Title: Crystal
1Campus Security at Oregon State University
- Presented by
- Crystal Daniel Kai Mitchell
2Raise your hand if you know the number for Campus
3Our Survey
1. Do you know the number for campus security,
should you have a problem? Y/N 2. In general, do
you feel safe on campus? Y/N 3. Do you feel safe
walking alone at night while on campus? Y/N 4.
Are there areas on campus that you are less
likely to walk through for safety reasons. Y/N 5.
Do you think campus security could be improved
by a. Increased lighting b. More patrol
cars/gaurds c. More blue lights d. Video
cameras/surveillance 6. Do you feel threatened on
campus, what would you do first? 7. In you
opinion, how effective are the blue security
lights? 8. Have you ever used Safe-ride? How
accessible is it? 9. Do you know the hours of
Safe-ride? How late should Safe-ride run for it
to be the most effective? 10. In your opinion,
what is the main security concern at OSU? (I.e.
bike theft, rape, assault, hate crimes, etc.)
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7(No Transcript)
8Comparative Research
- Is there a problem at OSU?
Do other universities have the same issues?
Just how safe is OSU, relatively speaking?
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10(No Transcript)
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12Current Security Practices at Oregon State
- Interview with Paulette Ratchford
- Goals of Campus Security
- How they achieve those goals
- The problem
13Goals of Campus Security
- Health and Safety
- Property loss and damage
- Maintaining an educational work environment
14Achieving their Goals
- 24 hours / 7 days a week schedule
- Work in a close relationship with OSP
- Highest standard of enforcement
- Specialized security
- Comprehensive training program
- Para-professional enforcement
15The Problem
- Lack of prevention from campus security
- Inadequate campus education
- Areas needing improvement
- blue lights
- outdoor lighting
- visibility of security
Problems Supply does not meet Demand
Operation Hours not convenient Solutions
Increase number of vans Increase
operation hours
17How many people know the number to safe-ride?
7-5000 7-5000 7-5000 7-5000 7-5000 Dont Forget
- Increase the lighting on campus
- Lengthen the hours of Safe-Ride operation and
increase van count - Increase security patrol
- Enhance campus-awareness of security problems and
19Raise your hand if you remember the number to
Campus Security.