Title: Attitude Formation and Change
1Attitude Formation and Change
2What is an attitude?
- A learned predisposition to respond to an object
or a class of objects in a consistently favorable
or unfavorable way. - Attitudes are relatively enduring.
- Attitudes are situation-related.
3Functions of Attitudes
- Utilitarian function
- Ego-defensive function
- Knowledge function
- Value-expressive function
4How do we form attitudes?
- Three different paths to attitude formation
- Attitudes are created by first creating beliefs.
- Consumer beliefs are the knowledge that a
consumer has about objects, their attributes, and
the benefits provided by the objects. - Consumer beliefs are created by processing
information--cognitive learning.
5Forming Attitudes, continued
- Attitudes are created directly.
- Behavioral learning
- Mere exposure
- Attitudes are created by first creating
behaviors. - Consumers respond to strong situational or
environmental forces, and after engaging in the
behavior, form attitudes about the experience.
6Structural Model of Attitude
- Tricomponent Attitude Model
7Tricomponent Model
- Cognitive component
- The knowledge and perceptions that are acquired
by a combination of direct experience with the
attitude object and related information from
various sources. - Affective component
- The emotions or feelings associate with a
particular product or brand. - Conative component
- The likelihood or tendency that an individual
will undertake a specific action or behave in a
particular way with regard to the attitude object.
8Measurement Models of Attitude
- Multiattribute model
- Fishbein and Azjen
- Measures attitude score using consumers beliefs
and evaluations about attributes of the attitude
object. - Several different contexts in which attitude
scores are measured. - Attitude-toward-the-object model
- Attitude-toward-the-behavior model
9Multiattribute Model
- Aj ?BijIi
- Where
- i attribute or product characteristic
- j brand
- Such that
- A the consumers attitude score for brand j
- I the importance weight given to attribute
i by the - consumer
- B the consumers belief as to the extent to
which a - satisfactory level of attribute i is
offered by brand j
10Understanding the Multiattribute Model
- All relevant product attributes, based on
consumers perceptions, need to be included in
the model to provide dimensionality. - Even though there may be several relevant
attributes, they are not generally equally
important. The importance weight of the formula
allows adjustment of the importance of each
attribute individually.
11Understanding the Multiattribute Model...
- Beliefs represent the extent to which each
product offers satisfaction for the attribute in
question. - Compensatory model.
12Advantages of Multiattribute Model
- Clearly shows what is important to consumers
about a given product. - Shows how well brands do relative to each other.
- Shows how well a specific brand does with respect
to attributes perceived as important to consumers.
13Weakness of Multiattribute Model
- Not a perfect predictor of consumer behavior
- Lots of variables determine behavior in addition
to attitude - Involvement
- Friends
- Family
- Financial resources
- Availability of product
14Theory of Reasoned Action
- Extends multiattribute model tries to
compensate for the inability of the
multiattribute model to predict behavior. - Assumes that consumers consciously consider the
consequences of alternative behaviors under
consideration and choose the one that leads to
the most desirable consequences. - The outcomes of this reasoned choice process is
an intention to engage in a selected
behavior--behavioral intention.
15Theory of Reasoned Action
- BBI Aact(w1) SN(w2)
- Where
- B a specific behavior
- BI consumers intention to engage in
that - behavior
- Aact consumers attitude toward
engaging in that - behavior
- SN subjective norm regarding whether
other - people want the consumer to
engage in that - behavior
- w1 w2 weights that reflect the relative
influence of - the Aact and SN components on
16Simplified Version
Beliefs that the behavior leads
to certain outcomes
Motivation to comply with the specific referents
Beliefs that specific referents think I should
or should not perform the behavior
Evaluation of the outcomes
Attitude toward the behavior
Subjective Norm
17Comparing A vs. Aact
18Attitude-toward-the-Ad Model
- Very specific to understanding the impact of
advertising on consumer attitudes about a
particular product or brand. - Exposure to advertising affects
attitude-toward-the ad and attitude-toward-the
19Attitude-toward-the-Ad Model
- Very specific to understanding the impact of
advertising on consumer attitudes about a
particular product or brand. - Exposure to advertising directly affects beliefs
about the ad and brand, and feelings about the
ad. - Exposure to advertising indirectly affects
attitude toward the brand and attitude toward the
20Exposure to ad
Feelings from the ad (affect)
Judgments about the ad (cognition)
Attitude toward the ad
Beliefs about the brand
Attitude toward the brand
21How Can Marketers Change Attitudes?
- Alter components of multiattribute model
- Increase belief ratings for the brand
- Increase the importance of a key attribute
- Decrease the importance of a weak attribute
- Add an entirely new attribute
- Decrease belief ratings for competitive brands
22Changing attitudes.
- Change beliefs and attitudes through persuasion
- Elaboration likelihood model of persuasion (ELM)
23Motivation to Elaborate
Ability to Elaborate
Amount of Elaboration
Peripheral Route to Persuasion
Central Route to Persuasion
Message Arguments Determine persuasion
Peripheral Cues Determine persuasion
24High-involvement processing
Cognitive responses
Belief and attitude change
Behavior change
Central route
Communication (source,message, channel)
Attention and comprehension
Peripheral route
Low-involvement processing
Belief change
Behavior change
Attitude change
25Changing attitudes...
- Changing attitudes directly though behavior
- Cognitive Dissonance Theories
- Balance Theory
- Social Judgment Theory
- Attribution Theory
26Balance Theory
- Consumers strive for consistency between
interconnected attitudes. - Marketers can influence attitudes by creating
imbalance within the target of persuasion--motivat
es consumer to change one or more of the
interconnected attitudes to restore balance.
27Social Judgment Theory
- Consumers use attitudes as a frame of reference
to judge new information. - If high involvement
- Narrow latitude of acceptance
- Wide latitude of rejection
- Assimilation effect
- Contrast effect
- If low involvement
- Wide latitude of acceptance
- Wide latitude of noncommitment
28Attribution Theory
- Consumers make inferences about behaviors, assign
causality--blame or credit--to events on the
basis of their or others behaviors. - In the process of assigning causality, form
attitudes. - Marketing implications
- Offer high quality products
- Advertising should emphasize quality.
- Moderate-sized incentives.