- Why MySQL?
- Scalability?
- Performance?
32LSST Database MySQL
- Why MySQL?
- Scalability?
- Performance?
- Relational database management system
34Open Source
- Vibrant community
- Strong company support
- Runs on commodity hardware
36In-Memory Tables
- Needed for near-real-time processing
37LSST Database MySQL
- Why MySQL?
- Scalability?
- Performance?
38MySQL Grid
- Large tables partitioned spatially
- Dimension tables likely replicated
41Needs Distributor/Combiner
- LSST will build prototype
- Need long-term support
42LSST Database MySQL
- Why MySQL?
- Scalability?
- Performance?
43Per-Column Indexing
44Needs Optimizer
- Efficient use of multiple (20-30) indexes
45Needs Indexes
- Bitmap/compressed indexes
46Needs Storage Engine
- Shared scan for long-running full-table queries
- Building a petabyte DB
- MySQL can be a core component