Title: Verifiable Distributed Oblivious Transfer and Mobile Agent Security
1Verifiable Distributed Oblivious Transfer and
Mobile Agent Security
- Sheng Zhong
- (Joint Work with Yang Richard Yang)
2Problem Formulation
- Mobile Agent A piece of software moving around
the network, performing a specific task - Example an agent searching for airline tickets
3Problem Formulation (Contd)
4Security Requirements
- Agent Originators Privacy Originators private
information (e.g., a buy-it-now price in
airline-ticket-agent example) in the agent is not
revealed to hosts - Hosts Privacy Each hosts private input (e.g.,
the ask price) and output (e.g., whether to make
a reservation) to the agent is not revealed to
other hosts or the originator
5Solution Framework ACCK01
- Main Idea Use Yaos Garbled Circuit
- Agent is garbled - becomes a blackbox program
that nobody can read - Privacy is achieved
- Each host needs to translate I/O of agent to
complete computation
Private Input
Garbled Input
Garbled Output
Private Output
6Illustration of Solution Framework
Private Input
Private Output
Input Translation
Output Translation
Garbled Input
Garbled Output
Garbled Agent
7Need for a Crypto Primitive
- Question How to enable each host to translate
I/O? - Output Easy - Supplies translation table to host
- Input Tricky - Must guarantee that only one
value of input is translated (Dont want host to
test agent with many possible inputs)
8Verifiable Distributed Oblivious Transfer (VDOT)
- Introduce a group of proxy servers
- For each input bit Proxy servers hold garbled
input for 0/1 G(0)/G(1) - Input bit b ? transfer G(b) to host
- No information about G(1-b) is revealed to host
- No information about b is revealed to proxy
servers - Proxy servers cannot cheat host with incorrect
9VDOT (Contd)
- All the above requirements are satisfied under a
threshold trust assumption - VDOT further extends Distributed Oblivious
Transfer (DOT) NP00, which extends the
extensively studied Oblivious Transfer (OT)
Rabin81, - Difference Consider malicious proxy servers
instead of semi-honest servers - Key technical component of our solution
10Analysis of VDOT Security Requirements
- Input bit b ? transfer G(b) to host
- No information about G(1-b) is revealed to host
- No information about b is revealed to proxy
1-out-of-2 Oblivious Transfer (OT)
- Proxy servers cant cheat host w/ incorrect G(b)
- Identification of Cheater
11Design of VDOT
- First Idea Add Detection of Cheating to
1-out-of-2 OT - Choose a distributed variant of Bellare-Micali OT
BM89 as basis of design - G(0), G(1) shared among proxy servers
- Transfer shares of G(0), G(1) in encrypted form
- Only shares of G(b) can be decrypted
12Consistency Verification on Encrypted Shares
- Observation detect cheating detect existence
of incorrect shares without decrypting any share - Using variant of Shamir Secret Sharing ?
existence of incorrect shares inconsistency of
shares (Why?)
13Consistency Verification on Encrypted Shares
- Variant of Shamir Secret Sharing based on
degree-(t-1) polynomial - Each share a point
- Share is correct point is on polynomial
- Consistent means on same polynomial of
degree-(t-1) - Correct shares are all consistent incorrect
shares are inconsistent with correct ones
14Illustration of Consistency Verification
Correct share
Incorrect share
15Achieving Consistency Verification on Encrypted
- To verify consistency on clear text shares, we
can use Lagrange interpolation - Question How can we achieve consistency
verification on encrypted shares? - Answer Use Homomorphic property of ElGamal
Encryption - recall Bellare-Micali OT is based on
ElGamal Encryption
16Achieving Consistency Verification on Encrypted
Shares (Contd)
ElGamal Encryption of a Share
For i t1, , n
Consistency verification using Lagrange
17Analysis of Need
Share k among proxy servers using Feldman VSS
share ki private key commitment public key
18Identification of Cheater
- After Consistency Verification on Encrypted
Shares What if an inconsistency is found? - Want Find the cheaters
- Assume of dishonest parties
- Find set S of shares (St) s.t.
- Majority of shares outside S are consistent with
those in S - let M be the set of all shares
outside but consistent with S - Claim 1,2,,n (S ? M) is the set of
19Identification of Cheater (Contd)
- Question Why can we make the claim?
- Answer M (n-t)/2 ? S ? M t (n-t)/2
- ? at least t proxy servers in S ? M are honest
- ? the degree-(t-1) polynomial constructed in
Lagrange interpolation using shares in S is
correct - ? all shares in S ? M are correct
- ? the remaining shares belong to cheaters
20Performance Overhead of Garbled Circuits