Title: By Hasan, Simon and Chloe
1School Travel Survey!!
- By Hasan, Simon and Chloe!
2How do you get to school?
- Many of you get to school by walking, BUT some of
you go by car, which is okay to do sometimes! If
you share a car you will lower pollution! - We have carried out a travel survey and most of
you walk!!!!! ? -
3Now You Know!!!
- So a huge number of you walk to school!!!! Which
is fantastic!!! You are all truly stars!!! We
do understand that some of you take cars because
you live far away, which we totally accept. But
those of you who dont live far away and
drive..MAKE SURE YOU WALK!!!! And those of you
who cycle and scoot (or other!) WELL DONE!!!
4Travel Survey
5But everyone else were brill too!!!!!
As you know the winner of the spring term is
Gordondale who won the competition 4 of the 12
weeks second place was Penwith followed by
Ryfold who both won the competition 3 of the 12
March 2006 321 children and staff walked or
cycled to school how ever in march 2007 396
children and staff walked or cycled to school. 4
out of 5 children are walking to school
And its all thanks to you!!!!!!!!!
6In march 2006 164 children and staff came by car
to school. In march 2007 this number was reduced
to 108!!
In January 2007 381 children and staff walked to
school that month then number increased to 391 in
February and 396 in March GOOD WORK!!!
7Staff are playing their part too. 24 staff now
walk or ride there bike to school. Watch for Mrs
Russell riding her bike in the summer term.
8AWARDED TO Gordondale and the whole school for
walking to school and making the world a better
9Walk on Wednesdays Congratulations
A certificate to show the schools appreciation